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Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games


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I havent unlocked them all yet but I hear Shadows last mission is also a right pain to do.
Finally beat Sonic! :yay:

Was insanely difficult though, and took soooo many attempts.


Needed a perfect start by swinging the Wii Remote at precisely the right time (Mario makes a woo-hoo noise and gets a bit of a lead) then some mental remote / nunchuck swinging :heh: and finally hitting A+B just before the finish line to jump over the line.


Even with all of that I still almost lost. Not looking forward to Shadow then.

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Also, does the person who can move the wiimote and nunchuk up and down the fasest win? Or is their a ryhtm you have to adhere to? Also, when is the speed capped at FULL speed? I want there to be skill in it (well as much skill as there is in flailing arms) - if I can move my arms quicker than my friend I want to be running faster than him in the game!! am I making any sense whatsoever?


Anyone help?

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Also, does the person who can move the wiimote and nunchuk up and down the fasest win? Or is their a rythm you have to adhere to? Also, when is the speed capped at FULL speed? I want there to be skill in it (well as much skill as there is in flailing arms) - if I can move my arms quicker than my friend I want to be running faster than him in the game!! am I making any sense whatsoever?


Blue circular bar in the top corner next to your characters face indicates how much speed. I'm sure it's just who drums the fastest. Because:


On something like the 400m, staying in "red" speed is a set speed with your arms. Then going into blue speed (or sprint) for the final 100m is obviously the player just "drumming" harder.

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I have no idea what you are saying :)


If I can drum faster than you will my character go faster?

He means this:




I'm starting to discover that it's more about rhythm as opposed to speed.

Someone that moves the controllers at a steady pace with good rhythm could beat someone that is just freaking out at a really high speed I reckon. Simply because of the shortcoming of the Wii Remote at being able to accurately detect extremely fast movement (the same thing that hampered Wii Sports Boxing) the remote reaches a point were it'll just cut out and not register. I think that's why the long jump, javelin ect... all penalize you for swinging too hard, it's been designed that way to stop people from doing really strong movements, as they wouldn't work.

Well, not accurately enough to have balanced gameplay at least.


The 400m versions of the track events have a similar approach. You have to keep the speed meter in the blue section (so you don't lose stamina) for the majority of the race and the controller movement required to do so isn't very much at all, (I'd say it's actually more difficult than going fast!) then on the final stretch you shake the controllers quicker and go in to the red section of the meter for the sprint, at which point you use up your remaining stamina.


Anyway, hope that helps you out a bit. I’ve probably confused you even more now though! :heh:

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As an observer of this thread, as I haven't got the game (yet)... no access to a Wii at present; I do wonder - why is there not much discussion about the game? It doesn't seem like that much of the forum demographic has purchased it, which does surprise me to an extent.

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You have to have arms to of steel to own it. And I am now TRULY ripped from playing this.


The general misconception of sonic games proably hurt this in sales as did the idea of an olympic game. And most reviews mention it has "waggle" and is good for parties and then only gets between 70-80%. That means, sadly; most people won't even give this bad boy a look.


It's great with friends and just "solid" on your own, but how many gamers play with 4 people most of the time?

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You have to have arms to of steel to own it. And I am now TRULY ripped from playing this.


The general misconception of sonic games proably hurt this in sales as did the idea of an olympic game. And most reviews mention it has "waggle" and is good for parties and then only gets between 70-80%. That means, sadly; most people won't even give this bad boy a look.


It's great with friends and just "solid" on your own, but how many gamers play with 4 people most of the time?


Also I'd hazard to guess that some forumites could be getting this for christmas. As that would be the ideal time to get a game like this.

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It's great with friends and just "solid" on your own, but how many gamers play with 4 people most of the time?

:heh: Me...kinda :heh:


I reckon around 33%+ is with mates. Of course it depends on all sorts of things, there was probably a point when about 80% was mate based for me.


Hopefully I get this for Xmas...Then I can play it with my bird.:D

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As an observer of this thread, as I haven't got the game (yet)... no access to a Wii at present; I do wonder - why is there not much discussion about the game? It doesn't seem like that much of the forum demographic has purchased it, which does surprise me to an extent.


We're all skint after Metroid, and importantly, Galaxy.

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We're all skint after Metroid, and importantly, Galaxy.
Yeah it's a real shame this game got released so close to all the big titles, it's clearly going to suffer as a result. Anyway for the people that didn't pick this up right away, keep it in mind for the future. Especially if you ever need a multi-player game as this is pretty much perfect in that regard.


I received my T-shirt from GAME today, team Mario one! :yay:

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Perhaps, but then its hard to say to other publishers "Please don't release your big games at Christmas so that we can have a free run at sales." It would have suffered much more releasing at any other time.


Its definately a good game though, well worth it for multiplayer frolics.

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I got it the day it launched but only got chance to play it properly today as I've been too busy. I've got too many games at the moment but decided to break off before doing the last chapter of Super Paper Mario to play this as it's a bit less involved. I've also got Galaxy but may leave that until Christmas now when I can do it justice.


It's refreshing to have a game that I can pick up for five minutes when I want or play it for an hour (aching arm permitting). It feels like a real workout in the vein of Wii Sports and I think it might be hit when I take it to my folks' at Christmas.


I was always a fan of button-mashing athletics games in the past and this game takes it to a new level. I like that there's lots to unlock and missions to complete. The choice of characters is great and watching my Mii doing the long jump is a hoot - I do think the Mii thing is real added value and certainly got my other half interested in having a go.


Unlike others, I don't actually mind the table tennis; it seems easy to master but a good challenge. Admittedly, you could do lots more with it and the controls don't work as well as Wii tennis but it's fine. I love the field events and the track and swimming is great but knackering. I'm still on 'beginner' level and haven't unlocked any new sports yet so it's early days but so far, so good.

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Your making me wanna play this, but i have to wait till Chrimbo! It's calling out to me from the next room! :(:D


Got my T-Shirt but have no-idea what one it is, be a surprise for Christmas day and a anti-climax when i see blue the minute i rip open the wrapping paper! :D

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Saw the new DS trailer and I actually think playing with the Stylus is gonna be more fun.
Just watched that trailer, looks nice but I don't think it'll be more fun on the DS. It won't be able to compete with the physical movement and feeling of getting totally knackered like on the Wii version. :heh:


Cool that there are some new events in it though, cycling really should have been in the Wii game.


Anyone know if there's any connectivity between the Wii and DS versions? :hmm:

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It does look quite good but I don't think things ike the 100m will be any fun at all when actually playing. You may as well just scribble as fast as you can on a piece of paper. Will reserve judgement until I have a copy though.


I'm pretty sure there's no connectivity between the two versions - could be mistaken though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I LOVE this game, it's exactly what I thought it would be like and loving it. One question though, planning on a 4player sesh tonight and I want to use the handicap system, but I'm not sure how it works. Do you up the handicap on the good players or the bad ones? The instructions don't say.

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Talking about bad sales of this game? It has just topped the UK sales chart. Hooray, first Wii game wo do that in a while.


Anyway, very interested in it now, and thinking of getting to play over christmas. My god I have already got Mario Galaxy and RE:UC lately as well as Paper Mario and Sin & Punishment.

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