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City trip


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Alright, my parents will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this year in September. They're already planning on having some kind of party here (though not much has been planned yet), but we (my sister and I) sort of want to do something too. So now we started talking about maybe giving them a nice trip to some European city. At least if we have enough money by then.


Now the question is: what city should we send them to?

We've already been to a couple, like Paris and Barcelona, but what other cities are there that are worth visiting? A couple that came up were Rome, Venice and Athens, but I would like to hear some suggestions from you guys.


So, name a city you think is worth visiting and preferably why. Go go go! =D

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Alright, my parents will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this year in September.


So are mine...


Anyway. Someone in Italy I'd say but the major ones have been suggested. How about someone unusual, like Zurich?

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Rekjavik in iceland most amazing place ever


Not just because i snogged an icelandic girl their


p.s she was hot, actually they were all hot pretty much


Im sure her parents are concerned about the hotness fo the local girls ;)

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I thought about Rome of the top of my head.


It has many historic places, it's warm and especially if you like the italian lifestyle it's absolutely great.

There are also so many things to visit and there's lots to do in the evening because all shops are open till 22 o'clock.

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Go to Rome. I was there abouta month ago and it was amazing. There are so many things to see and do. Just going around The Vatican alone can take you a day or 2. Then you still have other things such as The Colloseum, The Forum and The Pantheon.


I would stay away from Athens if I were you, I've heard it isn't actually very nice there.

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My mum took a holiday to Rome a while back and said she absolutely loved it. My Dad and his girlfriend also once took a trip to Venice and apparently that was absolutely magical too, so by the sounds of things an Italian city would be a worthwhile consideration.


I would also highly recommend London, the whole city is simply bursting with a fantastic energy. I've been there numerous times and I've loved it more and more each time. It's the best place to go if you're in a mood to explore. You should visit all the main attractions, but venturing even slightly into the side streets can reveal untold wonders, including superb art galleries and some fantastic small markets that still survive despite corporate culture.

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Go to Rome. I was there abouta month ago and it was amazing. There are so many things to see and do. Just going around The Vatican alone can take you a day or 2. Then you still have other things such as The Colloseum, The Forum and The Pantheon.


I would stay away from Athens if I were you, I've heard it isn't actually very nice there.


Well -I- wouldn't be going; just gonna be a trip for my parents. But I've been to Rome and I know it's a very lovely city with lots of things to see. Not exactly sure my parents are really into that stuff though...


And what's wrong with Athens? I thought there were a lot of old Greek buildings left there? Or am I wrong?


Also to the people who suggested London, what exactly is there to see and do there and would two people who pretty much don't understand English very well (or at least can't talk it) find their way around there?

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Also to the people who suggested London, what exactly is there to see and do there and would two people who pretty much don't understand English very well (or at least can't talk it) find their way around there?

What to do in London? Wow, where to start? There's the obvious touristy stuff like the London Eye and the Tower of London, and all the sights like Buckingham Palace, Westminster and so on which are absolute musts. Lots of parks and gardens. The best shopping and nightlife in the world. Plenty of history. It's easy enough to escape to the surrounding countryside. Honestly, whatever they're interests I'm sure they'll find it in London. :)

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I remember going to London when I was younger, during Christmas. Truly magical. Al tough chavs might be a problem now.


But, I know for a fact that adults (and mostly everyone) LOVE Switzerland. So I would recommend Zürich.


Just don't send them to Lisbon.

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If you go to London the one thing I would absolutely recommend a trip to the British Museum. The exhibits there are just simply astounding and it has surprisingly relaxed and airy atmosphere to it all. You often art students sitting around sketching the exhibits. I could spend days in there just wondering around. What I would recommend is get a tourist guide and you'll almost certainly find all sorts that would grab your fancy as you go. You should be able to get around quite easily with just a basic grasp of English. Last time I was there all the restaurants seem to have been taken over by Spanish people anyway. Fantastic food.


If you want to go somewhere slightly unusual you should definitely consider the city of Varna in Bulgaria. My dad and his girlfriend went there for holiday and apparently it was wonderfully hot with a great beach. The hotels are fantastic, with some amazing local open-air performances and the side streets are filled with cats lounging around the place. Lots and lots of cats. They showed me one picture, the whole side street was basically carpeted with cats.

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Dublin is crazy in September. Schools are just back, the traffic is a disaster and it's stifling in the city.


Night scene is good, but loads of students - I wouldn't really know the place to go for a 25th wedding anniversary!! Also bear in mind, Dublin is VERY expensive. It's one of the most expensive capitals in Europe.


I loved Edinburgh when I was there in March. Stayed in Cowgate and hit a few deadly student clubs. I loved the architecture and the city itself too. I have to go back there some day. It's a beautiful city.


And Scottish women are sexy out......must be the accent!

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1) Rome

2) London

3) Paris


I absolutely loved Rome, and I intend to go back an spend a week (or two) there instead of three days. So much to see and do. Loved the place!


London is pretty great too. I'm taking my little brother (he hasn't been) to see the tourist traps sometime in the summer hopefully. There's a thread I made some where (search around July timr, 2006) when I went and I wrote a little diary of it!


Paris is overrated, but nice. A few decent sites, but I prob couldn't spend more than a couple of days there.


Anyway, imo, go for Rome!

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Also to the people who suggested London, what exactly is there to see and do there and would two people who pretty much don't understand English very well (or at least can't talk it) find their way around there?

I imagine that it would be fairly easy to get around London if you couldn't speak English, as lots of tourists seem to manage it find.


As for things to do, you can do most things in London, but I don't know what it's supposed to be particularly good for.


As for other cities, I don't really know. In fact, I've been to very few cities.

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