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Name That Game


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(Inspired by Wes' topic in Wii Discussion)


Post a screenshot of a game and see if you can identify the game it came from. I'll go first.




Whoever gets it right posts the next pic and so on.


If people get really stuck, try to provide some clues. I might even maintain a score list if I can be bothered.

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4q2: 2

Mundi: 1

Jamba: 1


Wow, some speedy replies there.

Looks like I'm the question master then... :indeed:

I'm not around much though.


Here's the next game. Short or long name will do. And a bonus point for anyone who can name the level - no time limit for this.

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Petey_Piranah is correct.



4q2: 2

welsh_gamer: 2

Mundi: 1

Jamba: 1

Petey_Piranah: 1


This next one is a classic. I remember playing it loads. As usual, one point for guessing the game and this time there is a bonus point for anyone who can name the star of this game.

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