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Hey Jordan I didn't know how much you had shifted over the last 9 months, nice work man. Must've taken hard work and willpower and its payin off.



Personally I tend to regret doing dumb things a lot more than I regret not doing things. I usually go for what I want in the end, taking plenty of risks, so I don't end up regretting things I should've done. I really hate embarrassing moments though so mostly I just regret little mistakes I made that wound up with me redfaced.


Regarding relationships, I have no regrets. Oldtimers of these boards will probably remember how much I fell for a girl a couple of years ago, I was in a very serious relationship but we grew apart and that ended quite bumpily. I don't regret anything that happened there, even in the instances where I was in the wrong, because I've learnt from what transpired and -- despite what people will have you believe, life is actually quite long - and I've found myself back in good times again :)



Personally I think you just have to make sure you don't regret missing things. Fuck your mistakes, they're in the past. Work on going for things in life :)

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Mine has to be allowing myself to put on alot of weight. I have managed to put on 6 stone in 3 years....


I am currently trying to lose weight but my will power lets me down all the time and i'm still putting it on... i joined my local gym but never actually seem to go...

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I don't do them.

I could quite easily say that I regret my last long term relationship, but if it hadn't have been for that I would have never traveled the path of meeting my present g/f whom I really love to death and is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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erm, cheating a little (alot) on my english inspector calls coursework, and now not knowing whether my result will come back as them having noticed or not this august.

I had a good reason (well nothing can excuse it but) to though so dont look at me like that! lol



I dont regret telling girl I liked her even though she said she didn;t like me in the same way back. This is only because she told me she did like me like that but just not anymore, so I at least know someone could like me in that way. If that makes any sense.

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I regret nothing. Nothing at all.


Even taking copeous amounts of speed last year, losing 3 stone, and basically falling into a trap I couldn't escape.


I escaped and became wiser and stronger. Everything happens for a reason.


Regret nothing.

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biggest regret is going on the I.T course (gnvq) after i left school...wish i did mechanics instead now as i was going to do. (was bit interested in I.T but love cars so was going to enrol until 2 mates said there doing a i.t course so joined them gah waste of time)

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Guest Jordan
Hey Jordan I didn't know how much you had shifted over the last 9 months, nice work man. Must've taken hard work and willpower and its payin off.


I hated the way i looked and going out with Letty kinda made me realise i need to take better care of myself.


So i bucked my ideas up. Admittedly, i was a fat fuck. I've lost around 4 inches off my waist since i started, currently a 34/35, trying to get down to 32.

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Biggest Regret: Not in my control but I wish we stayed in Liverpool instead of moving to Leicester as A child...


Non Biggest Regret: Moving back to Liverpool, was a risk for the family at the time but I wouldn't of met the people I had, and spent the last few months with my Grandad..:)

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