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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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Its not unreliable I bet you place stuff on top of your 360, have it not well ventilated area to play in.


I bought my xbox 6 months and is still doing playing games fine. Maybe your just unlucky.


You're just lucky, most 360 buyers end up with them busted.

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If by most, you mean 5% :heh:

But yeah, that is still far too high.


Well, yeah, I don't have accurate numbers and I can't base it on the internet, but there's still a shitload of 360s getting busted. Saying "You're not ventilating it right" or something is ridiculous. If I buy a console I shouldn't have to worry about that crap, that's what PCs are for.

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Well, yeah, I don't have accurate numbers and I can't base it on the internet, but there's still a shitload of 360s getting busted. Saying "You're not ventilating it right" or something is ridiculous. If I buy a console I shouldn't have to worry about that crap, that's what PCs are for.


Portuguese mafia in the house! But for once he's right. When you buy a console it should work for life. My NES and SNES are still fine, so why the f*** are XBOX 360s burning out in a few months. It really isn't on.


I own every nintendo home console (not the Wii yet) and all work. A consumer shouldn't have to worry that his £300 games console is gonna blow up, then have to battle with the company that mad it over whether he had it in a ventilated area.

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The main difference between Microsoft and Nintendo in their console design philosophy is that Microsoft seems to make a super powered system and then sees if they can make a console out of it, creating all sorts of problems with cost price reduction, heat distribution and hardware bugs. Nintendo firstly designs a console and then (before the Wii anyway) considers how it can max out the power in the console.

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Portuguese mafia in the house! But for once he's right. When you buy a console it should work for life. My NES and SNES are still fine, so why the f*** are XBOX 360s burning out in a few months. It really isn't on.


I own every nintendo home console (not the Wii yet) and all work. A consumer shouldn't have to worry that his £300 games console is gonna blow up, then have to battle with the company that mad it over whether he had it in a ventilated area.


You have to worry about all tech though from video game consoles/pcs/ tvs/ digiboxes etc.


And don't forget if theres an issue about something internet will over do it about 95% of the time. They arn't burning out in a few months if follow what it says in the manual you'll have no problems.

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I like companies that try to try to create the highest tech around DCK and others - if you adopt that strategy we would just be moving off the BBC Micro.


We all want technology to move forward. I personally would have loved to have seen the Wii with a lot more graphical power and HD. But a super powered console is no good if it burns out. I love nice graphics, but I still think Microsoft should have ironed out the bugs and glitches before they released their console.

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I like companies that try to try to create the highest tech around DCK and others - if you adopt that strategy we would just be moving off the BBC Micro.
If the consoles crash down on large scale like this Microsoft by no means created "the highest tech".


Either way, with Nintendo's BBC Micro strategy created the most powerful system of the fifth era (the Nintendo 64) and arguably that of the sixth era (the GameCube), whereas you can smash every system against a wall and they'll still boot games just fine, so I don't know what the hell you're talking about.


If you managed to read my post well enough you might've seen that I excluded the Wii from this. It doesn't maximise power, but at least the consoles don't burn out after 3 months like an incredible amount of 360s did.

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Its not unreliable I bet you place stuff on top of your 360, have it not well ventilated area to play in.


I bought my xbox 6 months and is still doing playing games fine. Maybe your just unlucky.

I do put the controller on top of it, but that wouldn't harm it unless it was truly fragile! And there's enough space around it for it to 'breathe', so that also shouldn't be a problem.


Considering the comments I've read from other people who have had problems with their 360's (and I'm talking about another forum I frequent that has a small closely knit community - so I'm not basing this on just random accounts) I'm given to thinking that the Xbox 360 is indeed unreliable.


I'm wondering if this is going to be an occuring problem with the Xbox brand, at least in the early years after a console's launch. Remember the dreaded Thomson drive that troubled gamers last generation? Ironically, even though my original launch Xbox had said drive, it wasn't that which killed it. It was a hard drive failure. :indeed: May be, for their next console, we'll get lucky and Microsoft won't be too preoccupied with specifications to give reliability at least a little thought, and not just throw it together from bargain basement quality components!

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The 360 is unrealible, definately.


My DHL depot said they've dealt with shit-loads of returns. you have a 45% chance of a launch console surviving in my opinion.


My mates bro has got through 4, not good.


My one broke as well. Not good enough.


Anyway, why are we talking about 360 in a resi-evil thread? :grin:

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Either way, it's still one of my favourite consoles of all time, and I've only owned it for 3 weeks. With my Wii, I got bored after about 4 days. Not to mention that my Wii broke about 3 months after I bought it.




Your probably board of the Wii, because the software lineup is shit.


You should have saved your money, and brought a ps3 instead, because if you got board of Zelda and Wii sports in 4 days, then the Wii clearly isn't the console for you.

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Either way, it's still one of my favourite consoles of all time, and I've only owned it for 3 weeks. With my Wii, I got bored after about 4 days. Not to mention that my Wii broke about 3 months after I bought it.


What made you get bored? I can imagine some of the more public friendly games like Wario, Wii Sports and Play would not hold the attention of hardcore gamers for that long.

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