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The Story of a Wealthy Family Who Lost Everything

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(may edit that title down, its a bit long)


We've had threads for countless comedy programmes but one we haven't had one for is the fantastic programme 'Arrested Development'




The opening credits explain it all. The story of a wealthy family who lost everything, and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together." The story of the Bluths and what happens to them after George Snr., the father and business owner is arrested for fraud and embezzlement.


Michael Bluth feels obliged to keep his family together and wackiness ensues as they all live in one of their father's model homes (a sly joke in itself). The show is filled with intertextual references to other TV shows (such as Henry Winkler jumping a shark) to self-referential post-modern goodness (when the show's second season was cut down to 18 episodes there was talk of how "the order has gone down from 22 houses to 18" and in the third season they had an episode filled with typical ploys such as 3D scenes and "live" episodes used by struggling shows).


One of my favourite examples is something I didn't catch until a repeat viewing. The overly-mothered son Buster is always being protected by his mother Lucille but when he angers her in one episode she casts him aside to go join the army. Earlier in the episode his brother GOB freed a seal he had for a magic show and told it that he'll "never be hand-fed again". Buster goes for a swim in the ocean and his hand is eaten by that loose seal.


Plus I think its one of the only shows which makes you gun for incest. Who doesn't love George Michael and Maebe?


A very well mutli-layed show that despite only lasting 53 episodes I don't think there was ever a bad one. And I know its got fans here so feel free to share clips, favourite episodes, talk about the characters etc.


Michael: It's like we finish each other's...

Lindsay: Sandwiches?

Michael: Sentences. Why would I say...

Lindsay: Sandwiches?

Michael: That time I was going to say sandwiches.


Maeby: I know what the shape of a banana reminds you of, and I know that when I say “nuts” it makes you giggle...

[College Kid #4 giggles.]

Maeby: ... but do you have any other response to “Here’s a banana with nuts?”

[College Kid #4 whoops loudly.]

Maeby: Why are we even going after this idiot demographic?


Tobias: Well, yes, but I’m afraid I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will, so now I’m afraid I have something of a mess on my hands.

Michael: It's just there's so many poorly chosen words in that sentence.


Barry Zuckerkorn: It would help if you would all show up looking like a loving, supportive family.

Lucille: For how long?

Barry Zuckerkorn: Ten minutes tops.

Lucille: See if you can get it down to five.


And of course Bob Loblaw and his law blog; Bob Loblaw's Law Blog

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You do that, it will cheer you right up :D


"For British eyes only....."

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Tobias you blowhard!


Arrested Development is my favourtie comedy show ever, its criminal that it only had 2.5 seasons.

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One of my favourite programs ever criminally underated.


Literally to many favourite bits but heres some of the top of my head quotes may be a bit wrong.


Tobais having covered himself in blue paint for the Blueman group.

Tobais "Im afraid I blue myself"

Michael "Im sure theres another way you could say that"


Michael "There appears to be an N bluth on the witness list"

GOB with his african american handpuppet in stupid african american voice



GOB after being kicked out by his latino girlfriend to his Mum.

GOB "I just need a place to stay for a bit"

Lucille "You can stay here for two days"

GOB "If I can't find a horny immigrent in two days I don't deserve to live in this country!


Also what is harder to put forward is the long running jokes like the "her?" comments and also the looks that Michael gives when hes disgusted or GOBS high fiveing at the worst possible moments.


A truly great series the DVDs would 100% be in any desert island collection I had. As long as the island had electricty CMONNNNNNN!

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I'm waiting for Oxygen to watch this and lend me the DVDs :P

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Yeah, the guy wearing the $4,000 suit is holding the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in four months. Come on.

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Teehee, bought season one like 2 weeks ago. Just onto the second disk (So busy) but yes, its pretty hilarious.

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It's the best. Everyone who hasn't seen Arrested Development should be ashamed of themselves.

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I am feeling ashamed, I really don't think I've heard of it. But I think I have at the same time...

;504946"]The show is filled with intertextual references to other TV shows (such as Henry Winkler jumping a shark)

Was The Fonz known for playing leap frog with fish? Or was that a different programme?

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No need for such a long post, all you need to do is embed a clip of Franklin and everyone will be automatically sold on the show.


It's certainly the best tv show in a while. Quite possibly the best sitcom ever made.

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This is an absolute wonderful show, I own seasons 1-3 on DVD.


Is there still a movie coming out Ashley? I haven't checked for a while, I know when I mentioned AD before, someone mentioned a movie.


I can't believe the show only lasted as long as it did though!:(

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I am feeling ashamed, I really don't think I've heard of it. But I think I have at the same time...


Was The Fonz known for playing leap frog with fish? Or was that a different programme?



This is an absolute wonderful show, I own seasons 1-3 on DVD.


Is there still a movie coming out Ashley? I haven't checked for a while, I know when I mentioned AD before, someone mentioned a movie.


I can't believe the show only lasted as long as it did though!:(


Nah theres nothing official. arresteddevelopment2009.com is trying to make it happen though.

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That was terrible.


Bright side; it spawned a brand new saying - to jump the shark (When a show has reached its peak and goes downhill from there)

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I've tried at least, like, two times to find this funny but I am on a losing streak.


I mean, it has something, but gag-wise it's no Curb Your Enthusiasm or Office or Darkplace or Thick Of It or whatever.

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I just don't laugh at this show :( I expected so much, tales of "underrated comedy masterpiece" - and still there was not so much as a chuckle.

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I just don't laugh at this show :( I expected so much, tales of "underrated comedy masterpiece" - and still there was not so much as a chuckle.


How? I mean, it's fucking brilliant, god damnit!

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Tries too hard to be clever, and just doesn't have any heart. It's still quite funny if watched sparingly though.

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Tries too hard to be clever, and just doesn't have any heart. It's still quite funny if watched sparingly though.


Hey, I think it's actually rather dumbed down. It's not pretentious... anyway.

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