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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams


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I hope you can inject your own dreams into this. Otherwise I'm not getting it. Silly fugly games, looks nothing like real life! My dreams look nothing like that, a four year old version of me could have made that in a day. Etc, vice versa.


Anyhow, this game looks pretty good, give me some money to buy one.

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Visually this looks fine. Sonic and the Secret Rings is perhaps the best third party Wii games graphics wise and it didn't look any better in still shots than this. Games like this are all about the motion and looking at these screens imagining everything that's going on I think this could look pretty stunning.


My worry isn't anything about the graphics, it's simply how it plays as honestly I don't know if I consider a single game Sega Studios USA has put out to be "Good" (SA2: B, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog and most of the team worked on the original SA. They might've done Billy Hatcher, Sonic the Hedgehog 360 and Sonic and the Secret Rings too but I've no idea about those ones, development on them is confusing.)

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  • 2 weeks later...



IGN: There's a rumor going around that the project began its life cycle for PS3/Xbox 360, but was later moved to Wii. Is this true and, if so, what prompted the decision?


Takashi Iizuka: Ever since the disappearance of NiGHTS' over 11 years ago, this game has seemed to be shrouded in rumors and mystery. As a game studio, it is common for us to evaluate every platform before we start our development process for any game. Once we had collectively decided to create a NiGHTS sequel, our focus shifted to determining which system was be best suited for the game. Not only does the Wii offer an innovative new remote controller that challenges us to recreate the "fun" flight simulation of NiGHTS, but the platform's demographic appeal seemed a perfect fit for those who could appreciate the "heart-warming" story behind the game. Ultimately we want to create a sequel that our loyal fans will love as well as introduce a new generation of gamers to the world of NIGHTS.


IGN: How long has the title been in development and, specifically, which team is creating the game?


Takashi: Our initial creative process for NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams started back in late 2006. It is very typical for our team to start very early in flushing out new game concepts that we are interested in. SEGA Studio USA works collaboratively with all of its internal departments including programming and artists to decide what game we will eventually make. In this way, we can increase our creative efforts incorporating ideas from all sections of our team. We find that this is a very invaluable process that encourages participation amongst all our team members.


IGN: Give us some examples for how you'll use the Wii remote to control the NiGHTS in the game.


Takashi: During development of the original NiGHTS, we worked very hard to utilize SEGA's innovative 3D controller to enhance the flight sensation of our game and with the Nintendo Wii controller, we are once again challenged to repeat the task. Our ultimate goal is to create an experience that blends the "fun" flying sensation of NiGHTS with the player's interactivity with the controller.


Initially, we envisioned using the Wii remote as sort of a "magic wand", where NiGHTS could be directed simply by movements of the controller. But with any new input device, we were finding some limitations using just the remote. That is why we are also designing the game to be played using the remote with the Nunchuk for a more "traditional" control configuration. Our goals are two-fold, one to create a brand-new gaming experience with the sequel as well giving the player a choice to play NiGHTS like before. Either way, we hope that they find the game as enjoyable as we do.


IGN: Will there be cooperative and online modes? Please explain how they work.


Takashi: Currently, we are investigating a number of features that will utilize the Wii network capability. But, at this time we have not decided on any specific functionality yet. Ultimately, we would like to have multiplayer functionality as well as a way to tap into the Nintendo network where players could share their game experience on a world-wide level.


IGN: What is the game doing from a technical standpoint (graphics) that you're most proud of?


Takashi: When we first began thinking about the sequel, one of our main technical challenges was how to harness the current technology which would allow us to create the most fantastical, vibrant and unusual dream worlds ever seen. We focused our developmental efforts on our new 3D rendering engine to graphically push the envelope of the Nintendo hardware as we are very excited about taking advantage of today's technology that allows developers to make realistic-looking environments and apply that to making the dream world of NiGHTS truly come alive.

Source: http://wii.ign.com/articles/787/787062p1.html
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From Kotaku:

Takashi Iizuka was on hand yesterday to talk a bit about the upcoming NiGHTS title for the Wii. In a sort of surreal twist, he spent much of the 15 minute presentation talking about Carl Jung and dream theory.


He started by saying that this latest NiGHTS is inspired by the dreams we all have when we go to sleep at night and then he touched briefly on Carl Jung's dream research pointing out that the five archtypes of Jung's research (Great Mother, Old Wiseman, Shadow, Anima and Animus) were all represented by people in the game. (NIghtmares, Wizeman, Nights, boy and girl.)


Iizuka went on to say that the heart of the game was about making flying fun and in this Wii version you will be using your remote to guide your character on his flights of fancy. The game will have seven worlds to fly through and an eclectic mix of bad guys and bosses.


After about 12 minutes of talking generalities, Iizuka showed us a roughly minute long trailer which showed a bit of the flight and some of the surreal settings from the game... looked sorta like Sonic in the air, but it was hard to judge with such a short clip.

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I don't know how to say ,this but in Japan it seems like "NiGHTS : Journey of Dreams" is no more.




It is now "Story of the Night of the Falling Stars" (roughly anyway)

The Wii sequel to the classic Saturn mascot game will be formally known in its home territory as NiGHTS: Hoshifuru Yo no Monogatari. An incredibly rough English translation takes the new surname to "Story of the Night of the Falling Stars."



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I don't know how to say ,this but in Japan it seems like "NiGHTS : Journey of Dreams" is no more.




It is now "Story of the Night of the Falling Stars" (roughly anyway)




I'd rather call it AiR NiGHTS (first cancelled NiGHTS sequel). But yeah, Journey of Dreams is lame, NiGHTS Into Dreams by it's turn was awesome.


I love big names though, I love Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and was actually pretty pissed when Baten Kaitos: Wings of the Beginning and the Heir to the Gods was renamed Baten Kaitos: Origins just so the average USian/american chav could spell it. (no offense meant, since they'd keep it just the same for E.U.)

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  • 1 month later...

AMN Interview:

5 Questions for Sega: Talking About NiGHTS


We ask Sega five questions about the upcoming sequel for Wii.

Months ago, Sega announced that it would be bringing to Wii exclusively a sequel to the beloved Sega Saturn game NiGHTS into Dreams. Advanced Media Network recently had the opportunity to ask the game’s producer, Takashi Iizuka, five questions about the upcoming NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. See what we asked and what Sega had to say below.





Question #1

AMN: How has the development team made the transition from 2D into 3D with NiGHTS? Can you explain to us exactly how the game is played?


Iizuka: We originally designed the gameplay around the joy and freedom of flight system which has made NiGHTS a unique gaming experience. The sequel will embrace the same unique gameplay experience while adding a variety on new game ideas and mechanics to expand on the original. The sequel is being designed to fully utilize the Wii remote so that the player can intuitively execute a wide variety of game actions being designed for the sequel. We also are creating a brand new story surrounding two new characters and the challenges they overcome with the help of NiGHTS.


Question #2

AMN: Is there any truth to the rumors that the game was originally in development for Xbox 360 and or PlayStation 3? If this is true, why move it to Wii?


Iizuka: I’ve always wanted to make the sequel to the original NiGHTS, and we would love to bring NiGHTS to other platforms, however, the unique gameplay in NiGHTS and the innovative Wii controller seemed to be a perfect fit. It’s reminiscent of when we released the original NiGHTS with Sega’s 3D controller. That said…we can’t think about anything else but stay focused on creating a sequel that we hope you will all love!


Question #3

AMN: How does the game use the Wii-mote?


Iizuka: Originally, NiGHTS (for Sega Saturn) was released a very special 3D controller that intensified the flight experience. With the Nintendo Wii, I thought it would be a perfect chance to attempt to recreate that innovative flight experience once again. We’re also are currently investigating a way to integrate nunchuck into NiGHTS’ gameplay so that we could cater to those gamers that are more comfortable using a more “traditional-style†controller configuration.


Question #4

AMN: Will there be any kind of multiplayer mode? What about online support, other than WiiConnect24 (such as online multiplayer)?


Iizuka: We are investigating the possibility of adding an online component for the sequel since we think it’s a very important feature, but we haven’t finalized anything just yet but look forward to us announcing more details in the very near future.


Question #5

AMN: Why bring back NiGHTS? What made SEGA decide to do a new entry in the 10-year-old series?


Iizuka: Making the sequel was never a plan to bring back NiGHTS. On the contrary to that thought, when I originally created NiGHTS, I always wanted to create a sequel. I had hoped to someday be given the chance to give our loyal NiGHTS fans another adventure and now we’ve come full circle as that challenge is before me. I hope you will enjoy it as much as the original.

Source: http://wii.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=10149
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I'll admit that I haven't played much the original NiGHTS on the Saturn other than a demo. I didn't understand much of the game back then but I remember being hooked while the level lasted.

From what I've seen of the previous game, the art style was breathtaking and the flight seemed to control like a dream (no pun intended).

I can't wait to see what NiGHTS 2 will bring.

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