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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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Yeah but it was actually possible to port RE4 to the PS2, a Wii Version of RE5 would have to made from the ground-up.
From the ground up is not the word, it's not like you'd be starting from scratch with the content (like a remake), more like you'd probably had to transfer it all to RE4 engine on steroids. Besides perhaps you could use portions of the AI and other implementations. it would just require a whole recompilation of the game and content, but I'm not looking at it as being more dificult to do than PS2 RE4.


RE4 on PS2 also had to be ported, RE5 on PS3 and X360 is cross platform and not a port, it's running over a engine made for both systems. What was ported was the engine, but that's a separate team providing the middleware.


And if they really wanted to speed up the porting they could always turn the 360/PS3 in-game cutscenes into FMV's so they wouldn't have to make them run on-spec on Wii. Bare in mind PS2 was using the same engine (only downgraded) and yet they had to make the GC cutscenes into FMV for other reasons, polycount limitations and such, I don't think they'd have these limitations on Wii if they were really willing to (polygon-per-polygon wise), but if they would port it they'd might go with FMV's just to speed up the process.

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i don't beliebe re5 will ever be ported. I don't understand why they would put it on 360 and ps3. surely resident evil 4 sold better on gamecube?
Hmmm, I think it was pretty even, but RE4 on GC must have lost when it comes to sales 25 million userbase against 100 million one, besides Capcom actually killed RE4 as a system seller when they said "PS2 owners, don't worry we'll port the game for you".


On US RE4 GC seems to have won with 919.000 to 813.000, on Japan it sold 450.000 on PS2 and 215.000 on GC, this according to vgcharts, no numbers for europe but yeah, almost a draw but PS2 version must have sold more. It was also cheaper when it was launched.


I don't know how many units capcom were aiming to sell with RE4 PS2 though, but considering in US DMC3 sold 959.000 and DMC1 1,3 million copies (the only capcom titles selling higher in US this gen than RE4 GC) I'd say they were expecting at best 1 million, and perhaps more for RE4 PS2, yet that was enough to ive it a green light to port.


If they were expecting 1 million, and RE4 Wii Edition and umbrella chronicles sell throught the roof, perhaps they might think of that, were they're going with their next wii projects, I don't think they're really thinking of them right now as this seems tentative support. Capcom doesn't know what "kind of beast" is Wii right now, most developers don't.

They were probably smoking whatever Namco where when they made SCIII PS2 only.
Smoking moneyhats? :heh:
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Your not going to believe it fellow Europeans but Capcom have done us proud!


Resident Evil 4 Wii will launch June 29th 2007 in Europe! While Umbrella Chronicles will come out end-of 2007.


Head over to Ninty's official site for more details. : peace:

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Excellent news. Makes up my decision on whether or not to replay Resi 4 again. I've listed both my PS2 and Gamecube versions on eBay as frankly right now I need the money - I was gonna keep them and play them again if we weren't gonna get Resi 4 till November or something but no need now. :yay:

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Your not going to believe it fellow Europeans but Capcom have done us proud!


Resident Evil 4 Wii will launch June 29th 2007 in Europe! While Umbrella Chronicles will come out end-of 2007.


Head over to Ninty's official site for more details. : peace:


Whats the betting that it doesn't stick to that release date.

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Yay for RE4 Wii coming fairly soon. Hopefully the price will be right. If it's 30 euros, i'll buy it right away. But my guess is it'll be 40-45 euro... The money grabbers!


As for sales of RE4. I think the game highly underperformed. For its quality and acclaim, selling around the million mark worldwide for each version isn't a whole lot. Somewhere around the 4 or 5 million combined would have done the game justice.


So basically RE4 Wii is Capcom's way of quickly getting a product out without putting too many resources behind it, as well as testing the waters. That aside, Capcom just wants to give this game another chance. And rightly so.

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It is actually Nintendo of Europe, as they are handling games distribution here (that's why press release is on NoE's site, not Capcom's).


Wow, then i'm even more surprised! Perhaps that should have concentrated on releasing an Original game June 29th, like Super Paper Mario then...


Still, it's great news we get Resi 4 Wii the same time as US.

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