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Whilst this thread is pretty damn interesting, I feel it would be wrong to continue pestering Rokhed for details. It's his own private life, after all, and he shouldn't really disclose information that would make him feel uncomfortable. Whatever he does in his own sexy time is entirely up to him.


Dammit, why the fuck am I still dying to know what it is?

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Whilst this thread is pretty damn interesting, I feel it would be wrong to continue pestering Rokhed for details. It's his own private life, after all, and he shouldn't really disclose information that would make him feel uncomfortable. Whatever he does in his own sexy time is entirely up to him.


Dammit, why the fuck am I still dying to know what it is?


Because he mentioned it in the first place....He wants us to beg! Should we give in?

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Dammit, why the fuck am I still dying to know what it is?


Cos if we haven't figured out what it is yet then its going to be crazy wierd and we all like crazy wierd!


Because he mentioned it in the first place....He wants us to beg! Should we give in?




It reminds me of this:


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Nah, there's no sense pushing the guy, especially one as strong minded as THE ROK.


Speaking of gay encounters, I visited a gay club yesterday with my friends, and this one guy walked past me and ran his hand over my chest...


Then, a few minutes later, he walked past and did the same thing again. My friends were pissing themselves laughing.


Whilst I was dancing with a girlyfriend of mine, I had my hand on her back, and he walked past and stroked my arm!




This does not help me shake my image of unsuspecting gay icon.

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The only time I went to a gay club was with my foreign lesbian friends and was dancing and grinding with them and I heard one of their friends who I had only just met ask "Is he straight or gay?" Made me laugh on the inside.


Not my scene anyway. Too many queens and campness. (Thats not gramatically correct but whatever)

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we share similiar taste it seems.




Actually I don't think we do, A-S isn't normally my type at all.


Whilst this thread is pretty damn interesting, I feel it would be wrong to continue pestering Rokhed for details. It's his own private life, after all, and he shouldn't really disclose information that would make him feel uncomfortable. Whatever he does in his own sexy time is entirely up to him.


Dammit, why the fuck am I still dying to know what it is?


Again, cause he mentioned and brought it up in the first place. If he didn't want people asking him to reveal he shouldn't have started talking about it!


I can't stand people that say 'I know something amazing, but I can't tell you!'

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Nah, there's no sense pushing the guy, especially one as strong minded as THE ROK.


Speaking of gay encounters, I visited a gay club yesterday with my friends, and this one guy walked past me and ran his hand over my chest...


Then, a few minutes later, he walked past and did the same thing again. My friends were pissing themselves laughing.


Whilst I was dancing with a girlyfriend of mine, I had my hand on her back, and he walked past and stroked my arm!




This does not help me shake my image of unsuspecting gay icon.



Haha nice.


I go to a club every month with a big gay following. Not been hit on yet, but it's possible i am in a gay magazine who were doing a shoot. Attitude, it was.

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Haha nice.


I go to a club every month with a big gay following. Not been hit on yet, but it's possible i am in a gay magazine who were doing a shoot. Attitude, it was.


Which venue/night was that ?


I tend to like many forms of dance music and end up at plenty of nights that are mixed or attract the camper side of nightlife. Been chatted up a few times etc, etc. No biggie (At least not with the g/f in tow). Its worth it for the atmosphere. In the last 3 years of clubbing Leeds to death, I cannot say I have seen any trouble at the 'camp' venues, so my vote for decent night out will always be gay-nite ftw.

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Which venue/night was that ?


I tend to like many forms of dance music and end up at plenty of nights that are mixed or attract the camper side of nightlife. Been chatted up a few times etc, etc. No biggie (At least not with the g/f in tow). Its worth it for the atmosphere. In the last 3 years of clubbing Leeds to death, I cannot say I have seen any trouble at the 'camp' venues, so my vote for decent night out will always be gay-nite ftw.


The night is Razor Stiletto in Sheffield. At the time it was in The Plug, now it's at DQ.

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If you do, it's the first Saturday of every month.


I need to get out into Sheffield sometime soon....The last time I went was a works night out and Kingdom and flares was about the furthest ppl were willing to go...Not good when your up for a proper night out imho.


I am back from the pub and ready to be questioned to hell about gay issues. Go ahead!


What colours would you recommend for a bathroom, I'm shit with decorating and need some kind of guidance on the situation ?

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What colours would you recommend for a bathroom, I'm shit with decorating and need some kind of guidance on the situation ?


can you say sterotypical much? :P


okay heres one, in your experience, do Gay people (general, lesibans inc.) tend to flirt more than straight people?

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watched Big brothers big mouth and theirs quite a few people saying that the guys gone in aren't real blokes cos' their gay or bi! It's complete shit



But anyways, this thread has become mighty popular!


can you say sterotypical much? :P


okay heres one, in your experience, do Gay people (general, lesibans inc.) tend to flirt more than straight people?


exactly what I was thinking lol (the stereotypical bit)

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The bathroom thing depends on several factors; size, position in the house, to some extent other rooms in the house etc. There is no one 'right' colour.


But yeah it is a bit stereotypical. My straight friends (some of them, not all of them) have more fashion sense then me. Or at least more disposable income to buy it all.

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;468909]The bathroom thing depends on several factors; size' date=' position in the house, to some extent other rooms in the house etc. There is no one 'right' colour.[/quote']


Upstairs, back of house and rectangular...window situated NNE (Hope that does'nt screw up any feng-shui type energy flows). G/f demands reasonable mirror and lighting conditions because since meeting me her interests have turned from tomboy to girly girl, and white is boring...

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can you say sterotypical much? :P


okay heres one, in your experience, do Gay people (general, lesibans inc.) tend to flirt more than straight people?


I do yes. I don't know about anyone else but i like guys to act like guys you know. I hate these camp guys.

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