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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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I'm hopefully gonna get this reserved in Game this week. I'm not feeling much hype at all cos I recently got Fire Emblem then Pro Evo, so I'm not in need of Mario Kart right now- but the reason I need it as close to release as possible will be to play it online before the novelty wears off with everyone else. Pro Evo online is great, and is only getting started, so I hope Mario Kart will deliver as well.


As for the reviews being a bit all over the place. I'm gonna go with the seemingly generic "I don't care what reviews say." Well, I do care because I think it would be great if this scored 90%+ across the board, but in the case of something like Mario Kart, I'm getting it and no 6/10 will persuade me otherwise. Sure Double Dash got slated (and still does) and its still a hugely playable and fun multiplayer game today, so MK Wii with the wheel, the stunts, the bikes, the new levels, the online, etc should be able to satisfy us.


(I still read tons of reviews though and base alot of my buying on them, how shallow am I!)

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After reading this thread, I have gathered one major thing: I HAVE BEEN PLAYING THE MARIO KART GAMES THE WRONG WAY! :shakehead


I generally played it on my own as I my mates never really got into the game or I crushed them and they never wanted to lose again. But i did manage to play quite a few times in multiplayer at this party so i guess I experienced it at its best. That was 64.

double dash i never owned as i didn't have a gc but i played it and because I played it alone, I pretty much hated it. Was impossible to leave your opponents. Used to do that with ease on 64 but damn rubber banding. And I just hated the whole gimmick with the kart switching. Because of the irritating 1 player experience, the friend who owned the game really disliked it and never wanted to do multiplayer.

DS version I played a few times and got slaughtered by my mate, mainly because the comp would slam blue shells up my arse. In fact, i received two in ONE RACE! This has happened in the GP mode to making me come something like 3rd and making me come 2nd overall for that cup.

Online takes forever to find opponents (if it did), and even when it did, they would generally leave when I took a lead.

Generally don't have enough friends interested in mario kart, we always use to abuse pro evo or what ever fighter/shooter we had at hand. Gonna change that this time, especially if the online works well this time. No more irritating 1 player (which I haven't even finished in the DS version, may even trade it in for the wii version).

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Edge is great for intelligent discussion on games, but reviews are on the whole a bit wonky. How can Edge justify giving Halo 3 10/10 when games like COD4 and Bioshock are better examples of the genre? Should Edge award these games 11/10?

Now, if Edge have taken offence at Mario Karts party game roots, and lets be fair the game does sit rather comfortably in a party game racing sub-genre then they can't responsibly review the game- Mario Kart is the best mascot racer about but if Edge marks down titles for being in that genre, then they're missing the a well balanced review- to be impartial.

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I did debate preordering online from GAME but since I'm off work on Friday anyway I'm going to buy in person. I hate waiting on the post it always seems to arrive late.


Plus it's always nice buying over the counter and having the game in hand. :)

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Guest Jordan

I played this the other day in Game in Leeds. I came third after being in first for the entire race and then getting hit by a blue shell on the last straight.


Needless to say, i wasn't happy.

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the blue shell really needs to be rethought. Instead of actually helping those trailing, it help those nearing 1st place. Personally, i think the blue shell should strike all players above the user, solving the age old problem of having 1st place snatched unfairly.

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Well... In a turn of news, My Mario Kart Wii has been despatched from Game... Wonder if it will get here before friday?


To me Mario Kart is about fun racing, something most racers near miss perfect at and in my opinion Mario Kart has always hit the target, its my favourite racing game!


" 06/04/2008 14:41:12 Your order has been dispatched. "


It has!? Wonder if mines has aswell. I wouldn't be suprised considering I sene them instore last week. Means tomorrow maybe.


Aww still picked and packed :(

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the blue shell really needs to be rethought. Instead of actually helping those trailing, it help those nearing 1st place. Personally, i think the blue shell should strike all players above the user, solving the age old problem of having 1st place snatched unfairly.
That's how it was in 64 and Super Circuit. I agree though, much better that way.
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That's how it was in 64 and Super Circuit. I agree though, much better that way.


yeh.. well, in Mario Kart 64 it didn't strike everyone.. but it had the potential to if you managed to get in the way of it :heh: ..and I thought that was brilliant :yay:


I can't remember Super Circuit that well as it's probably my least played..


I also liked the way that, on Mario Kart 64, you could do things like wait for people to approach the jumps on Wario Stadium or DK's Jungle Parkway (and others) and use the lightning bolt to make them fall off.. (especially good in Wario Stadium as it would put them further back on the track..)


In Double Dash, I hated that when you fell off it put you back on where you fell off, even if you were gonna fall on an earlier/later part of the track.. which kinda limited shortcut opportunities in some levels :hmm:

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That's how it was in 64 and Super Circuit. I agree though, much better that way.


It was? I don't remember, how did it work?


I think it should still be for the last place, but if the distance was bigger, not just because he's in last place. Because having someone who's nearing 1st place use a super powered, almost-guaranteed hit basically gives him the 1st place, he's exactly the person who shouldn't have a blue shell (besides the 1st one of course :P). The point is to help those who suck and are 20 km behind, not those who don't need any help.

You can turn off some items in MK Wii right, I think I remember reading that.

I really wish they'd tone down rubber banding, it really pisses me off on 150cc.

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The blue shell in Mario Kart 64 travelled along the ground from the player who shot it right through to the player in first place.. if you were unlucky enough to get in the way of it's path, you'd get hit by it on it's way to first.. but it kept travelling through until it reached first place.


Much better that way!

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Mission mode is indeed in there and is apparently similar to the DS version, which can only be a good thing!


I had genuinely forgotten about the Mission Mode and wasn't expecting it any more.. but that's only gone and ramped up my enthusiasm for the game again after all the negativity from everyone on here!

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I had genuinely forgotten about the Mission Mode and wasn't expecting it any more.. but that's only gone and ramped up my enthusiasm for the game again after all the negativity from everyone on here!


Yeah and although it's not quite a 'story' mode that Dwarf Gorami was so desperate for to make this game 'good' (in his view at least), it is still a whole extra mode for the game that gives a 1Player experience and extra gameplay time.


And not only that but it does so with so while avoiding a cheesy, tacked-on 'story' made up of unnecessary cut-scenes (yes, you may notice I am not a fan of the idea of a story mode in a racing game, even though I did own and still do own Diddy Kong Racing)

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Hah, I know in Mario Kart they would comletely screw up if they did the story mode, but I think it would benefit the game if it had a good one like in Diddy. Pipe Dream at best I suppose.


Mission mode is good I guess, but there weren't enough missions in DS I think. If there was some way of getting a solid single player into MK that would be great. Maybe something like an absolutely epic track you have to win on or maybe something like in Strikers where you start with a severe disadvantage. Possibly they could do more on the bosses front. (like Diddy -again) You could race really fast bosses that require you to collect things on the course to slow them down.


Where's the exit?

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