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Personally, I'm going to enjoy it more if it's closer to an illusion of mutual pleasure. I know it's all fake an so on but it's more of a turn on if it at least looks and (almost more importantly) sounds like those involved, particularly the women, are having a good time. Some poor lass looking like she's about to cry and vomit were it not for the pain killers isn't exactly my idea of a turn on.

I agree completely with you on this. Though I understand the psychological aspects of the highlighted part, it just doesn't work for me. Playful submission and dominating I can relate to, but some things are just ... :shakehead

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Why is it so much easier to talk to guys, than girls? I feel more comfortable flirting etc with a guy, than I do with a girl. I get all "Oh Dear God..Shit!" if it's with a girl. I was at the cinema tonight, and when I was standing in the lobby with some mates, she kept looking at me and I was doing the same. It was rather obvious she was attempting to flirt, and yet I didn't have the balls just to go and ask for her number. Had it been a guy, I'd of found it alot easier. I have nooo idea why, and I'm rather annoyed because she was rather hot. :heh:

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So I was thinking last night...we are usually under the impression that love is a positive thing, and a good, or even best feeling slash emotion.


Basically...it actually causes masses of pain. If you love someone...then you fall out of love with them, boom pain and masses of problems, stress, etc. If you love someone and they die, boom massive pain. The list goes on and on and on.


This isn't exactly news but....yeah.

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So I was thinking last night...we are usually under the impression that love is a positive thing, and a good, or even best feeling slash emotion.


Basically...it actually causes masses of pain. If you love someone...then you fall out of love with them, boom pain and masses of problems, stress, etc. If you love someone and they die, boom massive pain. The list goes on and on and on.


This isn't exactly news but....yeah.


I know, brother. :(


Love is complicated. I think unrequited/semi-unrequited love is the most painful. For example, if your girlfriend was your first and you have all these special feelings for her, but if you arn't her first...then the feeling might not be greatly recipirated. So there can be instances of emotional clash, like you might want to open up to her totally but she may not etc etc...


Heart breaking stuff y'all.

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If you go by that definition, then you can say that pain isn's a bad thing because once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up.


The risk you speak of is what makes 'love' so awesome when it's awesome. Life isn't a fairy tale, shit happens.


Break up with your girlfriend already!

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If you go by that definition, then you can say that pain isn's a bad thing because once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up.


The risk you speak of is what makes 'love' so awesome when it's awesome. Life isn't a fairy tale, shit happens.


Break up with your girlfriend already!




The feeling I got when I was in love always outweighed what I felt after it finished when I wasn't in love anymore.

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Hmm, would you mind elaborating on that?


You're nobody til somebody loves you (or however the song goes).


Annoys me. I am somebody thanks. Not saying somebody loving you is a bad thing obviously but its an addition to your character, not the definition.


I don't see love as the meaning of life, but meerly part of it.

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You're nobody til somebody loves you (or however the song goes).


Annoys me. I am somebody thanks. Not saying somebody loving you is a bad thing obviously but its an addition to your character, not the definition.


I don't see love as the meaning of life, but meerly part of it.


I never said anything about the first statement.


Of course life holds many different things, but love is such an important force.

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I never said anything about the first statement.


Of course life holds many different things, but love is such an important force.


(you kinda did by proxy. love is the meaning of life. thus love is everything in life to strive for. if you're not in love, which i am taking, perhaps at liberty, as if you're not in relationship, you lack life)


But nah mostly it just reminded me of that mindframe some people have. I'm bored, I need an outlet :p

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