Guest Stefkov Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Exactly. But there are games, as a gamer which you cannot put down. COD4, Phantom Hourglass. You just want to keep playing them, whether to get a quick score on a time trial or to collect a fishing rod..P But yeah, games like Assassins Creed should have a long review time. Spend a week or so reviewing, don't get tired of it by playing it for hours non stop then moaning it wasn't great. Assassinating in this game feels so satisfying.
Bluejay Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 Exactly. But there are games, as a gamer which you cannot put down. COD4, Phantom Hourglass. You just want to keep playing them, whether to get a quick score on a time trial or to collect a fishing rod..PBut yeah, games like Assassins Creed should have a long review time. Spend a week or so reviewing, don't get tired of it by playing it for hours non stop then moaning it wasn't great. Assassinating in this game feels so satisfying. Actually, I wonder how long sites were playing this for review. It was embargoed until the 13th and 1Up were talking about playing it at least a week or two ago. Thats a good enough amount of time, I would say. Your point stands however, flawed system etc.
Jimbob Posted November 15, 2007 Posted November 15, 2007 What can i say about this game. I've only played an hour and a half and so far it is totally awesome. I was totally confused at the beginning with what was happening, but as i progressed into the game i found it more enthrilling and breathtaking and things have started to clear up more. Just what you can do in the environment is great. Climb anything, hit anyone assassinate whoever near enough and hide in places. The graphics are amazing and so are the sound effects. Assassinations are satisfying in everyway. It is a stealth game mixed with the feelings of Prince of Persia. And these are my thoughts of only the first hour of gameplay.
The fish Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 Games Radar say 10/10 I really love this game! Yes, the voice samples get a tad repetitive, but I don't care. I actually really love sword fights, and the animations are unlikely to get old soon. My preferred tactic is going to high but easily accessible place after killing the odd solider, and then fighting the ones that follow me off the edge. Oh, and I can't wait to unlock the rich district of Acre - I am so climbing the cathedral spire!
Aalborg Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 hmmm.. me thinks im going to have to get this along with Mario today..
ReZourceman Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 Its really good so far. Not amazing, and I think playing Mario so close to it over shadows it, but its still pretty sweet.
Daft Posted November 16, 2007 Author Posted November 16, 2007 From Gabe at Penny Arcade. I'm telling you all this because I want you to understand that if Assassins Creed actually was a 7.0 game I'd tell you. I also want you to know that when I tell you it's fucking incredible I'm not bullshitting you because we're running ads for the game. There are about four or five reviews of the game with scores in the low to mid 7's. I want to cover some of the common complaints these reviewers had in case anyone out there is worried about them. Many of the reviews say that the ending is bad. Obviously I don't want to give away any spoilers but I will say that the final confrontation was exciting and gratifying. It was an extremely satisfying ending to this chapter of the game. Chapter is the important word here. This is a huge story, probably a trilogy at least. The game does end with a cliff hanger and it certainly sets up the rest of the arc but that's how the first part of any multi part story ends. If Star Wars had ended with Luke jumping into his X-Wing to go take on the Death Star that would be a shitty fucking ending. It doesn't though, Luke destroys it and then we get hints about what's in store for our heroes. I'm telling you right now Altair destroys his Death Star. I also can't be 100% positive but I'm guessing that some of these reviewers didn't let the credits role. Again, I don't want to spoil anything but wait for the credits to end. Until reviewers start posting their Gamertags along with the review we'll never really be able to tell how much of a game they played. But I'd be willing to bet some of them are missing the "Visions of the Future" achievement. I'm not gonna say why but If you don't have this achievement you can't say jack shit about the ending. I think the biggest complaint I saw was that the missions become repetitive and boring. I actually didn't understand this complaint at all until just the other day. I had gotten an early copy of the game just like everyone else in the media but I was just playing it for fun. I'd cracked into it over the weekend and when I got into the office on Monday I started seeing these negative reviews. When I saw the low scores I was actually really upset and I wanted to talk about the game here on the site. I wanted to tell everyone that these guys were full of shit. However, since so many of the complaints were based on the ending I wanted to beat it first so I was sure I wasn't missing anything. I attacked the game again but this time with the goal of beating it as fast as I could. I was determined to get a post up on Tuesday and I was pushing through the game as fast as I could. I went from finding every high perch in a district to only getting the ones I needed to advance the story. I stopped saving every citizen and avoided any unnecessary confrontations. The informer missions that I had really enjoyed before, I now avoided because I knew they took too long to complete. I did the bare minimum of missions to progress the story and anything that "hindered" my progress was frustrating. Monday night after skipping over another combat (something I used to really enjoy) I stopped myself. What the fuck was I doing? I wasn't playing the game because I wanted to I was playing it because I had a deadline and I needed to beat it. I stopped immediately and decided I'd write about the game whenever I got around to beating it. I spent another day and a half with it and during that time I hunted for hidden flags and explored the cities again. I came in this morning and finally did beat it but I did it at my own pace and I enjoyed every part of it. Imagine what an open ended sandbox title must look like to a reviewer especially right now. How many games do they have piling up on their desks? A game like Assassins creed isn't meant to be played under a deadline. You shouldn't be trying to beat it as fast as you can so you can move on to Mass Effect or Mario Galaxy. As soon as I gave myself a deadline all of a sudden I understood all their complaints. It was like a fucking Escher painting. I had put myself in their shoes and suddenly the landscape flipped and I could see games from their perspective. In the end I wasn't angry at them for their bad reviews. I actually just felt bad for them. I'm going out today to pick this and Mario Galaxy up....I probably won't play Galaxy simply because my Wii currently isn't plugged in.....Yes I AM that lazy.
Domstercool Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 Shame, because according to reviews from gamerankings, Mario Galaxy is on par with the best game ever made.
Hero-of-Time Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 I'm going out today to pick this and Mario Galaxy up....I probably won't play Galaxy simply because my Wii currently isn't plugged in.....Yes I AM that lazy. Just picked up AC today but I will be the other way around, Mazza first and then when I want a break AC.
Domstercool Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 I only had a little go on AC, but because of playing Mario first, AC just didn't seem fun. So off the 360 went and back on the Wii I went.
Daft Posted November 16, 2007 Author Posted November 16, 2007 Shame, because according to reviews from gamerankings, Mario Galaxy is on par with the best game ever made. Just picked up AC today but I will be the other way around, Mazza first and then when I want a break AC. Sorry, I didn't write what I meant to write. I'll definitely play Mario but after I have a good long bash at Assassin's Creed because my Wii isn't plugged in. I will be very suprised if I haven't played both by tomorrow! Plus I know Mario will be a blast whereas I'm slightly more curious to see Assassin's Creed in motion!
Guest Stefkov Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 Man Gabe is saying exactly what I said earlier up the page. That's crazy, I might get a job reviewing games, independantly. I've just gotten to Jerusalem now. Everything was going dandy until I was making my way to the eagle point, and was getting chased and the game just froze. I think my xbob froze, the guide didn't work. Anytime a game freezes that happens though. Shame was enjoying it up until then, I've killed so many people without dying now it's awesome. Counterattacks are so easy to pull off.
McPhee Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 Im gonna pick this up today or tomorrow, getting it for £30 from work
Hero-of-Time Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 I only had a little go on AC, but because of playing Mario first, AC just didn't seem fun. So off the 360 went and back on the Wii I went. I know what you mean. I played Mario first and im giving this a quick blast and all I feel for it is...meh. I will keep juggling the 2 games and get the most out of both. At the moment Mario is calling me again.
ReZourceman Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 I dont think Im going to pick it up again until after Ive finished Mario. It ruins it...and any other games, Lol.
Bluejay Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 but after I have a good long bash I bet you will. Don't say that wasn't neccessary. Anyway to someone who has the game, how far away are the flags viewable from. Can you see them from a distance and then go after them, like green orb hunting in crackdown.
martinist Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 i just picked this up along with mario galaxy and rabbids 2, also a staff member at GAME went insane and started giving out free Assassins Creed t-shirts.
Eddage Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 I have been playing this a fair bit the last two days and I am loving every second of it! Have now down four of the main assassinations and have done all the 'free' mission in each area of the cities I've been in! I think the best way to describe it is kinda like Crackdown in the past, with the assassinations being like taking out the gang leaders and hunting for flags instead of orbs. I honestly cannot understand all the reviews giving it 7's, like mentioned above they must have just zipped through it doing the bare minimum, definitely not the way to play this sort of game! Am kinda pleased that I still haven't got my Wii back, means I can enjoy this until its done without the thought of Galaxy looming large over my head! Anyway to someone who has the game, how far away are the flags viewable from. Can you see them from a distance and then go after them, like green orb hunting in crackdown. They're not as visible as Crackdown's Green Orbs but you can see them from a little way away, they have that glitchy pattern surrounding them which makes them fairly visible.
Demuwan Posted November 16, 2007 Posted November 16, 2007 Hmmm. Can't decide between this and Mario.... You will find the answer from within *look at your sig*
Charlie Posted November 17, 2007 Posted November 17, 2007 You will find the answer from within *look at your sig* Went for AC.... and CoD4. Decided I'm going to sell my Wii in at the beginning of December for huge profits.
Daft Posted November 17, 2007 Author Posted November 17, 2007 I played for about 3 hours and so far it is everything I expected and hoped for! Seeing Damascus for the first time is awesome!! The fighting was a bit tricky to get used to but I'm loving it now!!
Hellfire Posted November 17, 2007 Posted November 17, 2007 Went for AC.... and CoD4. Decided I'm going to sell my Wii in at the beginning of December for huge profits. *slaps forehead*
Domstercool Posted November 17, 2007 Posted November 17, 2007 Galaxy now the best game ever made! It's number 1:O
Daft Posted November 17, 2007 Author Posted November 17, 2007 I've just played Galaxy for about two hours, you are all going to think I'm insane, but right now I'm definitely looking forward to playing more Assassin's Creed than Mario. (On a side note, Galaxy looks fricking awesome!! If only it were in HD. I have no idea where they can take Mario from here...) I seem to be the only one slightly underwhelmed by Mario. It looks great, it plays great, its fun....I dunno, I'll review my thoughts after another couple hours play.
ReZourceman Posted November 17, 2007 Posted November 17, 2007 Went for AC.... and CoD4. Decided I'm going to sell my Wii in at the beginning of December for huge profits. So you're not playing Galaxy? wow.
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