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good lad/lass. 360's are great. So many good games it's saddening to think how much money has gone into it.


I have 40 360 games and 46 arcade games and 1 XBOX original.


Imagine how much i've spent... >_>

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I have 40 360 games and 46 arcade games and 1 XBOX original.


Imagine how much i've spent... >_>


Depends how savey a consumer you are. Unless it's a must have release I rarely stray far outside the "2 for £40" range. Should be buying a lot of Wii games by next Christmas, just you see.

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N+ - Really hard but great.

Bomberman Live - Alot of fun.

Rez HD - Love the game to death.

Metal Slug 3 - Played alot.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Classic.

Space Giraffe - Wish i hadn't.

Puzzle Fighter HD - Hard but cool.

E4 (Every Extended Extra Extreme) - Amazing fun.

Jetpac Refuelled - Great

Feeding Frenzy - Over priced but alright.

PAC-MAN - Had points spare

Pac-Man C.E. - Fucking awesome

Geometry Wars Evolved - Amazing.

Marble Blast Ultra - Played alot, really good.

Castlevania - Symphony of the Night - Got 1/3rd way through it.

Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting - Played to death.

Exit - Fucking hard.

Mutant Storm Empire - Great.

Boom Boom Rocket - Fantastic.

Fatal Fury Special - Hard as nails but a classic.

Golden Axe - Great.

TMNT 1989 Arcade - Great fun.

Sonic The Hedgehog - Classic.

Prince of Persia - Great.

Centipede & Millipede - Shit.

Uno - Great.

Rush'n Attack - Fairly bad.

Paperboy - Great.

Dig Dug - Fucking awesome.

Double Dragon - Hardly played.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - Amazing.

Assualt Heroes - Not bad.

Alien Hominid HD - Great.

DOOM - Fucking awesome.

Smash TV - So-so.

Cloning Clyde - Awesome.


Bought in XBLA sale

Small Arms - Shit.

Gauntlet - Not bad.



Hexic HD - Free with console, not bad.

Undertow - Free, due to XBL downage. Quite bad.

Carcassonne - Free, Live is 5ive promotion. Love it.

TotemBall - Free with XBL Vision Camera, total bollocks.

Texas Hold'em - Free for limited time, quite cool.


Trial still on gamercard







That was a great time waster...

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Guest Stefkov
I have 40 360 games and 46 arcade games and 1 XBOX original.


Imagine how much i've spent... >_>

If I had a steady income and didn't sell my games when I needed more then I'd probably be over the 30 mark with 360 games. Arcade only 27.

If only...


Back to the topic on hand. Bollocks.

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Had some good news today, a friends been in touch and has invited me down to theirs for a weekend of fetish fun on the 22nd of March. Should be good, they have their own dungeon.

Man, I wish I had my own dungeon... not for fetish reasons, just for the sake of having a dungeon. If I were rich, I'd trick out my house with secret passageways behind bookcases and the like.


Anyway, my day has been one of procrastination so far. I need to do this damn essay on why fish are better fathers than mammals.

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Today was awfully boringgggg. Six hours of lectures. With the first one having the Sociology teacher saying violent videogames are bad. Pfffff.

Second was Psychology which was boring as ever (the guy just reads the slides in the most boring tone you can imagine); I had to drink a can of coke to keep me busy and awake.

Third was Literature which again wasn't very interesting, plus the prof makes crude jokes and the like (they can be funny but not always). So me and my friend left an hour early and went to drink a hot chocolate with whipped cream. Yum!


Weekend will be busy, as I need to:

  • finish two animations due Monday (though one we can hand in till Friday luckily)
  • find information on some architect and work out a layout scheme for the brochure I have to make on him
  • work out some images related to a play
  • work on sketches for a caricature and cartoon drawing
  • start/finish a painting for my uncle's birthday on Sunday


This is all due the next four days. @_____@

Oh, plus I need to spend about four hours on Saturday and Sunday at work too... Days are too short!

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Not that great, I've discovered something. People fuck me off. Why do some people find it pleasurable to take the piss out of someone else for a "good laugh?". I just don't get it.




Also, a mate made me all sticky second lesson. So I then made her sticky. Pepsi is really annoying when it's on your clothes! Also, Me and my best mate chases our AWESOME teacher round college shouting "Money!!!" whilst holding a charity bucket. We eventually caught up, and she gave in.

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Human nature, not a lot you can do about it.


Yeah? Well human nature is an arse. Surely people can see someone is getting fucked off and realise they should stop? Taking the piss out of someone is funny, taking the piss out of yourself is funnier. Taking the piss of out someone and taking it too far really isn't.

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Man, I wish I had my own dungeon... not for fetish reasons, just for the sake of having a dungeon. If I were rich, I'd trick out my house with secret passageways behind bookcases and the like.

A moat would be a good call, too. Although it would probably be full of shopping trolleys by the end of the week.


Thinking about it, how do you fit a dungeon? Is it a DIY job, or can you get a specialist in that won't get too inquisitive? No doubt these questions and many more I never knew I wanted to ask will be answered in a new Channel 4 series starting next year: A Place Out Of The Sun.

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Lecture at 9, always too early. Watched Fight Club. Then went to town and procrastinated for several hours playing Eledees, Zach and Wiki and We Love Katamari.


Trying to do some assignment work, just going through it adding more critical analysis of research methods used. Boring. Going to give up at 10, iron my uniform, pack stuff for the weekend and shower. Then curl up in bed with Arrested Development.


Last day of work tomorrow :D!

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Had a pretty good day. Dragon Quest IV is 99.62% complete, I just have to work through a few more battle messages which are going to be REALLY annoying to get because they are almost completely random. :indeed:


I also found out some sneaky info on Dragon Quest Swords for the Wii...or whatever its called! Mwahahaha!!! :p

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