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Ladies, Ive just read something that I believe to be ridiculous. Please confirm or unconfirm if this is true.


Here's some advice that I would never have believed when I was your age about dating and women:


Women want to be treated like crap. Sure, they want the cards and gifts and sweet words, but... they also want to be treated like dirt. It's true. Why? Here's why:


Like most humans, they want what they can't have. If you treat a woman aloofly and act like you really don't care if things work out or even if you go out with them on a date they want you (the man) more. As soon as you start spilling your feelings of love and act all starry-eyed they lose interest. Fast. It's human nature. Try it. You'll see I'm right. Ro-gan is always right

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Hmm seems like Prop 8 isn't going well.


Yeah, well, don't move there.


There are plenty of human rights violations going on across the world, and as much as you can but fight them, sometimes the bigots just have more influence. Maybe Obama can help cut the shit in his term. I hope.


Also, marriage is bullshit anyway

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Yeah, well, don't move there.


There are plenty of human rights violations going on across the world, and as much as you can but fight them, sometimes the bigots just have more influence. Maybe Obama can help cut the shit in his term. I hope.


Also, marriage is bullshit anyway


Was just saying as it is relevent to the topic. As you said, marriage sucks and if I ever getting married its going to be with a woman. Men annoy me :p

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I think he meant: "Don't move to California."


I find Prop 8 sad. Narrowmindedness 1-0. :(


I suppose the only postive is that it was pretty damn close (52-48). But still, that's really not good enough. Suddenly I'm actually happy to be living in this country. Shocking, I know. :heh:

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Dude you used to be more active generally :p


Anyway I can find one, but not the first.


(also saw I used to text you. I believe I stopped because I lost your number and you never replied :p)


Ah, there they are. First, second.


I know I used to be more active, I've just had a lot of work on at the moment. Hence also my inactivity in doing my usual GFX tasks, I will get back on it soon.


I still have your number! How dare you loose mine!

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Ah, there they are. First, second.


I know I used to be more active, I've just had a lot of work on at the moment. Hence also my inactivity in doing my usual GFX tasks, I will get back on it soon.


I still have your number! How dare you loose mine!


I swtiched phones 5 times during the summer.

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It doesn't seem very far from the truth, where do you think the whole ''bad boy, nice guy'' thing comes from?


I think its a mixed bag because women dont know what they want. They are very confusing, complicated beings. Yes, they like it when a man is unavailable as it makes them want them more, but they also break up with arseholes eventually, so you have to keep a happy medium.


At least with men you can just be nice and flirt a little bit!

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I think its a mixed bag because women dont know what they want. They are very confusing, complicated beings. Yes, they like it when a man is unavailable as it makes them want them more, but they also break up with arseholes eventually, so you have to keep a happy medium.


At least with men you can just be nice and flirt a little bit!


I find that men are exactly the same in what they do and don't want. I've had this conversation recently and I agree wholeheartedly we (meaning us females) have nooo idea.


Men in generally do the same as women, they go on about getting the right girl..so what do they do? They go for the wrong ones! *facepalm*

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I find that men are exactly the same in what they do and don't want. I've had this conversation recently and I agree wholeheartedly we (meaning us females) have nooo idea.


Men in generally do the same as women, they go on about getting the right girl..so what do they do? They go for the wrong ones! *facepalm*


Meh, I reckon it just makes things far more interesting! Plus once you find out you're with the wrong one you then usually get it more right the next time (well some people do....)

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