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Shiiiiiit! My mistake, yea Black Isle using the infinity engine that Bioware used for Baldurs Gate. Baldurs Gate might be approximated to Dragon Age...but with more to do and a deeper story. Icewind Dale was also Interplay Black Isle I think, but honestly can't remember, my mind is going.


Also of note, Icewind Dale= Combat with some story.

Baldurs Gate= a good mixture of both.

Planescape Torment= All about the story, weakest but passable combat/gameplay.


Really though...Minsc alone is a better character than all of Mass Effect and Dragon Age. That's just my thought on how Bioware has changed though.

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Grabbed myself plants vs zombies, overload 1 (getting 2 at some point today/tomorrow.) and now just bought creaVures.


Just buying lots of cheap indie games that take my fancy as I already have magicka, terraria, portal 1 & 2.


If anybody knows any amazing side-scrollers indie games, let me know. :D

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Wow, Rage is such a colossal piece of shit. A threadbare shooting gallery basically built as window dressing for a fairly impressive technology demo. The lack of dynamic lighting makes it look even more lifeless than Borderlands though, and the lack of skill leveling removes even that basic compulsion to play through the thing. What a waste of £14.99.

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Wow, Rage is such a colossal piece of shit. A threadbare shooting gallery basically built as window dressing for a fairly impressive technology demo. The lack of dynamic lighting makes it look even more lifeless than Borderlands though, and the lack of skill leveling removes even that basic compulsion to play through the thing. What a waste of £14.99.


I agree. Felt mislead.

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That said, it is still an id game, and bears some of the best hallmarks of that studio; the primary one being just the fact that the base level shooting is pretty great, aiming is fluid as hell, and everything I expect to hit, I do. The weapons are pretty interesting in the way that you have multiple ammunition types, although I haven't had the opportuning to test them so far, unfortunately, everything seems so fucking scripted that the possibility of enemy reaction being different depending on what I do just seems laughable. There is pretty much no "AI" to speak of in this game.


Contrast that with Bulletstorm which I just finished, and wow, what a colossal difference. It is most definitely one of the best shooters I've played in recent memory, and has just a manic sense of fun about it. Love that ish.

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I can certainly concur that RAGE has absolutely silky smooth controls. Nothing else compares.


I've actually just started Bulletstorm tonight, my judgment is that it's kind of fun. Can't say I'd be willing to pay more than the $5 I did (ESPECIALLY with GFWLive being such a shitty fucking component).

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I can certainly concur that RAGE has absolutely silky smooth controls. Nothing else compares.


I've actually just started Bulletstorm tonight, my judgment is that it's kind of fun. Can't say I'd be willing to pay more than the $5 I did (ESPECIALLY with GFWLive being such a shitty fucking component).


QUOTED FOR TRUTH. GFW is a major caveat when picking a game to play. Thought I would test out how bad it was by buying Bioshock 2 when it was on STEAM sale (important, bought it from steam but still needs GFW). Took more than a day (lot of time on my hands) to finally stop my game crashing as soon as GFW kicked in. Eventually found out that I can't launch the game via Steam and expect to reach the loading screen, has to be launched from windows.

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Alternate titles for Dear Esther:


Holding down W: The Game

Purple Prose: The Game


The Kotaku review made me laugh, at least. He said there was nothing to the game except the story, and he didn't like the story at all. He still recommended that people play it, though, because it's so ~unique~. Who cares about that if it's not good? You don't have to recommend it just because it's different, you know. It's okay not to like it. :indeed:

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To be fair, the one thing Dear Esther has going for it in my opinion is that it's pretty. :heh:


A lot of people seem to like it, though, so there must be something good about it. To me, it was just metaphors within metaphors and slowly walking around for an hour and a half. I guess I was hoping the story would be somewhat interesting or that it would have some sort of emotional resonance, but it was just too dull.



Yes, but that's Kotaku. They're the worst source you could possibly go to for gaming criticism outside of IGN.

Hmm, I don't know. IGN doesn't have Bashcraft.


I can't believe I used to read IGN regularly at one point. Their television reviews were the shallowest things every written. "This thing happened, then this thing happened, and at the end of the episode this thing happened. It was okay. 6/10." But that's IGN for you, I guess - critical thinking is strictly forbidden.

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