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Because they have the same objective.


I don't think that's it. I mean, yes they obviously have the same "objective" when it comes to wanting guys, but conversation and friendship doesn't revolve around who you want to hump does it?


All your lives would suck without them.


Yees! The song goes oh so perfectly well with this thread at the minute, I love it.

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Two more years at school? Belgium's schools system is strange.


Yeah, I'm currently in my third Bachelor year. So then I still have my Master year left, and another year where I'll be taking a course to become a teacher. It's not strange really, pretty much the same as it is in other places (at least for the Bachelor/Master stuff).


Anywayyy, back on topic.

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Thats crazy, I could literally list off most girls I know, I'd say I'm attracted to them. I wouldn't do anything with half of them but still attracted to one? Are you calling all of your girl-friends ugly as well?


no not that. I mean attracted to as in actually want, not objective hotness. I know lots of pretty girls, but girls I'd actually date? yeah one.

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no not that. I mean attracted to as in actually want, not objective hotness. I know lots of pretty girls, but girls I'd actually date? yeah one.


I'm guessing you just know a lot of pretty but.. pretty stupid girls


I certainly can't find a woman attractive unless she's intelligent, so if that's the case then I understand


If not, well, good luck

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If I agreed to that, nightwolf would kick me in the nuts. :heh:


no, merely that they're my friends and this is the way and the workings of the world and so be it. My friend Katie is probably the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my life but she's always just been my friend. Yep.

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In my whole life so far, i've never had the fortune to have the honour of being the first for a certain young lady of 19 who hopefully will be coming down my end of Wales this weekend.


Obviously, she probably won't enjoy it too much.

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It's easy to feel physical attracted to someone. But to actually want to date someone? That doesn't happen too often.


Too true, many a time has passed where i have felt attracted to someone but couldn't see myself dating them, thats only happened a few times to myself.

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Well me and my female friend have just agreed to be in a lesbian relationship (she's sworn off men but apparently I am an honorary lesbian which I think is supposed to be a good thing ::shrug:) and agreed to be each other's cuddle bitches. Which I think is what I need right now.


She in fact slept in my bed when I was in Sheffield. A hot girl sleeping in my bed and I wasn't there. Blasted!

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Trust me, my hormones are raging. But I still wouldn't date all the girls I'm attracted to. Have sex with them, hell yes - but I'm not really interested in having a serious relationships with any of them.


This varies from person to person, one of my mates dates every girl he meets while others, like me only date the ones that they could be happy with in the long run.

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As much as my hormones are raging, I'm just not the shallow relationship type. If it's gonna be, it has to be right.


How many times have i been told the above by everyone i know when i got chucked by girls or refused.


Its true though, it has to be right. You can't go in all guns blazing and expect results can you.

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