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The Official 2006-2007 Exams Thread


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Did my science exam. I found it quite hard. Afterwards I couldn't get home (live too far away) so me, my girlfriend and my friend went to Somerfield's and got some strawberries, some dairy milks and a 2 litre bottle of Fanta lemon and went and had a mini picnic on the park. The strawberries were a bit mank. There weren't many decent ones. Then it started raining so me and my girlfriend went to her house.


Anywho I don't have to go into school anymore. Our school didn't have study leave, I think they were the only school in the country. Have a stats exam next thursday and a graphics the day after. Then to have the aforementioned wank.

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Does no-one here do decision module 1 for last mathematics topic for AS? :( Everyone is doing stats this year :/


I did D1 (Edexcel) this year, but that's because I have to because I do Further Maths. I don't really understand why everyone goes for stats when mechanics is far shorter and easier.

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I did D1 and D2 three years ago, and although ours was called discrete maths its pretty much the same thing. Also did S1, S2, M1 and M2.


Anyway I have the mother of exams tomorrow, "Nuclear, Partical and Atomic Physics". It makes so little sense, and I have to remember the quark compositions of like 30 subatomic particles.

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Guest Stefkov

I can't believe after we finish our exams we still have to go in for 3 more weeks to start A2. Load of crap, I'll forget it all over the holidays.

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I just did my History oral exam. It could've been better, in fact it could've been A LOT better.

Sorry to hear that. You think you're still gonna pass?


I have my Art History oral exam next week (Wednesday). Most people have had it already... but so far the results I heard weren't all that great (okay I only heard of 4). One friend failed with a 6/20, two others with an 8 and some dude I don't really know passed with a 13. I'm gonna have to study hard if I want to pass that thing. D:


Anyway, tomorrow is Literature. Exam from 9 till 1 or something. Gonna be evilll. Now I'm just sorta reading through my notes in the hope that it'll stick in my brain... >.>;

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I just had my C3 maths retake, went pretty well really, just C4 left for maths!

Oh and I had General Studies yesterday which cut into C3 revision time. I had a bet with my friends for a list of words we had to work into the essay part of it. I got them all in! Here they are:



Pork Chop

Deputy Dawg


lined paper

General Studies sucks major horse cock


I think I won the bet.

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I just had my C3 maths retake, went pretty well really, just C4 left for maths!

Oh and I had General Studies yesterday which cut into C3 revision time. I had a bet with my friends for a list of words we had to work into the essay part of it. I got them all in! Here they are:



Pork Chop

Deputy Dawg


lined paper

General Studies sucks major horse cock


I think I won the bet.


And failed the exam?



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Lol no I still answered all the questions they asked, they can only take marks of for quality of written communication.


And, to be frank, I don't give a shit about general studies :) It's not going to help me get into Uni, and I already have a high A in it from last year when I actually tried :grin: So yeah, not bothered really, I wouldn't have been so stupid about it all if it was an important exam

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I just had my additional maths exam.


I actually screamed to myself when I realised I didn't have a clue how to do a question that was worth 15 marks. Like I died and metaphorically came back to life.


I think I did ok in the rest of the paper though, despite having 5 minutes left at the end to draw a graph, which I can tell looks like shit.


Like I'll publically scream if I manage to scrape an A.

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I just had my C3 maths retake, went pretty well really, just C4 left for maths!

Oh and I had General Studies yesterday which cut into C3 revision time. I had a bet with my friends for a list of words we had to work into the essay part of it. I got them all in! Here they are:



Pork Chop

Deputy Dawg


lined paper

General Studies sucks major horse cock


I think I won the bet.

My friend's sister bested you. Instead of answering the questions, she wrote a letter to the exam board detailing all the exact problems with the exam from various philisophical and ethical points of view.


She got a U, which I suppose is fair enough as she didn't actually do the paper properly.

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