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Favourite FPS Weapon


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Well I thought i might start up somthing cool. I don't know if it has been done before. But my three favorite FPS weapons were as is:


1. Gravity Gun - Half-Life 2

2. Energy Sword - Halo 2

3. Crowbar - Half-Life and Half-Life 2


List what u want peeps...



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These aren't even terribly exciting weapons, but I am quite foreign to first person shooters so just tolerate me for these three choices and their respective reasons.


These are in no specific order:


Battle Rifle - Halo 2

With the Battle Rifle, we get a sufficient capability to kill another player, a zoom feature that really extends the capabilities of the gun, and a neat three shot burst every time we tap the trigger. It's become the choice weapon for me and many others in the game and really is the one to grab if it spawns on the map.


Plasma Grenade - Halo 2

More than the Battle Rifle, more then a headshot... even more than whipping out the Energy Sword for some slice and dice, there is one weapon few have mastered - the Plasma Grenade. A glowing mass of pain, this death sphere can attach itself to other players and objects if it hits correctly. It will proceed to remain stuck to them or it, exploding seconds later and killing anything in the immediately vicinity of the explosion... including it's host. Why this little blue bastard, you ask? Simply because of the satisfaction and redemption it provides. We've all been there... backing away from an incredibly cocky opponent as he hails us with supreme weapon fire, prepares to lunge with his sword and throws colourful insults at your mom. He nears, one more shot and you're through... and then you throw it. That blue circle leaps through the game-air and latches onto his face. His colourful words are suddenly a mesh of confusion and anger as he kills you to a single comment of "Bang" as his world is lit up. Sticking someone is the most satisfying kill in the entire game.




DD4 - Goldeneye 007

When my friends and I played Goldeneye obsessively back in the haydays of our youth, we quickly warmed to a specific gametype on Complex and Facility. This glory was of course setting our player health to hero (one shot kill kills instantly) and setting the guns on Pistols. In this game mode, we firmly believed the PP7 to be the weakest and punyest weapon second only to the Klobb. The Magnum, although stylish would provide too much reloading time... so really there could be only one all-purpose weapon for combat. The DD4 looked like a gun, it handled like a gun and it had a satisfyingly booming fire sound you associate with a gun. King of the pistols, indeed.

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Farsight - Perfect Dark, nobody was better than me with that gun.


RCP90 - Goldeneye fast as fuck and once you got hold of two, you teh win. RCP120 from perfect dark did have a bigger magazine but was slower, so ill stick with the RCP90

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Battle Rifle - Halo 2.


If I had to pick just one FPS weapon to see me through all FPS's it'd be Halo 2's battle rifle. Handy over mid to long range and still capable in a close fire fight, that bad boy has it all. With a decent rate of fire for those who know how to use it, and able to drop someone very quickly every home should own one.


Sawn-off Shotgun - Doom 2


For exploding monster/zombie heads surely the sawn-off is an undisbuted classic. There's a real feeling of weight to it, and that's impressive in a game that's getting on a bit now. Knowing you'll get maximum pay off by letting the monster get right up close before you blast him helps the atmosphere too.


Remote Mine - Goldeneye


I tend to be a bit of a sneak when playing my FPS's multiplayer, so anything that can help me take people out while not having to look them in the eye is a plus. Watching another player run right over a mine you'd left in some dark little corner before you blew the crap out of them was excellent.


Flak Cannon - UT's


Another weapon with an excellent "weight" to it. Catching someone full in the face with a frag grenade is a thing of beauty.


Sniper Rifle - Pretty much any game they appear in.


Again, the sneak in me loves being able to take folks out with limited risk to my own well being. Be it Halo 2 from the cliffs on Coag or UT and sitting cosy in one of the towers.


Plasma Grenade - Halo 2


It's difficult to match the satisfaction of sticking an opponent full on the face with a glowing ball of death. There's the lovely second of gloating as you watch them run along helpess to stop the impending explosion. Then there's the rendition of "I stuck you mother f*cker! Oh stick stick God damn, God damn!" CVD knows what I'm talking about. Just the other day, on Lockout, I see some guy running into one of the buildings, from half-way across the map I guess which way he might run out, lobbing the grenade the arc is complete as it lands right on his shoulder. He dropped out of the game right after that kill.


There's loads more, but the above are some of my faves.

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Half-Life 2: Gravity Gun

F.E.A.R: Repeater Cannon

F.E.A.R: (Not strickly a weapon) the flying kicks :D

UT/UT2003/4: Super Shock Rifle

Serious Sam: The Cannon

Halo 1: MA5B Assault Rifle

Doom 2: Double Barrelled Shotgun

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As far as Shotguns go I think the most satisfying ever has to be the double-barreled offering from Quake 2. In multiplayer mode everyone moves around very quickly, so the satisfaction of catching some circle-strafing knobhead point blank and watching them disintergrate will always be an image I'll treasure.

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rl seccondarys? bit of overkill if you ask me, although i have to mention that locking onto some cocksmoker in a banshee and blowing his ass into dust may just be the crowning moment of awesomeness on halo 2. either that or a well placed plasma nade on said banshee.

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Double Maulers - Perfect Dark

Super Dragon - Perfect Dark

N-BOMB - Perfect Dark ( So annoying to get hit with, but so fun to use on other people)

Double Phantoms - Goldeneye 007

D5K Deutsche - Goldeneye 007

Double DD44's - Goldeneye 007

Covenant Energy Blade - Halo 2

M6D Assault Pistol - Halo PC

Fuel Rod Gun - Halo PC

Double - Double Barrel Shotgun - Timesplitters 2

IcePick - Project Snowblind

Electro Magnetic Pulse Grenade - Project Snowblind

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Reaper- Perfect Dark ^_^ (well, I think thats it anyway)



also, any mines, especially in Timesplitters 2. You can't beat a good old straight out mines deathmatch.


The reaper is awesome, especially on grind mode :D


My favourite gun is the Battle Rifle. Perfection. Perfect in every way :)

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DD4 - Goldeneye 007

When my friends and I played Goldeneye obsessively back in the haydays of our youth, we quickly warmed to a specific gametype on Complex and Facility. This glory was of course setting our player health to hero (one shot kill kills instantly) and setting the guns on Pistols. In this game mode, we firmly believed the PP7 to be the weakest and punyest weapon second only to the Klobb. The Magnum, although stylish would provide too much reloading time... so really there could be only one all-purpose weapon for combat. The DD4 looked like a gun, it handled like a gun and it had a satisfyingly booming fire sound you associate with a gun. King of the pistols, indeed.


PP7 - GoldenEye: I'd have to say that the PP7 makes up for its shortcomings with better accuracy than the DD4, and on Licence To Kill it makes it my prefered weapon (on pistols only)



Cerebral Bore - Turok 2: Probably the most original gun I've ever come accross and still the best. It's also the only weapon that has enabled me to see brain fluid in a game. If anyone isn't familiar with this beast this grisly gun fires a small pod like device with three drills and a hole. When its fired out it homes in on the nearest target and attaches itself to their head, it then proceeds to drill into their brains and suck, then spew out their brain fluid through the hole, not only that but after their brains have been blenderised the device then explodes!



Laptop Gun - PD: Fun for setting deadly traps and general carnage. ah that reminds me, on GoldenEye we used to play this game where 1st player would fill the bunker map full of proximity mines from the prison cell to outside while 2nd player looks away, then 2nd player would then have to make there way from cell to outside via the deadly maze of proxy mines! Sounds crap now, but used to be quite entertaining.


BAR - Call of Duty: Ahh yes, my all purpose classic. Great for giving cover to allies, its very accurate when used as a rifle but also devastating at close range when you let it rip. Only major problem is its small 20 round clip and its weight.


Others include Nuke (Turok), Farsight (PD), Pulse Rifle (Avp2), Shrink gun (Duke Nukem).

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No question what so ever:



The m4a1 carbine (maverike) in counter strike, it's the best looking gun (bar any of the heavy stuff), and is all round great, the siliencer is so neat. It's my fav. gun alllways.


But the sig552 (krieg) comes in a close second, with it's scope it matches the stery-oug (bull-pop) but can be almost as good as an m4 in a meduim range fight, though suffers a bit to much from recoil.


The mini gun from time splitters 2, all round good fun for taking down those zombies :smile:

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I can't think of one particular weapon so i'll give a fantasy weapon set.


Falcon 2 - Perfect Dark

M1 Garand - Brothers in Arms

Double Uzi 9mm - Goldeneye

Dragon - Perfect Dark

Soviet rifle - Timesplitters 3

RCP90 - Goldeneye

Laptop gun - Perfect Dark

SPAS Shotgun - Half life 1

German sniper rifle - Medal of Honor

Rocket Launcher - Any

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