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what the hell is going on?

mcj metroid

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And WHAT planet are you living on? There are already better titles available on the PS3 than the mediocre titles on the Wii.


Umm,not really.The launch titles of the PS3 doesn't beat all the Wii games that are out so far.


But I guess it all comes down to your own opinion.For instance I think there's a lot of great titles out there for the Wii already,I mean i'm getting my ninth Wii game this week(not including VC and the 5 games in Wii Sports) and i'll be getting a lot more in Q3/Q4.

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There are far too many gamers out there who basically demand the impossible.

Sure they want PS3 graphics, but they don't to pay more then a couple of hundred quid for it, and every week must have at least ONE "killer app", the kind of entirely exclusive killer app that shatters planets with it's incredible graphics, physics and humongous life span. For £20.


Well at the moment I could pick up PS3 release titles with amazing graphics at JB-HiFi on Australia for the SAME price as craptastic graphic WiiFiiLess Wii titles. Or if I had an X360 I could pick up X360 titles for 50% less than Wii titles.


As per the gamecube devs are putting in shiit grpahics, no wiifii and charging the same as or more than higher def titles on other systems.


And Friend codes on a console is the last straw. FFS.

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Exactly. People who are bashing the Wii always think that they're opinion matters more and that anyone enjoying it is just a fanboy.


Exactly. And what is even more annoying, they are insulting everybody who don't agree with them. I'm so fucking tired of this "If you aren't with me, you are against me." style garbage.


Well at the moment I could pick up PS3 release titles with amazing graphics at JB-HiFi on Aistralia for the SAME price as craptastic graphic WiiFiiLess Wii titles. Or if I had an X360 I could pick up X360 titles for 50% less than Wii titles.


As per the gamecube devs are potting in shiit grpahics, no wiifii and charging the same as or more than higher def titles on other systems.


And this quote actually emphasis my point, as it really makes me wonder writer's age / maturity. You are living in Australia and can't write more coherent english than that? How fucking old you are? 14?

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Well at the moment I could pick up PS3 release titles with amazing graphics at JB-HiFi on Aistralia for the SAME price as craptastic graphic WiiFiiLess Wii titles. Or if I had an X360 I could pick up X360 titles for 50% less than Wii titles.


As per the gamecube devs are potting in shiit grpahics, no wiifii and charging the same as or more than higher def titles on other systems.


And Friend codes on a console os the last straw. FFS.


Well at the moment I can pick up a PS3 release title with craptastic controls at any shop which is dearer that an immersive and great gameplay game for the Wii.


Also no one can judge the online cause we know bugger all about it.Friend Codes is different than the DS so we can't complain(or atleast not yet :P)


Also you have bad puns and spelling :heh:

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Well at the moment I could pick up PS3 release titles with amazing graphics at JB-HiFi on Australia for the SAME price as craptastic graphic WiiFiiLess Wii titles. Or if I had an X360 I could pick up X360 titles for 50% less than Wii titles.


As per the gamecube devs are putting in shiit grpahics, no wiifii and charging the same as or more than higher def titles on other systems.


And Friend codes on a console is the last straw. FFS.


Wtf ur doing here? Apparently the PS3 is so good it can't keep you away from a Nintendo forum. Or at least from coming here to post shit.

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This is a pretty shit thread. How ridiculous to slate the Wii, a console which has as many AAA titles as the 360 and one more than the PS3 - i.e. 1.


And if people think SSX, Excite Truck, Sonic, Kororinpa, Godfather, Tiger Woods, Eledees etc is a game drought then....well...I really dont understand. Can you please tell me what games are better than these that have come out for the 360 in the same time period?...................Thought not!!


And like others have mentioned Nintendo dont need to combat PS3 launch because nobody really wants that machine and Nintendo's machine is still selling out every.....single....week!!!


Trust me, come xmas Nintendo will have the best selling home console in the world and will unleash Mario and Metroid!! Some people have no foresight whatsoever!!!!

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Wtf ur doing here? Apparently the PS3 is so good it can't keep you away from a Nintendo forum. Or at least from coming here to post shit.


I dont have a PS3 (YET) I have a Wii and apart from WiiSports, Zelda (a GCN port but best Zelda game ever) and maybe Excite Truck (shiit 2 player/slowdown, brilliant single player) the rest are medioce at best.


Cant vouch for Eledees, it aint released here yet and is one game I'll be picking up.


And no I aint 14 I'm 50 my keyboard is fu##ed.

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I dont have a PS3 (YET) I have a Wii and apart from WiiSports, Zelda (a GCN port but best Zelda game ever) and maybe Excite Truck (shiit 2 player/slowdown, brilliant single player) the rest are medioce at best.


Cant vouch for Eledees, it aint released here yet and is one game I'll be picking up.


And no I aint 14 I'm 50 my keyboard is fu##ed.


I thought we had learnt already that any one will the word "tac" in their title are just attention seeking knobs.

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I think the usage of the word drought is related to how much time you can free up for gaming and how quick you manage to complete a game. Since the launch I have 6 games (SSX completion still pending).

I dont have too much time to play these days, but there seems to be more due out within the next few months than I will manage to get around.


Maybe Im totally wrong, but the whole releases vibe feels a lot better than the previous 2 N attempts.

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My generation? Can you please elaborate.


Every one under 25. Or older than Generation X, which I'm told I can just scrape into, despite being 20 and therefore of the 'Playstation Generation'.


And I do wonder about why people say there is a games drought? There's quite a few games being released now.


And as someone said above, what would be the point of bringing out a new killer app now? Killer apps are called that because they sell consoles. Zelda was one. Mario will probably be one, as will Metroid. All the other games are just fillers. Most Wii owners will not own Super Paper Mario. Most Wii owners will own Super Mario Galaxy. But there is no point in releasing a killer app when there are no consoles to sell. End of story.


And even if there was a draught, it's an easily predictable one that happens in every consoles life no matter which one. The launch games have one or two GREATS and 5 or 6 mediocores, and there won't be another great one for around a year. This is because those who produced their launch games were given the dev kits WAY before everyone else and sworn to secrecy about the console in order to generate hype. Everyone else gets their kits later, and so their games take longer to get released. It happens with every console launch. The order (over-simplified) is like this:


Lauch/1st party >> 6 months >> 3rd Party ported titles >> 6 months >> 3rd party good titles >> 6 months >> 1st/2nd party great titles.


They come in clusters. Expect the great stuff to start arriving November.

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Had I only to "survive" on Wii games I would be.. hmm... very bored by now.

Not that it's such a surprise to me. It was the same last time around, and i'll probably go down and throw in the towel and get myself a xbox360. Even though I had sworn that I would stick to one console this time.. but maybe my old ps2 and GC will get me through this life or death crisis..

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As always the same people moan about Wii. It's as simple as that. Don't think you are superior just because you're not defending Nintendo and don't seem like a fanboy. Anyway, I'm out it's useless arguing with you guys. Your loss though I gave 250€ for something I'm loving and you you 250€ for something you bash all the time.


do not get me wrong. I 'm not a wii basher and i have never bashed the console. I'm just not happy with the quality of games at the mo. I see your point with there being a lack of systems and all but it's likely that the next BIG game will be smash bros


Well at the moment I could pick up PS3 release titles with amazing graphics at JB-HiFi on Australia for the SAME price as craptastic graphic WiiFiiLess Wii titles. Or if I had an X360 I could pick up X360 titles for 50% less than Wii titles.


As per the gamecube devs are putting in shiit grpahics, no wiifii and charging the same as or more than higher def titles on other systems.


And Friend codes on a console is the last straw. FFS.


you know what you have a point. I am really shocked that ps3 games cost the same as wii titles.


The current wii situation is shameful.... dev's just aren't trying.


And BTW.... told ya so.


sorry i ever doubted you

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The only titles missing are big guns, games that are hyped and waited on with anticipation for months. Doesn't mean these games are no good. Some titles (ExciteTruck for example) have surprised many.


You should be playing some stuff instead of slagging them off for not being good enough.

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The only titles missing are big guns, games that are hyped and waited on with anticipation for months. Doesn't mean these games are no good. Some titles (ExciteTruck for example) have surprised many.


You should be playing some stuff instead of slagging them off for not being good enough.



Well excite truck is a title I still play, along with Wii sports when friends are around but that is it.


If devs want to put in shiit graphics OK, but charge a budget price, not the same price (or close to it) as PS3 titles which cost much more to develop for and ATM has a smaller user base.


The Wii is capable of excellent graphics, but so far devs are following the Gamecube and releasing games not up to the capabilities of the machine.


Hopefully things will change, but for not it looks like its following gamecube, only with more support from third parties with many poor quality titles.

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