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Wii is market leader!


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That's possibly the worst debunking I've ever seen of anything. Are there people who thought everytime a 360 is scanned over a barcode reader it updated the site? Of course it uses estimates and algorithms, so do the console makers and industry analysts. No, it's not going to be deadly accurate and you shouldn't take it as exact fact, but the guy who made that video is a proper donut.

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This is fantastic news and is a testament to Nintendo pursuing the correct strategy for brand reinvigoration.


Prior to the release of Wii (focus is strictly on consoles here), Nintendo was facing its darkest period in the companys history. Sales were at an all time low as a result of some very poor business decisions that lead to serious friendly fire on their own brand name with developers boycotting support filtering through to consumers perception of the brand name. Nintendo were on the verge of completely exiting the console market all together and were literally hanging on by a solitary ac power adaptor cable (substitute for string/thread) as seen by the basic positioning map:


Perceived Quality (Cool Factor)


| Sony

| Microsoft

____________ Games






Nintendo had been considered the cheap kiddy brand that had nothing but childish games as a result of their poor business decisions and were just not cutting it despite offering a gaming solution that was about on par if not better than that of its competitors. This sparked the need for Nintendo to differentiate their brand to win back the respect of consumers and developers. They have pursued a differentiation strategy with the release of Wii and DS with primary focus on gameplay and "new ways to play". This has really struck a bell with consumers and is drawing people away from alternative high powered offerings on the market. Choosing to focus on a certain portion of the market, is gaining record consumer interest in Nintendo and is helping to reposition Nintendo within the console market:


Perceived Quality (Cool Factor)




| Nintendo (after)

| ^ Microsoft

/ Sony

_______/_____ Games


/ |

/ |

/ |

/ |

/ |

Nintendo (before)



Theres no mistake about it, releasing a HD enhanced Wii system NOW would've been absolutely disasterous for Nintendo, as the gaming community would just not consider it seriously and would've dismissed the brand in favor of the more "established" brands. What this differentation strategy sets to achieve is through regaining consumer respect for the brand, it is building a stairway to console heaven where Nintendo will have built the sufficient user base in time for the release of their true successors to Nintendo Gamecube as well as Gameboy tredding into the territory of the technological delights and being flexible on quality control of games is part of Nintendos strategy to fully repair their brand (courtesy of each game acting as a stepping stone towards their desired position as a result of "winning back support") and get back on the road of market dominance.



:shakehead I just can't think at the moment, so as you can see, the point is incomplete, but you should get the jist on what i'm trying to say...

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This news makes me really happy, Nintendo deserve to be the market leader after all these years, lets just hope these figures make third parties realise that they should taking the Wii seriously so we don't see more crap like Cruis'n.

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The fact that "we", are the "other". Is also the reason why "they" don't give "us" top priority.


Yeah and that still annoys the hell out of me. Why should be be treated like some kind of second class gamers? The waiting times for us Euro peeps in terms of Nintendo release are just stupid. In this day and age all regions should get the games at least within a month of each other. Alot, if not most, of the 360 titles manage this so why cant others aswell?


Looking at the charts its crazy how ignorant Japanese gamers really are. The 360 should have sold alot more than that but due to their wacky tastes it will never be popular over there. They probably percieve Microsoft as some kind of Western Devil :)

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I only wish I had bought shares in Nintendo 3 years ago. I really wanted cause me being the fanboy I am I knew the DS and Wii (Revolution) were going to absolutely kill it, to but being 17 and broke doesn't give you much scope.


I'd be doing so nicely right now.

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I waited for this time for so long. When Nintendo "ruled" the video games world with S.N.E.S. everyone was a fan. When the Playstation strike i waited, the Playstation generation laughed at me and my old cartridges but i waited. The GameCube era was the kiddy era with the purple little cube. When all the Nintendo "fans" swithed to PS2 i had 69 GameCube games. And i waited for the day the "Queen" will return to her throne. I am a Nintendo-raised fanboy and i don't care if you judge me. Nintendo is in first place (actually i think its not vgcharts are not 100% reliable so until i see official confirmation i won't believe it) and if she play her cards right she will stay there. Nintendo has the Casual gamers and has games for the core gamers (Galaxy, Metroid, SSBB etc). With with selling like crazy third parties will come onboard. Who expected Rockstar developing for Nintendo? I mean hell even Konami announced PES instead of a crappy Disney Soccer.

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I waited for this time for so long. When Nintendo "ruled" the video games world with S.N.E.S. everyone was a fan. When the Playstation strike i waited, the Playstation generation laughed at me and my old cartridges but i waited. The GameCube era was the kiddy era with the purple little cube. When all the Nintendo "fans" swithed to PS2 i had 69 GameCube games. And i waited for the day the "Queen" will return to her throne. I am a Nintendo-raised fanboy and i don't care if you judge me. Nintendo is in first place (actually i think its not vgcharts are not 100% reliable so until i see official confirmation i won't believe it) and if she play her cards right she will stay there. Nintendo has the Casual gamers and has games for the core gamers (Galaxy, Metroid, SSBB etc). With with selling like crazy third parties will come onboard. Who expected Rockstar developing for Nintendo? I mean hell even Konami announced PES instead of a crappy Disney Soccer.


:bowdown: I do not condemn you friend, you're not the only one who has been there. I was around when Nintendo ruled the playground with Game & Watch, and now after so very long, it's great to be back on top!

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Looking back on all this... I feel old (when I shouldn't :heh:), my gavourite company seems to be back on top. I'm kind of like you guys (Zechs and tetra) but I have dabbled in Sony products, but I have owned every single Ninty console since the NES, supporting them still in their lackluster days (the mo Sony hit the town), and whether it sounds fan-boyish or not, I'm happy they're on top after the past two generations. I won't take anything away from Sony or Microsoft, I think what they're doing is great, and the whole gaming scene is better with a wide range of choice due to their presence, but Ninty is my fav company.

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Well, i have said it before and i will say it again, build me a time machine take me back to see myself two years ago and i will find myself almost mourning Nintendo's certain demise, the psp was looking ready to finish the DS off and what the hell was the 'Revolution' gonna be able to do against Sony?


I loved Nintendo then and i feared for their life! I still love Nintendo now and i look forward to living a long and happy life with them!


Who can honestly say that their time machine would not take them back to find themselves fearing the worst for ninty?


How can the wii be where it is today?.. Unbelievably Awesome!


So if i had two words to say to Nintendo those words would be: 'Mad Props'

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Almost 10 million Wii consoles have been sold since it went on sale at the end of last year and it is poised to overtake global sales of the Xbox 360 within weeks. Perhaps more crucially, it will reach the 10m mark in half the time it took Microsoft.


In Europe, the Wii is outselling the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 by three to one and unlike its rivals the machine is earning money for the company every time one is sold.


Even at the height of summer, almost 90,000 Wiis a week were being sold across Europe.


Quote: More than 47 million DS consoles have been sold since then and Sony's efforts in the handheld market, through the PSP, have looked distinctly also ran.


Nintendo Wii 9.27m

Microsoft Xbox 360 10m

Sony PlayStation 3 4.5m

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360's just had a price cut, so I expect this momentous occasion to be marked with a little price cut at some point just so it remains cheaper than the 360, as Microsoft are currently Nintendo's biggest threat. Sony really don't have a chance of coming back, I'm not sure they can even claim second.

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This is great to see, but i do think their level of success is mostly down to the new audience they have created rather than converted casual gamers of the past.


Currently I don't think there are many great games for hardcore gamers on the wii. We definitely have alot to look forward to but at this moment I think the selection is quite thin. Currently, the standard for hardcore gamers is quite low, we certainly don't have online gaming to rival xbox live. What nintendo has tapped into is a wider market, one that can't get enough of light games like wii sports and brain training/ big brain academy, pick up and play 10 - 20 minute games - by creating this audience the wii has almost become a must have thing. Currently the selection we have of decent hardcore games is poor, of games to realy get stuck into for hours. I personally look forward towards the end of the year when i know my wii will get alot more usage.

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What Nintendo did with Wii is to make it something like iPod. Make people that never cared about games not only talk about it but actually buying it. The coming year is very crucial for Nintendo because it has some things to consider and some things to prove.


1. Nintendo already won the "casual" and "non-gamer" market. Neither Microsoft nor Sony can compete with Nintendo on this area.


2. With continue games like Brain Training and peripherals like Wii Fit Board, Nintendo makes sure that "she" keeps that market.

[Example. I was gonna wait before buy the Board to see if Nintendo or third parties will use it in other ways exept Yoga and Mini Games but the "casual" gamer girlfriend of mine was very ...persuative about buying it]


3. For at least 6 months Wii has enough games to keep the "core" gamers sutisfied with more announsing often.


What Nintendo need to do?


1. Give developers more freedom. Make connections with the third parties. You are about to become the leader in the console race. Everyone will want a piece of the pie. Open the doors and let them in.


2. Give the developers tools for online gaming. Cut the crap about our safety. All theses years on XBox and on 360 i never had a privacy problem. I never heard a privacy problem and i am always online. Like it or not people wants online. GIVE IT TO THEM.


3. Add Hard Disk Drive support. Wii was the only console that was out of the box online. Ad an HDD support and let us take advantage of it.


4. "Make" the Indepentend developers to use the Wii Ware channel. I played Super Metroid a trillion times (yes its SUPER AWESOME) but i would die to see a 2D side scroller adventure/shooter/whatever with 2007 graphics from an indie and if it were good i would gladly pay it (to download it to my HDD...).


5. "Demo Channel / Coming Soon Channel / Preview Channel" or whatever you wanna call it. Most of the people nowdays have fast connections. I have no idea what this Zack and Wiki. Sure i saw a couple of videos and some pictures on IGN but wasn't enough to make me give €59. But what if it is a great game and i won't buy it? What if i buy it and SUCKS?

Why can't download a demo and check it before i buy it? 360 has it this service. PS3 has this service. I refuse to believe that Nintendo does not give a shit about this.


Anyway that all i can think for now. I think these are the most important though. Sorry for the long text i just wanted to write them. Don't take them as complaints.

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Almost 10 million Wii consoles have been sold since it went on sale at the end of last year and it is poised to overtake global sales of the Xbox 360 within weeks. Perhaps more crucially, it will reach the 10m mark in half the time it took Microsoft.


In Europe, the Wii is outselling the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 by three to one and unlike its rivals the machine is earning money for the company every time one is sold.


Even at the height of summer, almost 90,000 Wiis a week were being sold across Europe.


Quote: More than 47 million DS consoles have been sold since then and Sony's efforts in the handheld market, through the PSP, have looked distinctly also ran.


Nintendo Wii 9.27m

Microsoft Xbox 360 10m

Sony PlayStation 3 4.5m



that was a news piece probably using slightly outdated figures, the latest sales-age stuff from neogaf using full US, canadian, japanese and partial figures partial estimates from europe shows the wii has now overtaken the 360 (oh and the figures are only slightly lower than vgchartz)

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They should have a sizeable advantage come the end of the year, what with Christmas and killer apps and all.

That's what I was thinking. Nintendo hasn't actually had any proper 1st/2nd party adventure games since release, and it's doing this well. Put out Metroid, Mario Galaxy and soon SSBB and it'll sell to people not wanting so many party games too.

I see sales shooting up for the Smash Bros. series; it was the best selling game on the GC, and's suitable for core and casuals, it'll sell Wiis like crazy (and I can see Pokémon doing a similar thing to an extent too).


Nintendo need to advertise like crazy come Oct.




Almost 10 million Wii consoles have been sold since it went on sale at the end of last year and it is poised to overtake global sales of the Xbox 360 within weeks. Perhaps more crucially, it will reach the 10m mark in half the time it took Microsoft.


In Europe, the Wii is outselling the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 by three to one and unlike its rivals the machine is earning money for the company every time one is sold.


Even at the height of summer, almost 90,000 Wiis a week were being sold across Europe.


Quote: More than 47 million DS consoles have been sold since then and Sony's efforts in the handheld market, through the PSP, have looked distinctly also ran.


Nintendo Wii 9.27m

Microsoft Xbox 360 10m

Sony PlayStation 3 4.5m


Well for one, Sony's are prob shipped :heh:

Anyway, once Xmas comes, the Wii will definately be outdoing the XBox...Sales wise anyway...

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