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Which N-E Member...(small game)


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Basically, this is a game about how well you know other N-E forumers. :)


There's not really any rules as such, other than the person to correctly guess the member asks the next question.


So, for the sake of argument, here is an example:


Person 1: Which N-E member is a massive Zelda fan? (shit question, cos its a nintendo forum, we're all nintendo fans, but this is just an example)


Person 2: Is it dude1?

Person 3: Nooo, its Jebediah!

Person 4: Idiots. It's moses!


Person 1: w00000, you're right, it is moses.


Then person 4 repeats the pattern, asks a question, and it continues. :)


It doesn't have to be about things they like, but it could also be "which user has such and such in his sig." "which user has an unhealthy obsession for..." etc. Try and make it fun, and try not to make it tooooo ambiguous.


Ok, I'll get the ball rolling with a piss easy question.


Which N-E member is a massive and not-so-secret Veronica Mars fan?

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