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Well, there is still some contention as to whether asexuality exists amongst humans. Biology dictates that animals will always be attracted to members of the opposite/same sex, and that homosexual activity in animals is, in fact, rife. It would be very wierd for someone to say that they're not attracted to anybody or any type of person in the world.


Anyway, on the grounds of sexuality (and the fact sexuality isn't just restricted to gender), I'm beginning to realise I have an overwhelming attraction to black women. They're just so hot.


Go tell asexuality doesn't exist to all the asexual people out there. They do exist, both men and women.









Haha that's how I often feel really! Though I think I'm sorta more at peace with the confusion now, not too bothered with it at the moment. =P

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Apparently women reach sexual maturity later in life...so say...doctors?


I described my sexuality as "meh" the other day (granted, to get rid of a pesky gay) and I think thats pretty accurate at the moment. I have no sexual feelings toward anyone (other than Haggis of course ;)) lately and just can't be bothered with any of it. Plus I am sick of people judging me based on which gender I sleep with, particularly as I'm not like the average screaming pink-wearing Kylie loving gay.


I'll just happily float on doing my own thing thanks.


Basically im saying I agree with Daft, but in a more prattling and self-involved way.

Edited by Ashley
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Apparently women reach sexual maturity later in life...so say...doctors?


I described my sexuality as "meh" the other day (granted, to get rid of a pesky gay) and I think thats pretty accurate at the moment. I have no sexual feelings toward anyone (other than Haggis of course ;)) lately and just can't be bothered with any of it. Plus I am sick of people judging me based on which gender I sleep with, particularly as I'm not like the average screaming pink-wearing Kylie loving gay.


I'll just happily float on doing my own thing thanks.


I'm hurt....



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i thought dannyboy was making a clever joke....O_o

and appreciated it as such!! :grin:

Unfortunately not. I simply misread the sentence completely! :p


But yes, I also like the topics of equality and being an outsider in the X-Men films.

Go tell asexuality doesn't exist to all the asexual people out there. They do exist, both men and women.

I think what he meant was that the concept of sexuality doesn't exist until acknowledged. In Ancient Greece you didn't think of hetero- and homosexuality as different concepts.


Of course there are so-called asexual people out their, but it's unfortunate in many cases regarding sexuality that we so desperately try to categorise and label people. Sexuality is way too complex for any given system of categorising to ever be completely correct, and in many cases it creates narrowmindedness and prejudice.

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Apparently women reach sexual maturity later in life...so say...doctors?


I described my sexuality as "meh" the other day (granted, to get rid of a pesky gay) and I think thats pretty accurate at the moment. I have no sexual feelings toward anyone (other than Haggis of course ;)) lately and just can't be bothered with any of it. Plus I am sick of people judging me based on which gender I sleep with, particularly as I'm not like the average screaming pink-wearing Kylie loving gay.


I'll just happily float on doing my own thing thanks.


Basically im saying I agree with Daft, but in a more prattling and self-involved way.


My place, or yours? I'll put the kettle on, you fetch the instant mash. (Either, that made total sense, or the conversation I'm thinking of was with someone else. :p)




There's this guy at college who I've seen around since Year 7 and never felt anything toward him. Then, I have a drunken convo with him on fb a few weeks back, get told "he would" and we end up inviting him to Ibiza. I feel oddly attracted to the guy, even though he's completely not my type. It's a strange feeling.

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I'm finding it hard to bite my tongue here. It wasn't just a general fuck-about in ancient greece. They still understood the difference between man-love and woman-love -- they understood the concepts of sticking a penis in another man's bum and sticking it in a vagina and they understood the conceptual differences and implications of both acts.


I mostly have an issue with the word 'concept' here :P general 'labelling' would be better, as Daft suggested.

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I'm finding it hard to bite my tongue here. It wasn't just a general fuck-about in ancient greece. They still understood the difference between man-love and woman-love -- they understood the concepts of sticking a penis in another man's bum and sticking it in a vagina and they understood the conceptual differences and implications of both acts.


I mostly have an issue with the word 'concept' here :P general 'labelling' would be better, as Daft suggested.

Well, po-tay-to or po-tar-to, the point still stands. :)

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By todays "standards".


by anyone's. It wasn't to do with any kind of equality- it was based on the misogynistic belief that women were so inferior as to be basically incapable of forming an intellectual bond with a man- and therefore any kind of deeper relationship.

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I'd go with that. I do believe that a big part of the sexual experience comes from who you experience it with and your feelings towards them. If you've known someone for a long time and you're finally both about to get it on after both lusting after each other for months, you're not going to go in to it rough and ready. It'd be a more passionate affair. And the opposite applies too; if you pull a random bird at a club it's not going to be a night of passion, let's be honest.

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Also Coolness (but I don't believe it). :santa:


Aye, I'm not asexual as such but I'm not that fussed about sex. (don't mind the old sex jokes though, haha!) I'm just accepting the inevitable! :heh:


I've just never been that attracted to anyone yet, really.


I blame my mainly all boy's school and lack of a social life! :D


Well in my year there was no girls until Sixth Form and over the year it has gone Co-ed but not when I first joined!


So there we go, definately like women though! :grin: Despite what many people think. >_____<

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