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Urgh, class has officially been going on for one hour already, yet our teacher still hasn't shown up. How fun. Means I could've slept for two more hours had they notified us. -______-;


And I really could've used the extra sleep cause I'm a mess. Still have the headache I got yesterday too.




Hahah wow, and now the teacher finally shows up, an hour late. Without an apology even. Blah.


Today is going to be a long and boring day. Just have to try not to fall asleep today during classes.=/

At least my X-files boxset got dispatched, so should be getting that this or next week.

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Well just had my weird moment of the day, we just got someone who is studying to become a teacher and will be teaching us the next 2 weeks.

And of course we have to do some weird name game so she can get to know us

The game? We sit in a circle and say our name and something "special" about us, if someone else has they have to sit in your lap and you have to say something else about you...

Because nothing says French like someone sitting in your lap

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i got my certificate of eligibility today!!!!! :yay: i can go to london tomorrow to apply for my working visa! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! gak! that means i have to take some more passport photos of myself >___<

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My day just got more complicated.

I was planning on buying myself some new corsets with the money I saved at the weekend, but I've just spotted these really nice shoes. It would be nice if I could get my waist down a few more inches, but a girl can never have enough shoes.

What to do, what to do?

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My day just got more complicated.

I was planning on buying myself some new corsets with the money I saved at the weekend, but I've just spotted these really nice shoes. It would be nice if I could get my waist down a few more inches, but a girl can never have enough shoes.

What to do, what to do?

if you ever see those shoes that have goldfish in the platforms: you must buy them. the ministry of bluey demands it. :blank:


my day is about to get boring! off to work :smile: but i'm going for a TWO HOUR SHIFT (bah! so dumb!) to hand in my notice.


"dear boss,

i'm moving to japan so i cant work for you anymore - the commute wouldnt be worth it... especially as you've got me working TWO hour shifts!! ridiculous!!!"


et ceteraaaaaa..... ^__^

wish me lucks! :indeed:

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Corset, corsets are always good rokhed!


My day from when I last posted a message...well the college can get fucked.


The first lesson the teacher decided we aren't worth teaching no we've finished the units so he went off to find another teacher, only to come back tell us to work and work off. So we finished the lesson on time without any teacher and because we had the same room came back and logged back in.


That same teacher came back with another class STOLE our class room without informing anybody and left us with no room to use computers in. So now my timetable has been changed. He then had the utter CHEEK to say first years were more important...actually I think you'll find I'm just as important because my grades count now for uni...****.


Because of that we had to follow our next teacher round for half an hour only for him to say there wasn't a room so we had a three hour break, came back to our next teacher (who for the record pisses me off anyway and needs to get some decent fitting clothes) and told us to go 45 minutes early because she couldn't be bothered..


thanks college, get fucked ^.^


Not only that but sheffield still haven't got back to me, wow they really care about the people who wish to give money so they can be taught there, they can get fucked too...-.-


Bad mood.


ps, I have to work two hour shifts bluey at 3.94 an hour by the time i've got there and the cost in petrol/buses I only get halve the money I'd earn in those two hours...



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Because at the time it was the only job going.


I should hopefully be able to get another job, but by the time I find one I'll have raised myself to 6quid an hour through a pay rise which should be happening soon, then when I hit 18 then working 6 months for the company...plus I get a transfer to anywhere in the country.


I wouldn't mind if the shifts weren't so bad, but 3:30pm til 7:30 is a wank shift I'd work alot better if I just did 8am til 8pm, but they don't see it like that. -.-

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I get double when I work holidays...except I never do because I don't want to work holidays, the fact that's keeping me with them is the transfer, most jobs I've asked about won't even give you one even when working with them for 6months, it means I'll have money at uni and can then find another job if I need to.


Right now some money is better than none.

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Have finally got people to want to go to leads fest with me. Now it's just waiting for the tickets to become available. Hoping to camp there from friday to sunday.


Also, almost ready to book tickets to New york for the new year. I really can't wait to go!


Argh! I'm so behind with my biology. I have 3 and a half months to do 8 months worth of the course, without any teacher. I need an A too. I'm so utterly screwed. *high fives*

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Argh! I'm so behind with my biology. I have 3 and a half months to do 8 months worth of the course, without any teacher. I need an A too. I'm so utterly screwed. *high fives*

Assuming this is A-level, get the textbook, and memorise it over a few weekends. I effectively did my entire biology course when "revising" for the exam.

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Is that some kind of dog collar enthusiasts convention?


Of course. :yay:


I lie. It's just a big festival with masses of bands.


Apparently I shouldn't take more than a 2 man tent, on the sunday people come round and burn big tents. (Or so I've been told). Funsies.


Assuming this is A-level, get the textbook, and memorise it over a few weekends. I effectively did my entire biology course when "revising" for the exam.


Yup, AS Biology. So, by reading the textbook a few times, I should beable to get the basics covered? Right! I'm seeing one of the science teachers in college tomorrow, they can give me a book. They told me they'd give me one, but haven't bothered. I've got a big folder I got (bought the course online) but it's not that helpful. Thanks for the tip.:)

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Of course. :yay:


I lie. It's just a big festival with masses of bands.


Apparently I shouldn't take more than a 2 man tent, on the sunday people come round and burn big tents. (Or so I've been told). Funsies.


pssh take a four man tent, right now there's loads of sales so you can get one dirt cheap, the reason they get so expensive because may starts the festival season..


I get a 4-man tent for 30quid...



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