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Game-site tries provoke racism reaction

Tabloid-esque games site Kikizo forwarded their Resident Evil 5 preview to the BBFC Head of Communications in hopes of getting a newsworthy reaction from her. Fortunately, she told them they were over-reacting.


Normally, we would give sites the benefit of the doubt, but Kikizo is well known for a being a site that relies wholly on attention-grabbing headlines and twisting any story, quote or article to produce maximum controversy, because God knows they need something to overcome their abysmal writing. reH has abstained from covering the furore over racism in the past, but when a site deliberately sends a factually inaccurate article depicting Resident Evil 5 as a game that relies on the fear of "black men corrupting white women" in order to try and embroil a ratings board in the racism debate, potentially upping or even delaying Resident Evil 5's age classification, we felt they should be named and shamed. Make no mistake, this is not a harmless request for comment from a differing viewpoint, they were hoping to kick the racism argument up a notch and get the most strongly-worded comment possible for them to stick in a headline. And if the BBFC criticises Capcom or even threatens to hold-up classification, so much the better. Just means more hits for them. For self-purported games enthusiasts to try and cause trouble for a game's release in hopes of getting a better story is reprehensible.


Luckily, they seemed to have forgotten that the ratings board has seen this footage for themselves first-hand, and so the BBFC were able to point out to them that the man assaulting the woman in question was in fact not black, and said dress, not skimpy.



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Game-site tries provoke racism reaction

Tabloid-esque games site Kikizo forwarded their Resident Evil 5 preview to the BBFC Head of Communications in hopes of getting a newsworthy reaction from her. Fortunately, she told them they were over-reacting.


Normally, we would give sites the benefit of the doubt, but Kikizo is well known for a being a site that relies wholly on attention-grabbing headlines and twisting any story, quote or article to produce maximum controversy, because God knows they need something to overcome their abysmal writing. reH has abstained from covering the furore over racism in the past, but when a site deliberately sends a factually inaccurate article depicting Resident Evil 5 as a game that relies on the fear of "black men corrupting white women" in order to try and embroil a ratings board in the racism debate, potentially upping or even delaying Resident Evil 5's age classification, we felt they should be named and shamed. Make no mistake, this is not a harmless request for comment from a differing viewpoint, they were hoping to kick the racism argument up a notch and get the most strongly-worded comment possible for them to stick in a headline. And if the BBFC criticises Capcom or even threatens to hold-up classification, so much the better. Just means more hits for them. For self-purported games enthusiasts to try and cause trouble for a game's release in hopes of getting a better story is reprehensible.


Luckily, they seemed to have forgotten that the ratings board has seen this footage for themselves first-hand, and so the BBFC were able to point out to them that the man assaulting the woman in question was in fact not black, and said dress, not skimpy.




True that! So where's Shenmue 3 on Xbox and PS3 then Kikizo?

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Will playing the story with a friend continue your story or just theirs? (If your playing as sheva online)


Its the same storyline with online or without it.


1UP Hands-On:


Over the course of the past week, I've shown you some of Resident Evil 5's boss encounters, amazingly lavish environments, and exclusive behind-the-scenes details. But now, with the game's release virtually around the corner, I compiled the notes from my extensive playthrough of the final, reviewable copy of the game to bring you 30 things you need to know about Resident Evil 5. I've made every effort to keep this list of observations spoiler-free (although I will hint at some things), focusing instead on the game mechanics and hands-on experience.


Sheva's Your Pal: She's like Yorda from Ico, but gutsier, more helpful, and wields a Magnum. She picks items up if you tell her to, and also hands you items she recognizes you'll need (like ammo for whatever weapon you're carrying). She's not totally user-controllable, but she's handy in a firefight, makes a useful mule, and does a good job staying alive. Her pathfinding is also quite adept, as she rarely, if ever, gets stuck on anything.


Turrets Are Fun: Whether you're planted in a Jeep mowing down motocross bike-riding, Las Plagas-infected bad boys or in some explosive-filled shipyard, it's always satisfying to hop on a turret with unlimited ammo and cut enemies in half. Make sure you don't overheat your gun, though.


Respect Your Tribal Elders: The enemies most likely to draw negative attention in RE5 are the tribal Africans, who wield traditional shields and wear little more than grass skirts and facepaint. But setting controversy aside, from a videogame standpoint, these are resilient adversaries. Their shields disintegrate depending on how much damage you do to them. Pistol rounds take forever to blow their cover away, but shotguns make quick work of them, opening holes that give the advantage to sharpshooting co-op players. While some have spears, other tribal enemies come at you with torches and blow fire. They take a lot of bullets to bring down, but roughly one out of every three drops ammo or money.


Oi, Mate!: Speaking of money, the Cockney salesman from RE4 has seemingly retired. All of your item purchasing is handled between chapter checkpoints and after major plot advancements. During the game, you'll find many valuable items: Jewels, bars/bags of gold, jewelry, and other sellable goods (like rare insects). At the inventory management screen, you can buy items, reorganize Chris and Sheva's personal inventories, and upgrade your weapons. Raising your weapon's power to the max unlocks additional bonuses, like special 3D capsule toys (which contain extremely detailed figurines you can inspect in RE5's model viewer).


I Can't Help It. I'm A Born Lever-Puller: If you see a lever, it's meant to be pulled. There isn't a lever in the game without a purpose.


Take Cover: Yes, RE5 does have cover mechanics, but only in specific areas. After all, this isn't Gears of War or Tenchu after all.


Shoot The Shiny Things, You Little Magpie!: As in RE4, RE5 features a wealth of carefully hidden emblems for you to find and shoot. The more emblems you nail, the more points you earn to spend on the game's unlockables. Be warned, though. Emblems are more difficult to find this time thanks to the bright, highly detailed environments. Some emblems are sitting out in plain view, while others are deviously concealed.


Man's Best Friend: Dogs come at you in RE5, but this time they're not jumping through windows. They make up for the lack of cheap shock theatrics by assaulting you in packs. Oh, that's not particularly comforting, is it?


Fan Service!: One type of sellable gems you find in the game is called a Power Stone. It's one of the more valuable stone types, so scoop up as many as you can and upgrade those guns!


Buyer's Remorse: If you don't have room to pick up a weapon you find during your travels, don't worry -- it'll be available in the shop for purchase at the end of the level. Since Chris and Sheva both have limited inventory space, you may be tempted to pick up every gun you find, but it's probably best to upgrade a few core weapons' reload speed, attack power, and ammo capacity to max, before you spend money upgrading the other two dozen armaments you find along the way. Go for balance: A pistol, a rifle, and a shotgun.


Quick Time Events -- The Butt Stomp Of The New Generation: The dreaded QTEs make their way into RE5. Although their appearance is infrequent, they were designed to keep slacking gamers on their toes. It's not just single buttons, either. Be prepared to pull triggers and enter button combos at some points, while button-mashing Track and Field-style at others.


No Ribbons, No Trunks: As you may have surmised, RE5 dispenses with the storage trunks and the save ribbons. Instead, it features a generous amount of checkpoints and auto-save points. This keeps the game moving perpetually forward, and it virtually removes the need for backtracking.


Armor Is As Armor Does: The Melee Vest and Bulletproof Vest are expensive, but worthwhile purchases. Chris and Sheva can take a lot more damage with them equipped, but it takes up a valuable inventory slot, so keep that in mind as well.


Cooperative Actions: In one room, you and Sheva must turn a wheel simultaneously in order to open a door on the other side of a small courtyard filled with rolling, fiery balls. That's what friends are for.


Temples Of Doom: Some gorgeously detailed levels not only look like something out of an Indiana Jones movie, but feature light puzzle-solving elements too. Maybe Capcom should do the new Indy game for LucasArts.


The Visuals Are Some Spicy Meatball: While the overall visual quality of RE5 is astounding, there are a few levels which are truly a sight to behold, and easily look as good as anything in Gears of War 2 or Metal Gear Solid 4. Check out the detail in Chris Redfield's kevlar armor textures, and how the self-shadowing rolls over his physique. Even the survival knife strapped to his back independently animates depending on his motion.


Run, Forrest, Run: Some bosses look like they'll take a hell of a lot of ammo to take down, but, in reality, don't even require a bullet to defeat. Sometimes, the best strategy is to simply run. Of course, you'll have to find out which ones on your own.


Stop Shooting, Dummy!: Sheva is not great with ammo management. One of the downsides to keeping it simple is that she'll often just unload her entire supply of handgun ammo while trying to shoot enemies from too far away. Her accuracy is good, but her penchant for scoring headshots -- not so much. Sometimes you'll wish you could just stop her quick-draw, cowboy antics entirely. ProTip: Upgrade her basic weapons as fast as you can, so that her shots will provide more stopping power. You can upgrade a gun's Critical Head Shots, and you should do so first.


Thank The Lord: Crests and emblems needed to open doors don't take inventory slots.


The Sound Of Violence: The ambient sound-work in RE5 is excellent. If you're rocking the game on a 5.1 system (or in 5.1 headphones), the positional effects are subtle and effective. You can hear the voices of enemies coming at you from far in the distance, and the slimy, slithery sounds of Lickers lurking somewhere overhead. Naturally, a shotgun sounds like a big ol' nasty shotgun, and makes squishy, splashy sounds when you unload it into a nearby enemy.


What's Wrong With Your Legs, Son?: There are some things you would think Chris could simply step or climb over, but can't.


Get Back To Where You Once Belonged: RE5 could use a "jump back" button, which would allow Chris to leap back quickly, as turning around to run away from an enemy is often a sluggish, tank-like affair. All things considered, Chris is just as limber as Leon Kennedy was in RE4, but when you take into account how prone the mobs are to rushing at you, you start to wish you had more evasive commands at your disposal. All you can do (besides running past an attacking enemy) is perform a quick 180, and fill 'em with lead.


Get To The Point Already: The research notes and journals are pretty long-winded, but you should read them for the backstory nonetheless. RE5 does a lot to put the vast, labyrinthine Resident Evil plot in perspective and context.


Wesker Is Back: It's no secret that Albert Wesker is back, although he's much more sinister now than he was in the original Resident Evil. But what's his role in RE5? Does he revive Umbrella? Does he turn into a jumbo jet and carpet bomb Chris and Sheva? That's for us to know and for you to find out! But wherever Wesker is, trouble is sure to follow.


That's A Nice Pair Of Boots: Hint -- Watch out for crocodiles.


Damn, Fool. What The Hell Is Your Head Made Out Of Anyway?: If there's one thing that's very irritating, early on in the game, it's how many bullets an enemy can take to the dome. Make sure you upgrade the critical headshot or piercing power on your guns as soon as possible.


Godzilla, Is That You?: Remember when Resident Evil just used to be about blowing up zombies? Some of the monsters in RE5 look like they came straight out of Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster, or something. Crazy stuff.


Hell Yeah, Secrets!: RE5 has some unlockables that fans of the series will be very happy to see. This probably goes without saying, but it's obvious that the dev team covered all their bases when it came to the game's bonus features. Or most of them, at least. We still haven't found Akuma.


Jun Takeuchi Is No Liar: When RE5's producer assured us that this game had learned from RE4's mistakes, and wouldn't go on and on and on just for the sake of proving that Capcom could make a long Resident Evil game, well, he was being honest. RE5 is not a short game, especially when compared to earlier entries in the series. But it's a more concise experience than RE4's unnecessarily lengthy 30-hour gunfest (remember the castles? Yeah you do).


Is She? Isn't She?: [Fill in the blank yourself] Jill Valentine is __________.

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No I mean ehh....

Ok take it like this. Me and my friend both got the game. He goes to his house and I to mine. We both start the game and decide to play together. I'm chris and he's sheva. We get past 30% of the game. Lets say I need to have dinner and turned it off. Would he be able to continue the game without me? Could I join back in? If one person stays does the story keep going. Or is only the story of the host progressed and if the other player wants to host he'll have to start the story again?

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No I mean ehh....

Ok take it like this. Me and my friend both got the game. He goes to his house and I to mine. We both start the game and decide to play together. I'm chris and he's sheva. We get past 30% of the game. Lets say I need to have dinner and turned it off. Would he be able to continue the game without me? Could I join back in? If one person stays does the story keep going. Or is only the story of the host progressed and if the other player wants to host he'll have to start the story again?


I think it will be him playing the game with non playing character until you join the game again.


the playr special video

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Just got an email from Game.


We've got great news about your Resident Evil 5 preorder!


As the UK's leading games retailer, we've been able to acquire a limited number of Chris Redfield figurines - and as a thank you for preordering with GAME, YOU will be one of the lucky few receiving one!


Your FREE figurine will be despatched in a separate package to your copy of Resident Evil 5, but should arrive on the same day. And don't forget, by preordering at GAME, you also get double reward points!




The Team




Sweet! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

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