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Parents against the Wii Zapper


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Absolutely ridiculous:


The 'games make kids violent' furore has now turned its fiery attention on Nintendo as the company gears up to launch the gun-shaped Wii Blaster Remote attachment.


Angry parents are in fits over Nintendo's decision to release the peripheral for the family-orientated console. "Great, this is what we need," said one furious parent blogger. "Children with guns learning how to aim and shoot. Then we can sit back and wonder what is happening to our country with kids killing kids."


They added: "What's next? Could we make it squirt blood, too?" Well, no because it would go all over the TV and that would be rubbish.


"Why don't they enclose an application to the NRA (National Rifle Association) in every box as well? The marketing person who came up with this brain child of an idea should be fired," commented a "very concerned grandparent".


Another said in the US blog: "I think it's irresponsible for Wii to come out with a controller that looks like a gun. What kind of message are we sending as parents when we buy these things for our kids?" If you think it's irresponsible, why would you buy it for your child?


Is it not down to the parent to take responsibility for what games their children own and play?




It's not like they have an obligation to buy it, so why are they complaining?


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And what about arcade games aswell? I'm sure parents have seen them at Airports, Bowling Allies,and Laser Quest and that's more life-like than the zapper and I don't see them moaning at that. But no, when a shell which is less like a gun than those arcade machines get's announced, all hell get's stirred up.

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Well my parents never complained when I was playing with my Nes Zapper and SNES Super Scope as a kid. Heck, they joined in the fun with me. Is playing cop's and robber's, cowboys etc as a youngster,where you either pretend to shoot your friends with toy guns or your finger, in the park wrong to do so too? PC is taking over the world.

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Shouldn't they be more worried about the actual guns that people can just get their hands on like it's candy or something? Pffff, if they think this is bad, then they also shouldn't allow their kids to play with water guns, those Nerf guns and whatever other kind of toy guns.

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Tits. They don't have a right to comment on anything until they get rid of their preconceptions of videogames being for kids. Not only that, but it's not like it's freely available, you have to buy it. Not something you are forced to do is it? "Kids killing kids." Pfft, well if I was the kid of a person stupid enough to make comments as reactionary as that, I'd seriously consider removing myself from the gene pool.

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THIS IS WHY GAMES HAVE AGE RATINGS!!!!! For gods sake this stuff anoys me. If they buy there young boy Umbrellas Cronicles with the wii zapper then there just stupid. And the comment made above is a great point! I have played against many young boys on Rainbow 6 and Gears of War on the 360 over live! So if parents are so conserned how the hell are all this kids playing these games!

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as it happens, the wiimote also could be mistaken for a dildo. one that vibrates if applied correctly.


and what's wrong with a game where you shoot at zombies? should zombies ever appear at a family cookout, parents shall be gratefull for their children's leet clipping skills.

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They best not go into an arcade place. They'd prolly be on the floor dying of fits, how many gun games there are in there.

Time Crisis, House of the Dead, Virtua Cop, Sniper game, loads of them yet the home console is always picked on.


Don't buy it for your kids you idiots.


It said that it was a parents bollger site or something, I think someone should actually make a comment on not buying it to them.

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Well, that's coming from America, surprise, surprise. When will americans finally realize that the problem with their country is not in movies, music or games, it's in their stupid gun laws where they actually promote gun ownership and extreme patriotism. Every or most countries in the world have exactly the same movies, music and games that the US has, but the levels of violence are not nearly as much because gun ownership laws are a lot different, more restricted.

Brasil is another country that has kind of the same gun laws as the US and look at their ultra violent society too. In Europe it's different, guns are not so easily acquired, and although there still is violence (violence is part of the world for millennia, it wasn't invented with video games) it's nothing compared to those countries with more loose laws.


Americans need to understand that THEY are the problem, their society and their laws, not the games, movies or music. Ideologies are mainly what makes people violent in the modern world, not entertainment.

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