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If i was a girl and some guy came at me with a 9"er or bigger i'd tell him to piss off! Aint no way that could be appealing.


It depends who the girl is.


Imo I'd be freaked out slightly and tell them to shoo. But my friend back home's boyfriend has a hugeeee cock and she loves it so y'know.

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well, in terms of cock size, i will say that im of a decent size. wearing a wetsuit or jogging shorts is actualy a bit embarasing because there is a noticable bulge. i have recived kudos of friends, male and female when they have seen it. i thought it was small looking when floopy, but apparently not.


of course this dosent matter one iota when you consider just how little action i get. i suppose its like a nuklear weapon, it can be as big as you like, your still probly not gonna use it.


Your posts always crack me up, I'm not sure if you're intentionally being funny but nevertheless, spot on with the comedy style!

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While results vary across studies, the consensus is that the average human penis is approximately 12.9–15 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length with a 95% confidence interval of (10.7 cm, 19.1 cm) (or, equivalently, 4.23 in, 7.53 in).[9][10][11] The typical girth or circumference is approximately 12.3 cm (4.85 in) when fully erect. The average penis size is slightly larger than the median size (or, put another way, most penises are below average in size).


Confidence interval :D That's brilliant!

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I have a thicker cock than my first bf, but was about the same length, and longer and thicker than the last couple of guys ive been with.


So, I think im quite happy with mine :)




i dunno, i always thought gay guys would want thinner cocks, so the bum sex wasnt as painful.


i realise that sounds realy bad, but i mean it in all innocence.

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hahaaha buuuuuuuuuuuurrrn.


Did anyone see a documentary on c4 a few years back about a guy with a really, really small member? It was kinda sad really.


Born cuckold.




I'm a virgin, so, I wouldn't know :P


Does help to have a nice sized cock to suck on though..



Girth is still more important than length.

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