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What Makes You Happy...


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1. Spending time with friends, playing loud rock music, and generally pissing about.

2. Buying things - usually computer related things.

3. Bleach & Death Note.

4. The feeling you get taking that first drag of a cigarette in the morning.


I would put in being in love with a special person, but men are too much like hard work. :)

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- the sound of the cuckoo outside =3

- seeing cool birds fly around (I love birds)

- a lovely day outside, even if it's just in our awesome cool garden that looks like it's 'gone wild'

- bundling up in bed on a cold night/morning and realising you can stay in there for a bit longer

- spending the money I earned on things like clothes and games (and sometimes snacks)

- hugs (though I only get them during about four weeks a year...)

- being silly with other silly people

- drawing and good music

- yummy food



There's a lot of things that can make me feel happy or content actually. =3

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- End of Term!!

- Watching Ronaldinho screw up another one of his over rated tricks.

- Watching Bleach

- Playing the piano and everything just "clicks"! :heh: (Just happened now actually!)


- Watching a Jamiroquai music video. ALWAYS cheers me up if I'm depressed.

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There's loads of things that make me happy. :)


In no order of importance:


-Random days out that turn out to be really special, even though you woke up thinking today was just another day.

-Going to bed at night when you're really tired and falling asleep straight away. It means you've accomplished something today.

-Hugging someone who really means a lot to you. Equally, kissing someone who means lots to you, too.

-Being around happy people. Even if I'm feeling miserable, walking down the street and having a random person smile at you or say hi to you really means a lot to me. I don't like blank expressions.

-Music plays an important part of my life. Just having a choon on in the background for me to sing along to or prat about the house to cheers me up. :)

-Being told that I'm special or something nice. I don't have the greatest confidence in the world, but hearing somebody give me praise really ups my spirits.

-One of my random stories. I seem to have had plenty over the last few weeks. Close encounters with the female kind. I suppose it's one of those "days that turns out to be something so good" things again. They really mean a lot to me.

-Seeing my close friends, and having a good time with them.

-Laughter. Jokes.

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There's loads of things that make me happy. :)

-Being around happy people. Even if I'm feeling miserable, walking down the street and having a random person smile at you or say hi to you really means a lot to me. I don't like blank expressions.


That is so true....Especially when its someone cute :P

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Being a rebel(cliche I know, but hey), doing something that gives me an adrenaline rush


Being with friends that mean alot to me



Listening to music that i can relate to, even if its bad stuff, it makes me feel good because i think someone else has been though it.


Looking forward to 6th form!! only a few weeks left till end of GCSE's YAY!!!


Destroying someone that desereves it (i.e someone with a huge ego who needs to be bought down a notch)..makes me feel like robin hood lol!

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