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  Eeeeeeennooooooooo said:
No waxing, that'd be too painful. Plus I tried it on my legs once and didn't pull a single hair. Not fun.


*thinking more like those chemical things that remove your hair*


But....but....chemicals and all-sorts down...*there*.....:hmm:

  Jardon said:
Two shaved hot chicks? Maaaaan i love NE.


I think you'll find that 90% of women shave. :heh:


(That's coming from a girl in my Modern Studies class)

Guest Stefkov

I havnt shaved yet. I just havnt grown anything on my face that warrants a shave. It's really wierd and kinda depressing. I want a beard.

  Eeeeeeennooooooooo said:
That's why I said I'm still looking. XD


Toothpaste,they git rid of eyebrows so why not ::shrug:


But never thought i'd hear 2 attractive girls come out and say that.

  Stefkov said:
I havnt shaved yet. I just havnt grown anything on my face that warrants a shave. It's really wierd and kinda depressing. I want a beard.


Trust me you're better off putting off shaving for as long as possible. I hate shaving.

  conzer16 said:
Zorgvuldig ben! Be careful!!




Not exactly the right words ('Wees voorzichtig' is what it should be), but thanks, I will be. :heh:


  ShadowV7 said:
Toothpaste,they git rid of eyebrows so why not ::shrug:


But never thought i'd hear 2 attractive girls come out and say that.


Toothpaste? O.o

Never heard of that before. I just use the good old tweezers for the eyebrows. ='D


And like Moria said, I don't think it's uncommon for girls to shave these days. Though there's a ton of different "shapes" people shave in and stuff. X3

Guest Jordan
  MoogleViper said:
Trust me you're better off putting off shaving for as long as possible. I hate shaving.


Agreed, thanks to my Arabic genes i have to shave every day or so... Not that i do, but after 3 days i have a full fuck off beard going on.

  Jardon said:
Agreed, thanks to my Arabic genes i have to shave every day or so... Not that i do, but after 3 days i have a full fuck off beard going on.
Wait three days, post here. Go on, satiate my curiosity.
  Eeeeeeennooooooooo said:
Not exactly the right words ('Wees voorzichtig' is what it should be), but thanks, I will be. :heh:



And like Moria said, I don't think it's uncommon for girls to shave these days. Though there's a ton of different "shapes" people shave in and stuff. X3


Yeah I just used an online translator! I'm not as multilingual as some on here!



Most girls would shave or at least trim nowadays. Its like an accepted if not expected norm.


Edit: This was my 3,333rd post. :)

  Stefkov said:
I havnt shaved yet. I just havnt grown anything on my face that warrants a shave. It's really wierd and kinda depressing. I want a beard.


When you get a beard, you'll wish it didn't have one. It's troublesome having to shave.

EDIT: Shaved girls= WIN x infinity


Shaving is really a pain in the arse, especially for us darkhaired guys. Seriously, blondies have it easy.


I've used an electric shaving thingy in the past, but I didn't enjoy it. But, then again, I think the product I used was quite cheapy, so maybe I should look around?


Still, shaving with a normal razor blade is satisfying.

  Moria said:
Agreed. Shaving sucks. Although fortunately my beard grows in blonde so it can't be seen until after 5 days or so.


I got away with that until last June. Now I have to shave every day. It's a pain in the arse to shave even the tiniest growth just cuz a Cheif might see it.


Oh, and I'm a fellow pube trimmer. It has to be done.


I agree with the shaving issue. To be clean shaven all the time I would have to shave everyday as they do the army. But no way can I be arsed with that. I usually leave it for a week and look like tom hanks on cast away then if I can be bothered shave it off then :)


I have to shave every few days otherwise I geta fair bit of stubble. Trying t grow some lamb chops for comedy value atm though. Oh, shaving pubes for me is a no-go - my chin itches enough, thanks.

  FlackBox said:
I have to shave every few days otherwise I geta fair bit of stubble. Trying t grow some lamb chops for comedy value atm though. Oh, shaving pubes for me is a no-go - my chin itches enough, thanks.


Doesn't itch for me at all lol.


Yeah it sucks having dark hair. I haven't shaved for 2 days and i'm getting a bit of a beard.

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