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Oh, and my day.


Another successful day off, played a good couple of hours of HL2, pwned up some bitches in CS, i was on a 25:3 (Kills:Deaths) streak, then i switched teams to even it out and pwned up my old team mates, best game i've had in a long time.


Also, i cleared 30gb of HDD space by turning off Windows back up.

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Went to bed around 3.30 and woke up at 7 but it was okay as I was still a bit drunk so it wasn't difficult to get up. But then someone text me saying they are ill and wouldn't be coming in but I know he went out last night and I know he got pissed. So that annoyed me. Then started feeling the effects of last night slowly during the day but I made it through and just watched Heroes with my housemate. So its okay, all in all.


My housemate's boyfriend just arrived actually and I answered the door (as I live in what is meant to be the front room) and he reminded me I left a drunked rambly note to my housemate. Which amused me thinking about it. Good times.

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My day consisted of reading a little of "Songs of Innocence and of Experience," as I might get interviewed on it, and basically, playing Street Fighter until my eyes watered. Meh, wish I had enough cash to get Season 3 of House MD on dvd :(.


I've also realised, that I know almost every single line spoken in the first 3 seasons of Scrubs, aswell as the episode name and number from which they came. God help me.

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My day consisted of reading a little of "Songs of Innocence and of Experience," as I might get interviewed on it, and basically, playing Street Fighter until my eyes watered. Meh, wish I had enough cash to get Season 3 of House MD on dvd :(.


I've also realised, that I know almost every single line spoken in the first 3 seasons of Scrubs, aswell as the episode name and number from which they came. God help me.


Ahhh Blake! one of the better A level books we had to do! pwnt the exam aswell!

and with scrubs its all about the dr casey casam episode :)

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My days been not so bad.

Work as... like work. Letty came over, we made dinner and other things.


Played some CoD4, winding down with some sweet, sweet Halo 3 music.

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It turns out the book I was going to read for my Oxford interview was intended to 2nd year degree students and that became apparent when I understood bugger all about the first chaptor. Now I have to hurry up and super-fast read another book by Sunday.

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Ahhh Blake! one of the better A level books we had to do! pwnt the exam aswell!

and with scrubs its all about the dr casey casam episode :)


You got to do it for A level? Man, what luck. Although, our AS level texts were awesome; Paradise Lost, Gatsby...er, can't remember what else...our A2 texts were lame; Rime of The Ancient Mariner, was more than a bit dull.

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You got to do it for A level? Man, what luck. Although, our AS level texts were awesome; Paradise Lost, Gatsby...er, can't remember what else...our A2 texts were lame; Rime of The Ancient Mariner, was more than a bit dull.


What the hell! our AS was carol ann duffy, taming of the shrew, handmaids tale and the ever elequant Christopher Marlowe's Dr Faustus!


A2 was war.. owen, faulks, blake, sasson, regeneration trilogy etc etccc

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Guest Stefkov

Insulation tape eh...


My day has been a joy. I spent about 3 hours playing Eternal Sonata and loving every minute. Then stuck in Fifa, and got annoyed. Got pestered by my dad abou tplaying games too much. Then went on the internet. Then played Fifa. This process went on a bit. Until now. I'm listening to the Haruhi closing song and I feel happy.

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What the hell! our AS was carol ann duffy, taming of the shrew, handmaids tale and the ever elequant Christopher Marlowe's Dr Faustus!


A2 was war.. owen, faulks, blake, sasson, regeneration trilogy etc etccc


AS Texts look great...no idea about the A2 ones though, never come across them before o_0

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AS Texts look great...no idea about the A2 ones though, never come across them before o_0




faulks (birdsong)





^ about solidiers trying to grasp with the fact of shell shock happening back when they didnt know it existed in a mental hospital. good book imo



AS Texts look great...no idea about the A2 ones though, never come across them before o_0




faulks (birdsong)





^ about solidiers trying to grasp with the fact of shell shock happening back when they didnt know it existed in a mental hospital. good book imo



Edit: post has gone to pot XD ignore most of it :P

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Sinterklaas left candy at our house!!!! =D

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


I haven't gotten candy for Sinterklaas in years so this was really unexpected and made my day! I went downstairs to make my breakfast and there were three plates (one for each of us) on the table filled with candy! Yay! =D


School so far is meh, but the thought of candy waiting for me at home is making me happy. XD

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What in fucks name is Sinterklaas.


Santa Claus?... Man i hope you know he's obviously not real in any way shape or form.


Hell, he's about as real as the 'facts' behind most religions.


EDIT: Just for the record, yes, i'm an arsehole... plus i'm extremely tired :D

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What in fucks name is Sinterklaas.


Santa Claus?... Man i hope you know he's obviously not real in any way shape or form.


Hell, he's about as real as the 'facts' behind most religions.


EDIT: Just for the record, yes, i'm an arsehole... plus i'm extremely tired :D


Sinterklaas is the -real- Santa Claus, who is a fake man trying to imitate Sinterklaas. =P


He brings candy and toys to the good kids on the night of 5 to 6 December. And apparently me and my sisters have been good kids. =D


And I'm extremely tired too, but that doesn't turn me into an asshole. =P

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Sinterklaas is the -real- Santa Claus, who is a fake man trying to imitate Sinterklaas. =P


He brings candy and toys to the good kids on the night of 5 to 6 December. And apparently me and my sisters have been good kids. =D


And I'm extremely tired too, but that doesn't turn me into an asshole. =P



According to Wikipedia, this is him:




He just looks like the pope with a dodgy beard.

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According to Wikipedia, this is him:




He just looks like the pope with a dodgy beard.


He was a saint (Sint Nikolaas is his name, Sint being Saint of course; but the name gets changed to Sinterklaas) and there's tons of stories about how he saved little children and stuff.


And Santa Claus is based on Sinterklaas, except of course Coca Cola gave him his current red clothes and stuff. But they're basically the same, except Sinterklaas rides on a white horse (and arrives to Flanders in a steamboat) on the rooftops and has helpers and they also come through the chimney. And you set out your shoe or a plate and leave sugar cubes or a carrot for the horse and something yummy for the Sint (beer =P ).

Basically, he's the one all kids will be looking forward to all year long. There's home videos of us as kids discovering a mountain of toys and candy in the morning and going all "Wheeee!". ^_______^

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Is he allowed to ride a steamboat?! It feels like cheating to me!


The popular North American form Santa Claus originated as a mispronunciation of Dutch Sinterklaas, which in turn is a contracted form of Sint Nicolaas (Saint Nicholas). However, the Dutch Sinterklaas is very different from Santa Claus in many ways



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