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Halo 3 is awsum


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Grifball is alright in moderation. I played it earlier for a quick blast and scored loads of goals. Good stuff. But the new maps really are sublime, completely different feeling to any of the others and completely different combat. You got open area fighting, walkway fighting and corridor fighting. Love it.

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I always play Grifball whenever it's up, mainly because our is pretty awesome at it and we can get some ridiculous K/Ds (got +70 one game).


I suppose it's form over function, but tbh I think it looks ok. There's alot of ways you can play with lighting, which helps.


really though, I'd prefer the bare bones look over anything too elaborate. Look how restrictive and ugly Foundry turned out to be!


I think they should have given the option to choose different skins/themes for Sandbox, the desert-ness isn't the prettiest design.


The best maps on Foundry were the MLG ones, the ones Bungie made were all pretty wank.

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Anyone up for a Plasma Pistol fight?

Im not really good but it sounds like fun.

Few nades, a Plasma Pistol, and your fist!


Also, has anyone actually tried this as a game tactic?

Its amazing how quickly you kill with a PP and a BR.

You lower their shields and switch, it works from any dstance, the tricky bit it getting the plasma to hit.

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