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Yeah, sorry about that.


Anyway, Capcom Europe have Killer 7 listed as a Wii game on their website. Not that odd when you factor in backwards compatibility, but why do none of the other GameCube games also feature a Wii logo?


At the moment there's no other evidence pointing towards another 'Wii Edition' from Capcom, although Killer 7's gameplay is almost prescient with its aptness for Wiimote control.


This is most likely a mistake, despite the game's suitability to being 'Wiimade', but what are your thoughts on a port? Personally I doubt I'd buy it unless there were sizable extras or improvements, although I know there are fans of the game that would find themselves buying it even if there weren't. Okami on the other hand... Go on, Capcom, you know it makes sense!


Hmmm, Killer7 was a pretty good game, but I don't think it would be very benefitial to port it to Wii. It'd work rather well on a Wii-remote, I wager. I wouldn't buy it is it were a simple port, unlike RE4. As you say, probably a mistake, but then again... Stranger things have happened!


Okami on the other hand... Go on, Capcom, you know it makes sense!


Too true. I've started playing this game. Truely magical, and indeed screaming "WII"!!!


Killer 7 would suit Wii controls far better than it did the Gamecube controls. Plus, these Wii ports cost nothing and bring in profits.


But I don't think this one will happen as sales weren't great the first time around. Plus, the story was broken.

Plus, the story was broken.


Play it again. The first time you finish it, you think "What the fuck was that about". The second time, it all makes sense...:heh:

Not all remakes have to have "wii" inserted in them you know.


Remakes? What are...?


Ohhhhhh, you mean 'Wiimakes'.


Killer 7's average scores didn't make me interested in the game. If better controls and improved gameplay can improve it, I may be tempted.

Yeah, sorry about that.
You really should be :nono:


Anyway, I haven't been following Wii titles that much, but isn't "No More Heroes" basically going to be the Wii's K7-esque outing?


It's most likely a mistake, especially if you consider RE4 Wii edition and RE:UC isnt even listed in the Wii games list. That said, I certainly wouldnt mind a Wiimake/port of this game. I'm yet to get my hands on this title, it's so hard to find, plus I think the game is perfectly suited to the Wii.

As for the game being potentially another port.. yes we all hate it, but as with RE4, the game deserves another chance. Killer 7 is a very unique title, it's creative, original and just off-beat. You don't see that kind of title very often nowadays. Do the controls suck? Perhaps, but I'm willing to give it a try. Hey, Red Steel's controls weren't as bad as they said, so why wouldn't this title be any different? :)


still, I think it's a mistake, haha.


Capcom comment on the story,




Nintendo News | Capcom Talks killer7 Wii Remake


There was a mass of confusion yesterday as eagle-eyed Internew surfers discovered the Wii logo on Capcom Europe's killer7 page, leading many to believe a remake of Resident Evil 4 proportions was on the way. Capcom has now responded. Sadly, though, it is not with the confirmation many were hoping for.


It seems that the company uses various back pages to tinker around with various logos and in order to ensure the Wii logo sat comfortably next to other system logos, the web-heads stuck it on that page, but accidentally updated it to make it live. So the official response is now "we can confirm that there are currently no plans for a Killer 7 version for the Wii platform."


However, it is certainly not ruled out:


"The interest this seems to have generated on the internet is quite gratifying, but we're going to have to disappoint you this time. The innovative control system of the Wii would seem like a good match for the innovative gameplay of Killer 7 and we cannot completely rule out the idea of a Killer 7 Wii at some point in the future. However we can confirm that there are no plans at the present time to make such a game and there is certainly not one in the pipeline that we are not telling you about."


I wouldn't mind playing through it again with Wii controls/extras.. Though I would prefer a 'killer8' on the Wii.


..technically a 'killer9' given the unlockable mode in killer7, but people who haven't played it or finished it won't know that




killer7 was one of my favourite GC games for sure : peace:


It would be totally suited for Wiimote controls. Imagine holding two wiimotes like Con Smith holds his guns and pointing on the screen. It should feel so immersive.

If they port it and throw in some little extra mission I'll buy it for sure - as long as it's not full price.

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