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Spice Girls Reunion


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So it's true, the Spice Girls are getting back together. From what i understand a greatest hits cd, a documentary and a new cd (i think).


I personally hate the Spice girls, anyone else think this is just because Take That managed it so well?


Thoughts/etc. ?

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Guest Stefkov

If they do I hope they release anther movie...o.O


I don't see the point, they had their time of fame in a group. Just stop.

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I'm not ashamed to say that I own all of their solo albums, but I still think that this reunion isn't a great idea. There's been so much criticism of them in the past five years, I doubt very much that it's suddenly going to go away, just because they're getting back together again for a couple of concerts. If anything, it's going to make them an even easier target. Besides, they're not going to be the same as they were ten years ago; anyone expecting a return to how they were in 1996/7 will be disappointed. At least Take That bothered to record a new album; the fact that (as far as we've heard so far) the Spice Girls don't want to do this shows that their hearts aren't really in it.


Besides, I prefer their solo stuff now anyway. Still, I can't say I'm not interested in seeing a photo of the five of them together again. :p

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Guest Jordan
Still, I can't say I'm not interested in seeing a photo of the five of them together again. :p


These days it'd probably look like a meeting of the AA, and i don't mean the one involving cars.

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I'm not ashamed to say that I own all of their solo albums

How many solo albums did each of them release?



What I'm not liking about this is that Posh is getting all the "glory" so to speak. She was the lesser known/liked out of the Spice Girls, then as soon as we know Beckham'w plowing her we all want to know what she's wearing.


Additionally, I doubt she'll be able to stop pouting.

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Melanie C: 4

Emma and Geri: 3

Melanie B: 2

Victoria: 1


Mel c was the best solo.



They tried this before and released that dire song Holla or whatever it was.



viva forever was their best song. it was a fan back in the day


Ugh, one group I pretended to like, just 'cos my brothers did. I was young (6-7) and impressionable, but just leave! :shakehead


Thank fuck for Limp Bizkit for introducing me to rock music. I haven't looked back since.


Dear lord The spice girls could rock better than limp bizkit.....Sorry had to get that off my chest there.

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Dear lord The spice girls could rock better than limp bizkit.....Sorry had to get that off my chest there.


None of the Spice Girls could hold a candle to Wes Borland's guitaring Sam Rivers' bassing, or John Otto's drumming, I doubt the Spice Girls can even play any instruments, so shut the front door you!

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None of the Spice Girls could hold a candle to Wes Borland's guitaring Sam Rivers' bassing, or John Otto's drumming, I doubt the Spice Girls can even play any instruments, so shut the front door you!


Doesn't matter what the Spice Girls can or can't play, they still produced way better music and albums that Bizkit.

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I don't mind if it's a one-off thing, perhaps for Dianas concert or something this weekend...


You see, with Take That there all a nice bunch of guys, who actually do some extremely fantastic songs. There not really a boyband in my book and there not harming anyone..I don't think the Spice Girls deserve anymore attention, espicially Victoria.

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