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Resident evil 4 Mobilephone edition


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You know...


This makes RE5: Wii Edition more likely.


I wouldn't hold my breath. Nobody knows when Resi 5 is due out yet, if it follows the Resi 4 pattern then it would be just as likely that a port is made to Wii's successor. Porting a 360/PS3 game to Wii is quite a big job!

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I wouldn't hold my breath. Nobody knows when Resi 5 is due out yet, if it follows the Resi 4 pattern then it would be just as likely that a port is made to Wii's successor. Porting a 360/PS3 game to Wii is quite a big job!


Just like porting RE4 to a mobile phone. That's why I said this makes it more likely (even if it's still unlikely).

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that looks sweet wonder if my phone could do it , does say 3d gaming , something my friend said when i showed him , "it says mobile , maybe mobile as in mobile computer as in hand held thing" stupid thing to say but would make a point


The game was playable at TGS and it was running on mobile phones.

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Just like porting RE4 to a mobile phone. That's why I said this makes it more likely (even if it's still unlikely).


This can not be a port, this looks like a simplified from the ground-up version which would probably take only a small team of devs to make.


A ground-up Wii version of RE5 would probably take a bigger team than the one that's making Umbrella Chronicles, although it could be on the cards if UC sells well.

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Just like porting RE4 to a mobile phone. That's why I said this makes it more likely (even if it's still unlikely).


It takes time though. How many years is it since RE4 first came out now? Capcom will likely finish RE5 on 360 and PS3 first (due to them being pretty much the same version), then look at porting to other mediums. Wii is a big job, not just because of hardware limitations but because of the controller too, they'd be practically building from the ground up.

By the time they finish the 360/PS3 version (another 2 years?), then get the Wii version done (12-18 months?) we could easily be into the next generation - making a Wii2 version more likely

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If a mobile can make games like this, why don't we have more 3D adventures on the DS?


The DS is limited by 3 factors:

ARM9 = slow assed CPU, most mobiles are now on ARM11, significantly faster.

Storage = The data on 3D games has to be compressed a large amount, hense why some games actually have loading times now.

RAM = The DS has 4MB ram that has to be shared across two CPU's... and it ain't particularly fast.

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