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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


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Can I just put something straight for the confused (this includes Mike etc.):


Harry didn't die because of the Elder wand not 'killing' it's Master or because of the Hallows.


He didn't die because of what Voldemort did in the Goblet of Fire. He used Harry's blood!! (That glimmer of triumph on Dumbledore's face!) Because he now had Harry's blood in him, Voldemort now carried Lily's 'protection' in him. So when he 'killed' Harry, his mum's blood (still in Voldemort) protected him, i.e. tied him to life. Another way to think about it is Voldemort sort of made himself Harry's own Horcrux!!! Is this makes sense!??


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He didn't die because of what Voldemort did in the Goblet of Fire. He used Harry's blood!! (That glimmer of triumph on Dumbledore's face!) Because he now had Harry's blood in him, Voldemort now carried Lily's 'protection' in him.


I thought Voldemort using Harry's blood "cancelled" Lilly's protection. At least, that's what Goblet of Fire seem to heavily suggest.


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I thought Voldemort using Harry's blood "cancelled" Lilly's protection. At least, that's what Goblet of Fire seem to heavily suggest.


It allowed Voldy to touch him and kill him, but the magic must have been more far reaching to act as a horcrux style thing.


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I loved the book, probably the best in the series, even with a few flaws. The most emotional moment had to be the death of Dobby, because I wasn't expecting it at all, not after he'd just saved them. Kreacher leading the house elves to war with kitchen cutlery was brilliant. Many of the deaths were unnecessary because we only heard about them or saw mourners, it just felt as if they'd been shoved aside. Neville had an excellent part in defying the Carrows and Voldemort and eventually finishing off the final Horcrux.


"And that's the second time we've saved your life you two-faced bastard!"


Best. Quote. Ever.


Sorry m8 best quote ever was. "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!"-Mrs. Weasly


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Mummy bought the "adult" cover, which I'm sure was only made so the adult fans who were too embarassed to admit reading a kids book could pass it off as something else. Which I'm slightly confused, since my brother has all the previous books in "kid" mode. Although they didn't introduce "adult" covers until the 4th/5th?


Anyways, during working they've dotted books near checkouts. I've concluded the following. For this, you need either a copy, or a picture of the children's cover at hand:


Harry is practising Kung-Fu.

Hermione is bent over ready for doggie.

Ron is shocked over seeing a pair of tits for the first time.


I know you're all feeling it.

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I thought Voldemort using Harry's blood "cancelled" Lilly's protection. At least, that's what Goblet of Fire seem to heavily suggest.


It allowed Voldy to touch him and kill him, but the magic must have been more far reaching to act as a horcrux style thing.


Exactly, we were miss-led in GoF. The second Voldy took Harry's blood he would never have been able to kill Harry. The only thing the Avada Kadava curse did was split Harry's soul from the horcrux (represented as the whining baby on the floor). But as Cube suggested it didn't 'cancel' the protection, it was 'shared between the two of them!

Hence Dumbledore's statement: Never have two wizards been so closely linked.


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Mummy bought the "adult" cover, which I'm sure was only made so the adult fans who were too embarassed to admit reading a kids book could pass it off as something else.


Perhaps it's for people who don't want a book cover drawn by a 3-year-old?

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Just finished.


I enjoyed it a lot. I was worried that she wouldn't tie up all the loose ends but I think she got em. The book was so action packed that I actually can't wait to see the film.


The ending was great, especially when Molly kills Bellatrix. I'm happy that Snape (and the Malfoys) ended up being good, I've always liked them. And I'm glad that Ron and Hermione got together (although it was kinda obvious it was going to happen throughout the books thanks to the subtle but not-so-subtle hints).


The few criticisms I remember: I don't think they dwelled enough on Fred's, Lupin's and Tonks's deaths, they were all really sad, yet she spent ages mourning over Dobby. Also I thought it was a bit weird that Voldemort wouldn't check himself that Harry was dead. And it seemed like Harry, Ron and Hermione were just waiting there for months until they finally decide to do something.


But yeah, it was great.


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Just finished.


I enjoyed it a lot. I was worried that she wouldn't tie up all the loose ends but I think she got em. The book was so action packed that I actually can't wait to see the film.


The ending was great, especially when Molly kills Bellatrix. I'm happy that Snape (and the Malfoys) ended up being good, I've always liked them. And I'm glad that Ron and Hermione got together (although it was kinda obvious it was going to happen throughout the books thanks to the subtle but not-so-subtle hints).


The few criticisms I remember: I don't think they dwelled enough on Fred's, Lupin's and Tonks's deaths, they were all really sad, yet she spent ages mourning over Dobby. Also I thought it was a bit weird that Voldemort wouldn't check himself that Harry was dead. And it seemed like Harry, Ron and Hermione were just waiting there for months until they finally decide to do something.


But yeah, it was great.


But think of the situations, Dobby was killed when they had time to mourn/grieve/dig graves etc. Fred, Lupin and Tonks died in a battle, they had no time to dwell or they'd have been killed. She got the situations spot on in my view.


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Finished this yesterday and am currently playing the OooP game. I have no idea how they could translate this final book into a decent game, OooP is fairly open with the whole of Hogwarts and the surrounding areas open to you so maybe in the final game they'll open up the whole of England (well, the wizarding villages anyway) and you have to explore to find the horcruxes etc.

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But think of the situations, Dobby was killed when they had time to mourn/grieve/dig graves etc. Fred, Lupin and Tonks died in a battle, they had no time to dwell or they'd have been killed. She got the situations spot on in my view.


But there was time after the battle. It just seemed Harry went jubilantly up to Dumbledore's study without thinking about them. I just think they all deserved a bit more, Lupin and Fred have been great characters throughout the entire series.


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Finished this yesterday and am currently playing the OooP game. I have no idea how they could translate this final book into a decent game, OooP is fairly open with the whole of Hogwarts and the surrounding areas open to you so maybe in the final game they'll open up the whole of England (well, the wizarding villages anyway) and you have to explore to find the horcruxes etc.


The game of Deathly Hallows will be allright methinks. It's Half Blood Prince you need to be worried about. Nothing happens in it untill the end!


I think HBP should translate well into film, aslong as Radcliffe and Gambon act their parts well, seeing as the film will be a character drama more than anything. As for the film of DH, they should release that in 2 parts, so that they can include everything, and give the series a fond farwell.

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The game of Deathly Hallows will be allright methinks. It's Half Blood Prince you need to be worried about. Nothing happens in it untill the end!


I think HBP should translate well into film, aslong as Radcliffe and Gambon act their parts well, seeing as the film will be a character drama more than anything. As for the film of DH, they should release that in 2 parts, so that they can include everything, and give the series a fond farwell.

I'm halfway through Deathly Hallows at the moment and all that seems to have happened is, Harry is having visions. Whilst having an erection over Dumbledore on every page.


The movie will consist of 3 hours showing Radcliffe sat in front of the camera just voicing his thoughts about Dumbledore.

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i loved the book, the last few deaths were propper hard to take.


what id really like to know is what people did after the ends, jobs and what not.


i shal miss the serise alot, feels like letting a part of childhood go. rather fitting that the book itself seems to let go of childhood, the last threads of which sever in book 6.

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...enjoyed it. I liked the way that many things from the last six books were mentioned again.

Although I was disappointed by some of the deaths, I didn't want Lupin to die, and I think that Fred and Colin Creevey's deaths were pointless, as if she just wanted to have a couple more snuff it.

I like how Snape and the Malfoys become good at the end, and that Harry named one of his sons Albus Severus was a nice move, it showed Harry had realised and forgave Snape.

I also loved how Neville became the Herbology teacher.


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...enjoyed it. I liked the way that many things from the last six books were mentioned again.

Although I was disappointed by some of the deaths, I didn't want Lupin to die, and I think that Fred and Colin Creevey's deaths were pointless, as if she just wanted to have a couple more snuff it.

I like how Snape and the Malfoys become good at the end, and that Harry named one of his sons Albus Severus was a nice move, it showed Harry had realised and forgave Snape.

I also loved how Neville became the Herbology teacher.


if fred and colin didnt die, then it would have been only lupin and tonks who died in the whole battle. It would be quite hard to believe that they managed to kill the whole deatheater army whilst only taking two casualties.


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