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Name That Game


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I just hoped there was another character who liked cheese and chili :heh:


This platformer had quite a few flaws with its fluidity and collision system, but had a few fun parts as well. Also, it doesn't appear on Wikipedia for some reason.


2nd Round Scoring


Darksnowman (2)

Moogleviper (1)

steggy (1)

Coolness Bears (1)

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Thank goodness that is over.. I want some new games to guess :heh:



In Round 1, I used to post pics and they'd be guessed within seconds. It's nice to have one that takes longer than 60 minutes to identify.


I'll post some more at lunchtime, if no-one posts any in the meantime.

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2. is it nebula or nortalus or somthing like that? i had it for the atari as a boy


I'll give you it. It's Nebulus. Never played it, but it looks neat.


2nd Round Scoring


Darksnowman (2)

Moogleviper (1)

steggy (1)

Coolness Bears (1)

welsh_gamer (1)

Happenstance (1)

Chris the Great (1)


(Not including Moogleviper's screens)

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2nd Round Scoring


Darksnowman (2)

/ nando / (2)

Moogleviper (1)

steggy (1)

Coolness Bears (1)

welsh_gamer (1)

Happenstance (1)

Chris the Great (1)

ShavenWolf (1)


Another three of the best:










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... check in 2moro night when i see more i know but am too late for :).. ha I talk but... nobody listens :)




I'm not the ideal person for this as I'm rarely on here. I suppose lunchtimes are the most likely time I'll post. Evenings occasionally.

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