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Missing People


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Before I start this, prepare for some shock tactics, I am not drying to cause trouble, just to provoke thought...





Have any of you ever experienced the dissapearence of a loved one?


Madeline McCann, a prominent figure in the paers recently, the little girl who was abducted from her Apartment, straight away the whole of Britain was tuned in on this horrific and gripping story.


Since her dissapearence, countless church services in her name have been held, yellow ribbons have been created, awareness was on the highest level.


But what about my friend?


What friend I hear you ask?


Steven Cook, a family friend who went missing in September 2005 in Malia, Gone without a trace, 20 at the time heading for his final year at Uni with the world at his feet. What was ment to be a holiday turned into a nightmare for his friends, as they frantically surched Malia, without any proper help from the Police, poor publicity and a bunch of Holiday Reps trying to put the whole hush on the thing and spare Malia a reputation.


The Cook family had no help, no money no nothing, Only an internet forum which he posted on and small donations from friends to try and get something going.


Malia's authorities didn't help either, a few days after him going missing we mananged to fly over some make shift leaflets which where torn down by the public and landlords, in sake of the resorts reputation.


Yes there has been some publicity but none of the scale of Little Maddy, which I cannot understand? How can you chose to put one story forward, and not the other.


Steven's mother is in an absolute state, she cannot understand why this girl get's the publicity but not her son, and I totally feel the same.


The Government, the news agencies done absolutely nothing to help, the odd story here or there, but only in a little column.


The Sun where only willing to publish a story if they could claim that "Albanian Gangsters" where behind his dissapearence. Being who they where, they did not want to go to the sun, but they needed publicity, but there terms where atrocious. A Symbol of what the News Agencies are about nowadays.


I really do hope they find that little girl, but let's get this straight, where is the justice?


Madeline McCann, Missing on holiday through her own Parents Negligence, yet they get all the support in the world, awareness of a high level, you name it they have got it. Massive Donations


The Cook Family, Missing on holiday, No Money, No Awareness, No Help, No Government Support, No Pope Visits, No nothing. Just a resort trying to cover it's name, and a Government doing nothing.


I don't want to compare how they both went missing, but how can a news agency chose one story over another, Steven is a really person too, tragically taken with no trace from his loved ones.


I really hope they find Maddy, but I wish to God they didn't make a big deal out of it just for the sake of viewing figures, paper sales. I wish they would do this for everyone who went missing, not just the odd exception.


Come Home Soon Mate


For more on Steven Cook please visit



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I totally agree with you, I'm getting sick of this bulllshit about maddie's parents. their day to day itenerary published in every newspaper. I suppose it comes down to the fact that she was only a little girl.

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Well said. I also totally agree with you and don't see how anyone can see otherwise. Thr girl missing is sad, but things like this are not that uncommon. Granted this incident might be stranger than most cases but not to the extent to warrant the amount of press it has gotten.

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They're only doing all this publicity for Madeleine is because she is a cute little 3-year old girl. Whereas your friend Steven is a 20-year old lad, old enough to look after himself.

And so the papers choose to do publicity for Madeleine for those reasons.

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They're only doing all this publicity for Madeleine is because she is a cute little 3-year old girl. Whereas your friend Steven is a 20-year old lad, old enough to look after himself.

And the papers, opt to do publicity for Madeleine for those reasons.


Hate to be so cynical, but the fact that Steven's parents are retired yet Maddy's are a a Doctor and Surgeon have anything to do with it?

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The only reason she gets this attention, is because she was a foreign 4 year old cute girl kidnapped in Portugal, and for tourism sake the police had to make a big deal out of this.


Although if I was in her parents position, I would use all this attention too.

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To be honest you can only give the girl's parents credit for attracting such publicity and raising awareness in the way that they have done, and if it all results in the safe return of their daughter, surely that can only be a good thing?

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Hate to be so cynical, but the fact that Steven's parents are retired yet Maddy's are a a Doctor and Surgeon have anything to do with it?


Hit the nail on the head i think.

Yep they have money and are taking more seriously because of their profession i would think.

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Hate to be so cynical, but the fact that Steven's parents are retired yet Maddy's are a a Doctor and Surgeon have anything to do with it?


To be honest, I can't see what difference that would make.

I'm only looking at the profiles of the two missing people and their differences which probably show how the press would favour one of them.


Edit: Ah, MCJ's pointed it out for me. I didn't see that before. :woops:

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Hit the nail on the head i think.

Yep they have money and are taking more seriously because of their profession i would think.


My Dad also made the point, if this was a single Black Parent, she would be acused of negligence and battered in the press.


The Cook family have tried everything to get in the media for Steven, but all they get is a barely noticeable column, in the middle of the paper.


People say he maybe dead, that might be true, but the family have had no help, they are Crippled by the finances and the Malia police are doing nothing.


Steven is out there somwhere, yet our Government, and papers turn a blind eye to this poor lad.

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To be honest you can only give the girl's parents credit for attracting such publicity and raising awareness in the way that they have done, and if it all results in the safe return of their daughter, surely that can only be a good thing?


Let's put it this way. The kidnappers would most definetly have heard all this publicity. With her pictures everywhere they couln't possibly keep her alive. is it a good thing? i'm not sure what i would do in the situation.


I also find it strange that NO demands were made at all. Ok maybe the kidnappers are completely psychos that are off their heads but her parents are 2 doctors clearly they are wealthy.

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Guest Jordan

You know, i hate to be the kinda guy who says this but... jeeze after the amount of weeks its been what slight chance is there that shes even alive anymore?

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To be honest you can only give the girl's parents credit for attracting such publicity and raising awareness in the way that they have done, and if it all results in the safe return of their daughter, surely that can only be a good thing?


Very true, but theres no way she'll be found now tbh, she's either in someone foreign country being shipped somewhere or worse

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As far as I can tell, the media picks the odd missing person, probably ones they think the public will emotionally connect with, and blows up the case into a massive (inter)national event, when the disappearances of other people, who are perhaps less appealing to the public, are pretty much ignored. This strikes me as massively unfair.

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To be honest you can only give the girl's parents credit for attracting such publicity and raising awareness in the way that they have done, and if it all results in the safe return of their daughter, surely that can only be a good thing?

Maybe not:


Media 'may have scared Madeleine kidnapper'


Police in Portugal believe that Madeleine McCann may be in the hands of a kidnapper who has not issued a ransom demand because of the intense media coverage of her disappearance.


Detectives said the abductor may have "panicked" because of the worldwide response to the case of the missing child, who was taken from her bedroom in the resort of Praia da Luz a month ago.


As far as I can tell, the media picks the odd missing person, probably ones they think the public will emotionally connect with, and blows up the case into a massive (inter)national event, when the disappearances of other people, who are perhaps less appealing to the public, are pretty much ignored. This strikes me as massively unfair.

Known in the US as "Missing white woman syndrome"


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There is absolutely nothing right with the attention the little girl got... The only reason why she got so much attention is because her parents are attention whores and their daughter was a really adorable kid with big eyes saying "oh look at me, I'm so cute" - perfect front cover material. It's sickening. And there's no way it helped either.

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My Dad also made the point, if this was a single Black Parent, she would be acused of negligence and battered in the press.


I really hope that's not true.. I mean, I don't think the british press would do that.


Isn't the main reason this came to light because of the Portuguese police's poor handling of the case at the start?


And once it's known... well heck. Our country loves to have a little kid in danger every few years. Not meaning to take any of this lightly, but I think much of the public reads the news in the same fashion they watch a soap. Nobody wants to hear about the serious, world-affecting news as much as they want to be entertained - I think many parents are 'entertained' by news such as this because they can read it and realise how much better off they are, as opposed to reading about the new budget, for instance.


Now, Maddie going missing, in my eyes, is absolutely none of my business. Sure if i spot her in the Leeds town centre I'll give the right number a bell, but knowning what her parents did, where she went in portugal is useless to me. As is the maddie chain mail going around, and the facebook group.


Maybe one day when I have a child I'll see this differently...

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Wouln't the amount of press just drive the person that took her futher and futher away? Heck, it could be the sole reason that they haven't found her - ther person in Italy or Switzerland now.


I would go as far as saying that the press killed her.



If any perent did what maddie's did, but didn't go and get the press on their side (and kept it to the police, instead), they would hade had their other children taken from them.


The only reason it hasn't happened in this case is that the press has "protected" them - the amount of bad press that the government would recieve from doing what they would normally do would be immense. I don't see how that is fair.

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The only resons she is in the papers is because she is a blonde haired blue eyed middle class girl. Her parents are clearly mentaly chalenged as they allowed it to happen, The thing is the press have rammed it down peoples faces so people stop caring and get sick of it, personally i dont think the press should report anything like this as its just not fair on the other familys who arent deemed respectable enough to be newsworthy.

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I agree totally too. It's stupid how much fuss was being made about it, especially given the circumstances in which it occured(the parents going out and leaving their kids home alone, in a foreign country). Yet, they get so much exposure and help, it's stupid!

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