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God hates fags

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That was awful. They cant justify their opinions. 'Gramps' said Louis was stupid, when it was he who couldnt answer any questions and cant count to 5, and after about 4 minutes he said "this has been like 15 minutes"


the girl didnt really believe in the stuff anyway.

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I think Louis did really well to keep his nerve. He asked questions, but they didn't seem stupid to me. I thought they were perfectly decent challenging questions. I don't think that family enjoyed him questioning their beliefs, even though I think he was within his right to.

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That was... interesting.


It was really sad to see the kids being completely brainwashed. And if you think about it, the lady would have been brainwashed by her Dad however many years ago. She didn't start off weird.


Stuff like that just makes me so angry at religion. After a Christian youth camp I went kinda crazy and believed in damnation and hellfire. That took years to get over and I used to spend ages crying and worrying and hating everything. Sin is a scary thing when you think you will go to hell for anything you do.


Now though, I completely dismiss all Christian beliefs. Phew.

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Missed the first 50 minutes.. darn it!

However, the conclusion was utterly shocking. I really dunno how they defend their actions (well, I know about reading the Bible to how they want to read it), but Jesus promoted loving thy neighbour.. which totally contradicts everything else.. Shame to see soceity like this.


Oh, and the link to Sweden I think is because they are one of the most librel countries in the world, and these guys hate it. That, or "all Swedes go to Thailand to molest children, etc" - which I'm sure I read somewhere about their beliefs.

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I felt really sorry for the younger ones of the family while watching this. I mean, they obviously know no different, as they are brought up in such a weird way that they think anything we consider normal is just wrong.


They'll be missing out on so much during life as well, and especially those things that come at a young age. The girl in the Italy shirt while talking to Louis Theroux's towards the end in the car, looked like she was just about holding up conversation wise and not just totally breaking down knowing she is wasting all those moments of fun at a young age.


I didn't really feel any hate for them, as the world is indeed full of a lot of weirdo's................kinda sickened me mostly with how the adults can bring their young kids out to the pickets and let them be subjected to abuse and for them to think what they are doing is totally normal.

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They were up their own arses so bad, they couldn't see the shite that spewed from their mouths.


Best part was when one of the idiots said something about hating jews and how the jews killed jesus, then the documentary guy turned around and said "Jesus was a jew" and "The Romans killed Jesus". I've never fully read the bible, yet I know those two statements are true.

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One thing all those people had in common, apart from being butt-ugly and many other things, is that none of them have personal morals. Their morals are all what they are told to hold as being right or wrong, which is really rather childlike.


One trait that all the people who I consider friends who are Christian share is that they have personal morals, and they don't just consider the bible to be the absolute truth in regards of how you conduct yourself. I only like people who make their own mind up about what is right or wrong and how to live their lives.

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When did Sweden come into any of this?!


Some Swedish priest was reprimanded for saying being gay was evil etc. Phelps took this guy as a martyr and bombarded everyone with leaflets about how Sweden was as evil as America and oppressing this priest etc. Then the priest came out and said he hated Phelps even more than teh gays and was horrified that Freddy was using him as propaganda. This proved to Phelps that they'd brainwashed the only sane Swede and that God punished them by killing a few of them in the boxing day tsunami along with the gays, dykes, fag enablers etc.

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Missed the first 50 minutes.. darn it!

As did I, but whereas the people angered most in here, I found myself snorting with laughter as the sheer prepostorousness and absurdidity (made-up words?) of them. I couldn't take them seriously. Essentially, they are doing no harm to anyone but themselves because of the pasivism of thier protests.

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Cheers for that link, I've been watching this morning. I am wondering how the hell the woman in this became educated enough to be a lawyer yet can be so misguided in how the world works. Like the fact the "streets of America are crawling with married men going out and having fag sex". What?

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Cheers for that link, I've been watching this morning. I am wondering how the hell the woman in this became educated enough to be a lawyer yet can be so misguided in how the world works. Like the fact the "streets of America are crawling with married men going out and having fag sex". What?


That was actually her argument for gay sex going against the ten commandments.


"Do not commit adultery."


Her argument for that was "married men are committing adultery by going out and having fag sex."


Hang on, JUST fag sex then? So, what about un-married men who have gay sex?


Not once can I remember her complaining about gay women. Which leads me to think that it isn't fag sex that is the problem, just anal sex or something.


It was a stupid argument and I'm surprised Louis didn't laugh in her face.

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