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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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In addition to all this a new Wii Channel, the Mario Kart Channel, will also be launched with Mario Kart Wii. Players will be able to monitor their ranking against others with data compiled from races completed online as well as also access and share Ghost Data to download. Why not see if your friends are playing by checking their status or even better still set up a room in which you can chat to them before a race starts?



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You can join a friend mid race, watch them finish that race and then join in the next!?!?!?!? :) What an awesome idea!!!


This is going to be amazing - please, please please let this be the start of an amazing online service Nintendo - a separate channel is a great step forward, extra content, text chat - but just a little more please :) AND IT'S ALL FREEEEEEE!!!

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In addition to all this a new Wii Channel, the Mario Kart Channel, will also be launched with Mario Kart Wii. Players will be able to monitor their ranking against others with data compiled from races completed online as well as also access and share Ghost Data to download. Why not see if your friends are playing by checking their status or even better still set up a room in which you can chat to them before a race starts?



Personally, i think that chat implies that its text and not voice. Shame though

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"Why not see if your friends are playing by checking their status or even better still set up a room in which you can chat to them before a race starts? Use the wheels built in microphone to keep you chatting"


the wheels got a microphone built in



Please take into account - this quote is a lie.


The quote came from here, about 5th paragraph up from bottom:



Blender is a naughty boy. Also: considering the remote simply clips into the casing, rather than connecting to it in some way, this would be incredibly difficult to implement. Complete lie, sadly

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A website in the Netherlands just received an email from on of the largest distributors in de Benelux. But there eye felt for some amazing info. according to the distributor Mario kart for the Wii will be released in Europe on 11 April 2008 for the price of €49,99 and that the game will include the Wii wheel.


this picture was send by the distributor:


and if you look closely you see that the left corner is cut out to protect the distributor.


Well at least this thing here got the date right. (hadn't seen it before)

Not sure about the wheel; since I'll only have one it means my sisters won't want to race me unless they get to use the wheel (and even then I actually doubt they play :( ).

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-The Blooper item from MKDS will be brought over into MK Wii.

-There will be some items that can only be used by motorcycles and some that can only be used by traditional karts.

-The Ice Flower from Super Mario Galaxy is an item. It creates an icy trail in your path for a short amount of time that players can slip on.

-The POW Block is also an item.


Some of the confirmed items:



















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I doubt it will be in there unless all the other special weapons from DD!! are... but that's another question - have they been confirmed or denied? I thought it was a nice idea to get something specific to the character you chose, it meant you could distinguish between characters in each weight class.

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I doubt it will be in there unless all the other special weapons from DD!! are... but that's another question - have they been confirmed or denied? I thought it was a nice idea to get something specific to the character you chose, it meant you could distinguish between characters in each weight class.


I hope it is in the game becuse I like that item.

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Well at least this thing here got the date right. (hadn't seen it before)

Not sure about the wheel; since I'll only have one it means my sisters won't want to race me unless they get to use the wheel (and even then I actually doubt they play :( ).


Cool poster, I wish it was just karts

and looked like that, it would really recapture the original Mario Kart feel.

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Cool poster, I wish it was just karts

and looked like that, it would really recapture the original Mario Kart feel.


That's actually artwork for MK Arcade, they were the Karts they used, and that is also why there is PacMan in there. Never played it sadly, I think there are only a couple (if that) in the country?


About the updated powersliding mechanic - won't snaking be alot easier now? :heh:


I don't think so, I think the point was that in older games pro players could flip the stick back and forth so fast it was quick to get a blue boost. With the new mechanic, this will not be a problem. In fact they might have made it so that if someone tries to powerslide on a straight they will turn into the opposite wall (that would be awesome/hilarious)

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