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You know the picture canadian/aussie cigarette packs have?


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Gah. I hate this stuff. I´m a smoker - and to truly beleave that to put some picture on the pack should put me off smoking is pretty much the most idiotic thought ever.

It´s not like we don´t know it´s dangerous. It´s not like we don´t know it damages the lungs. Anyone who starts smoking can´t really come along in forty years and say "I didn´t know the consequenses" with all the "scarecrows" put up along the way.


We have been fed with anti smoke propaganda since the day that we were born - and still, we smoke. And you know what? I like smoking. And have never considered quitting.

Smokers today know about the consequenses (sp?), and smoke nonetheless - because we like it. No better way to kick off the day than to have a stroll around the block with my dog and a morning cigarette. Lovely.



Oh, and if it takes away the last ten years of my life? Yes please! Those miserable last ten I can do without - with diseases in every corner of my body. The human body aint designed to last over 60 years. That´s a fact.

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smoking is a stupid addiction. every one can stop it (if they really want to) and to the ones who smoke, that you smoke to kill your self is fine by me but the smoke you create is also hurting the people around you so please take note if you see non smoking people around you. (smoke outside)


i hope every one stops smoking soon (like i did) ps it saves so mush money in one month that you can buy an extra game of it every month O.o (more games less time to smoke)

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The pictures aren't for existing smokers, though some may be dissuaded, i think it's more for teenagers and the like who are stupid and don't realise how bad smoking is for your lungs, and teeth, ad you generally, and your pocket, and your hygiene lol



It's your choice if you smoke, but smoking costs the NHS so much as it's related and the cause of so many diseases. This is why you pay so much tax on tobacco, and is why the government is trying so hard to make people stop the fecking stupid habit.


For me a cup of tea in the morning beats inhaling of hundreds of chemicals and carcinogens and mutagens for the sake of some nicotine.

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Gah. I hate this stuff. I´m a smoker - and to truly beleave that to put some picture on the pack should put me off smoking is pretty much the most idiotic thought ever.

It´s not like we don´t know it´s dangerous. It´s not like we don´t know it damages the lungs. Anyone who starts smoking can´t really come along in forty years and say "I didn´t know the consequenses" with all the "scarecrows" put up along the way.


We have been fed with anti smoke propaganda since the day that we were born - and still, we smoke. And you know what? I like smoking. And have never considered quitting.

Smokers today know about the consequenses (sp?), and smoke nonetheless - because we like it. No better way to kick off the day than to have a stroll around the block with my dog and a morning cigarette. Lovely.



Oh, and if it takes away the last ten years of my life? Yes please! Those miserable last ten I can do without - with diseases in every corner of my body. The human body aint designed to last over 60 years. That´s a fact.


You tell that to your grandchildren who will not remember you

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"In the end, the tipping point for me came when i went to visit a close friend who was dying of lung cancer. He had become a heavy smoker in his late teens and had finlly succumbed aged 60. "i hate to be sanctimoniou and hypocritical," he said, "but don't smoke any more. I'm all for living life to the full and bugger the consequences, but I'm lying in bed and it's like there's an elphant on my chest. Death has no real fears for me but I don't want to die in a state of fear and panic. That frightens me." It frightened me too and i gave up a few days later."


todays telegraph, made me sad

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And you know what? I like smoking. And have never considered quitting.

Smokers today know about the consequenses (sp?), and smoke nonetheless - because we like it.

That's fantastic, seriously. But why do you like it?

Depends of how early I get kids and how early they get theirs really...

My parents was grandparents at the age of 40.. soo..

20 years a piece. So by the time they're 60 they'll have great-grandchildren, following the trend of course, but to due the kiddies getting preggers at younger age, it might even be 55. How long will you wait sparky?

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The people who are all "yeah I smoke because I like it, I don't care that it's hurting me" are the people who disappoint me the most. When it comes to death, you're not supposed to be worried about yourself, but the effect on your loved ones. Not only might you cause your spouse and children immense grief by ending your life painfully and unjustly early, but you might actually kill them off too. Imagine your fifteen year old grandson finding out he has a year to live due to lung cancer he caught from you.


If you're going to keep smoking no matter what people say to you, fine, some people just can't be helped. But please, don't post here about how you don't care if you might die early. That's so fucking selfish it makes me sick.

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If you're going to keep smoking no matter what people say to you, fine, some people just can't be helped. But please, don't post here about how you don't care if you might die early. That's so fucking selfish it makes me sick.

Everyone in my family smokes, Everyone in my family will probably die early, to be honest i would rather die at sixty relatively happy than at 80 being all crippled and crap, My grandmother was 80 when she died and it was horrible, she was ill for about a year and the whole process was drawn out, my grandfather died suddenly about 10 years earlier, i can tell you which was easier. Dieing younger isn't always bad.

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it's insane how smokers reason with themselfs to justify their disgusting addiction... seriously. get a grip people.


my grandmother bacame 130 years old, and when she died she was all criple and sick and what not! jesus fucking christ, better start snorting massive amounts of cocaine to see that never happens! and holy fucking shit! my grandfather needed a walking cane when he was 90. what the fuck! don't ever want that shit to happen to me. guess i'll just put this here gun to my head and blow my brains out! that'll teach them. yeah.


from an other point of view, smokers do tend to remind us that darwin was one smart son of a bitch

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it's insane how smokers reason with themselfs to justify their disgusting addiction... seriously. get a grip people.


my grandmother bacame 130 years old, and when she died she was all criple and sick and what not! jesus fucking christ, better start snorting massive amounts of cocaine to see that never happens! and holy fucking shit! my grandfather needed a walking cane when he was 90. what the fuck! don't ever want that shit to happen to me. guess i'll just put this here gun to my head and blow my brains out! that'll teach them. yeah.


from an other point of view, smokers do tend to remind us that darwin was one smart son of a bitch


You really don't need to swear so much and grammar helps a lot.


I saw a picture of someone off this forum with a cigarette, very disappointing.

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No matter what the Goverments do to try a dissuade people from smoking they don't want people to stop completely.


Why? All the tax of course. A pack of 20 costs €7.10 here in Ireland (about £4.82) and that is made up of loads and loads of tax and duty. The goverments make so much moeny from smokers and it goes to finance roads and education and health services etc that they will never get rid of smokes completely.

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It's your choice if you smoke, but smoking costs the NHS so much as it's related and the cause of so many diseases. This is why you pay so much tax on tobacco, and is why the government is trying so hard to make people stop the fecking stupid habit.


In 1998 the NHS estimated smokers cost them around £2b, in 1998 the government recieved over £10b in taxes from tobacco.


We'll write that on your gravestone.


You can do that, but I doubt he'll have died from lung cancer ;)

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Okay, this is one of those threads that's really caught my attention and i just feel i've got to post.


I think alot of the responses are not only selfish but also blindlingly ignornant or blocking out the truth of lung cancer.


A year ago my mum was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Words can't properly describe the affect it has, both now and also in the future. This past year i've taken my mum to countless hospital appointments, seen her go through radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Seen her suffer both physically and mentally, so many days she is suffering mentally, the pain she is in, it's incredibly hard to see, knowing what she'll miss. And it does have a huge effect on those around you, i had strongly considered quitting univerity when i found out and getting through the stress of the last year while coping with the home situation was very very difficult and stressful. But what is worse is the future, i am scared, i will end up completely alone and will have to see and deal with so much, with basiclly no support.


You guys can talk about having kids at 20 and having grandchrildren at 40, but that is over looking so much. Those people in your life that you grow so close to, yeah you might see them being born but that's only the start of someone's life, you'd miss out on so many special moments in their lives. I am so thankful my mum was there for my graduation, that was a special day in my life and it was right she got to share it. But she won't be there for when i eventually get a phd to celebrate that with me, when i'll be on a very high salvery and could of really treat her special. It's even questionable if she'll be there to see my brother get married in January. So many days and moments in the future just wont feel right.

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EDIT: Ok this post isn't aimed at you LukeLee, just bad timing...


I'm a smoker. I like to think i'm a fairly considerate smoker, which is why I hate it when others complain about my smoking. I like having the freedom to smoke if I wish, and I hate having the freedom - to not hear you tell me how smoking is bad - broken. Bah. Shh.


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EDIT: Ok this post isn't aimed at you LukeLee, just bad timing...


It's okay, I still think that it's a personal choice and i'm not trying to push anyone to quit, didnt intend to sound preachy. We all know the basics on paper, it's just when it goes bad it feels alot different for many people. All I would really say is that if you've got someone in your life that means alot to you (that's good to start with) then i think it's a habbit worth quitting in the long run.


Although, I have to wonder how smokers are not more bitter about how much it costs. God, i'm annoyed I have to pay £5.50 to get the train to work every day, couldn't imagine spending £20-£40 a week on something that doesn't last.

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Ok, people, don´t get all carried away here. I´m not saying I smoke to end life earlier. But hell. The fact is; everyone dies.

My granduncle was a smoker from young age to he was 90 (and they didn´t have the filters back then). When he was ninety the government started heavy anti-smoker propaganda - and he quit smoking in an instant. He even called around telling us all about it. Two weeks aftet he quit smoking he was hit by a car and died at an age of 90.

My grandmother had never touched a cigarette her entire life - she died at an age of 62 of a heart attack.

My girlfriends father died last year at the age of 45. He never smoked and never drinked. He got cancer in the stomach.

What I am trying to emphasise (sp?) is that it´s not only cigarettes who kills.

Any of you guys can die tomorrow in a car accident, heart attack or a stroke. You never know. But one thing I´m damn sure of is that I´m not willing to live my life afraid of things that can kill me.

I like to smoke. It relaxes me and tastes good. And with a beer or whiskey on the side -you can´t get anything better (in my opinion). So I´ll ceep on smoking, drinking, driving cars, riding a bike, hunting, mountainclimbing - and everything else I love - even though it CAN kill me.


You can´t live life, afraid of loosing it.

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