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I have that Augomon toy thingy aswell :heh:


I have 2 scars,both small.One on my right hand at the edge and another one above my right away.

Got both of them when I was young.When my parents where doing something to their wardrobe they put the mirrors that you slide to open against a wall,and one fell and smashed which could of killed my,but my mum grabbed my arms and a shard got me.And another time when I was young I crawled/walked into a table and a lamp feel.Can't remember what accident gave me what scar.


I would take a picture but the quality from my webcam is bad so you won't see the scar.

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I've got a couple of scars. One across my middle finger, where i cut myself and nearly lost my finger (and have lost most of the feeling in it) and another similar one that involved a bread knife..


Lots of needle hole scars in my hands from regular blood tests.


I've got a permanent lump on my hand from when i had a nasty experience with a blood sample - think they damaged a tendon.

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i've got a needle puncture scar on my head, i was being tested for epilepsy when i was about 2


also i've got a scar across my arm where a needle scraped across it. The doctor was taking blood from me and i fainted and the needle scaped across my arm

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Guest Stefkov

Circled is a scar from when I pulled an elastic band at least 3 feet away from my hand and let go. Amazing pain.


I have one on the side of my right nostril from when I went over my handlebars.

Thats about it.

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I have a couple of good scars.


I have a selection of very strange ones on my wrist from where I had keyhole surgery. They made a grid of small slits, them a big messy one at the side. looks very strange.


I also have one on my knuckle from when, whilst bored and stupid, I decided to see if pepper mints melted. It turns out they do, and they burn insanely hot. It burnt through to bone. Looking back on it I am amazed that I was suprised that this happened...

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Guest Jordan
Meh, all my good scars have faded away.

Whoever said scars were permanent is full of shit.


Indeed, the point where my finger was severed hardly has a small white mark on one side now :(.


My other is on my forehead, right in the middle.

Two words:


Metal hairbrush.


Yes, she threw one at my head, perminent scar ahoy! Fairly deep. I also have one where (again) my sister did it. We used to have loft ladders in our old house to get up to the upstairs bedroom, and she pushed them up in anger straight into my eye. Blood poured from my eyelid (luckly, i shut my eye in time, or it might have been much worse) and now i have one eyelid shorter than the other.

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Ooo scars, interesting thread topic! I've got a couple of scars and lasting marks, I'll take some pictures tomorrow. I think the main cause of the scars I have are from being retarded as a child and playing with shit I shouldn't have. I've got some crappy skin, it scars/discolours after cuts quite easily and for a really long time.

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Two words:


Metal hairbrush.

*rolls eyes and hands Jordan a calculator*


I have two small scars on my right hand from putting my fist through a window when... er... under the influence of... something *whistles* The cut was awesome though, I could see muscle and bone and stuff, well I could when I washed away the masses of blood. I also have a scar across my lower stomach from an operation - I cba to take pictures of either :D


Edit: JonSt... you cannot use "pussy" for "cat" anymore unless you're 5 years old.

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*rolls eyes and hands Jordan a calculator*


I have two small scars on my right hand from putting my fist through a window when... er... under the influence of... something *whistles* The cut was awesome though, I could see muscle and bone and stuff, well I could when I washed away the masses of blood. I also have a scar across my lower stomach from an operation - I cba to take pictures of either :D


Edit: JonSt... you cannot use "pussy" for "cat" anymore unless you're 5 years old.



I'll say and do what I please thanks.

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No need to get defensive, I was only kidding o_o

And Jordan... I meant... ah nevermind. *goes back to bed*


Edit: I just remembered I also have some bizarre scars on my back. I have no idea where they came from, but there's 3, they're about 5-6" long, pinky red and they look like a huge claw mark from a tiger or something. I try to ignore those since I don't remember getting them. I also have a teeny dent on my forehead under my hair from when I was a baby.

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No need to get defensive, I was only kidding o_o

And Jordan... I meant... ah nevermind. *goes back to bed*


Edit: I just remembered I also have some bizarre scars on my back. I have no idea where they came from, but there's 3, they're about 5-6" long, pinky red and they look like a huge claw mark from a tiger or something. I try to ignore those since I don't remember getting them. I also have a teeny dent on my forehead under my hair from when I was a baby.


Believe it or not Shorteh, so was I.



Pussy is so last gen.

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