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The Great Moan Thread


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wow, i am the very best moaner when i get started, only really happens in real life and i only moan about things that are happening in my life rather than blaming groups for the destruction of society.


But god, i don't even feel like i have time to moan anymore, i'm so bloody busy with uni, it's just non-stop, i was transcribing all of yesterday, for the first time ever my eyes got sore from looking at the computer so long and then i had 3 people not turn up to the interviews. Now i'm tired and i'm supposed to have an interview in 20mins if they turn up *sigh* i wish i had time to moan more right now, although im in a weird mood, i wanna moan loads i've got so much on, but i'm also giddy for other things. Meh...


now i want to go back and slap this guy for not knowing how lucky he had it at that time *sigh*

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Hehe, this reminds me of my "Things that make you angry" thread.


Everything's pissing me off at the moment, me, my parents, my teachers, the fact that theres nothing good on daytime tv, ever, or nighttime tv for that matter.


Shaun of the Dead, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Schindler's List -- all tonight, on terrestrial!

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Shaun of the Dead, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Schindler's List -- all tonight, on terrestrial!


Whaaat? Times and channels, please.


Hmm, things that piss me off. Well, today, I have to buy a new toothbrush. Yup, I bluddy LOVE it when I have days like this and this is my greatest worry. Oh, God. I miss days like these. Missed them for so long. Please don't let it end. :sad:

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Guest Stefkov

I'm getting annoyed that my laptop cant find the cd or load the software to add any data ont othe cds. Cant be bothered turning the thing off and on again!!

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Whaaat? Times and channels, please.


Hmm, things that piss me off. Well, today, I have to buy a new toothbrush. Yup, I bluddy LOVE it when I have days like this and this is my greatest worry. Oh, God. I miss days like these. Missed them for so long. Please don't let it end. :sad:


Sorry, I posted that after midnight. That was yesterday.


Shaun is on again at 9:00 tonight on ITV2.


Jay and Silent Bob wasn't that great.



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I only just spotted this thread.


God I hate scene kids, take up most of the standing tickets for a concert and then stand still throughout the entire thing.


Your post + Enter Shikari lookalike sig made me remember going to a gig with them (supporting Lostprophets of course) and thinking exactly the same thing. They're standing at the front and doing nothing! *****.




much better ^^

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I hate daylight saving time, I feel like I've been cheated out of an hour, and my internal clock is gonna be wonky for months until I finally get that hour back :mad: Made me miss the first half of coronation street last night, because it was so bright out I just didn't think it could be half 7, and I wasn't paying attention to the clock.. Yes, I am moaning about missing coronation street :smile:

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I've made a few bitchy comments on here tonight, and I'm sorry for that, but I'm just so pissed off with things back now. Returning home seems like returning to the scene of the crime, if you remember back to January time. Yeah. Feeling a bit meh now.


So, my moan: People. Temptation. I've realised that I no longer believe in things like innocence, or trust, because everyone and anyone can be tempted. There's no such thing as a pure soul, as people will always give themselves away when the chance comes along. Whatever that may be. Just looking around, I know that people can love each other and be happy, but you can never have all the stuff that goes with it, like trust, or knowledge that they will always be there. Because, things change all the time, today will not be the same as tomorrow, it'll be a whole new day and the whole process just starts over again. You can say one thing today, but then mean something tomorrow, or say something today and tomorrow that person will forget everything you said. Basically, everyone's in it for themselves, nobody looks out for each other anymore.


I wish I were a fucking sheep.

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I've made a few bitchy comments on here tonight, and I'm sorry for that, but I'm just so pissed off with things back now. Returning home seems like returning to the scene of the crime, if you remember back to January time. Yeah. Feeling a bit meh now.


So, my moan: People. Temptation. I've realised that I no longer believe in things like innocence, or trust, because everyone and anyone can be tempted. There's no such thing as a pure soul, as people will always give themselves away when the chance comes along. Whatever that may be. Just looking around, I know that people can love each other and be happy, but you can never have all the stuff that goes with it, like trust, or knowledge that they will always be there. Because, things change all the time, today will not be the same as tomorrow, it'll be a whole new day and the whole process just starts over again. You can say one thing today, but then mean something tomorrow, or say something today and tomorrow that person will forget everything you said. Basically, everyone's in it for themselves, nobody looks out for each other anymore.


I wish I were a fucking sheep.


dunno what makes you say that, but not everyone is like that. I can safely say im not, which is pobably why im stuck alone

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dunno what makes you say that, but not everyone is like that. I can safely say im not, which is pobably why im stuck alone


There's a few nice people out there who geniunally do have good intentions and look out for other people, stuff like that. But I think there's a part in everyone that can be corrupted or can give in to temptation, or will always give in and think about themselves rather than think "shit, I shouldnt be doing this." Dont know if you've read 1984 or not, but the ending basically sums that up.


Basically, long story short, back in Newport now (which is my home, where my then g/f cheated), been thinking about that a lot and about other things in general. Feeling useless about it all, really. And not just her, but with a lot of people in general, because when you talk to people you realise what they're saying and how selfish a lot of people can be.

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people make mistakes, we're all human, but some can resist tempation, i turned down some good chances when i was unhappy with my ex. I hope you find a decent girl, i think you'll have a better chance than me, guys tend to be dicks more, usually cos that's what they think with.

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Flinks, i totally understand where your coming from. I spend a lot of my time, trying to look out for all of my friends and everyone around me. I usually end up doing myself injustice in the process by not concentrating on what i have to do. I look around and see how other people act in contrast and they all just seem so selfish and self centered.

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people make mistakes, we're all human, but some can resist tempation, i turned down some good chances when i was unhappy with my ex. I hope you find a decent girl, i think you'll have a better chance than me, guys tend to be dicks more, usually cos that's what they think with.


Guys can be real pricks, even me. I've said it time and time again in the past, to many people and nobody just seems to take notice. We had a friend down in Brighton who I thought was my mate, and he basically waited until I was out of the picture with my g/f and got right in there. Since then, I grilled him and cut him out of my life, as I don't want or need friends like that. It was a bit like Gollum in lord of the rings, because I said to her he's just after one thing, and it turned out to be the truth.


So, thats my moan: People are pricks. Not all people, but a lot of people. Mainly, it's men.


Another thing that annoyed me: Went out last week, met some friends of my friend, and we had a lovely night, etc. At the end of it, after I had left, one of the girls asked if I was gay. It happens all the pissing time. No, I'm not gay. I just don't tend to act like an arsehole and think with my testicles around every woman I meet.

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Guys can be real pricks, even me. I've said it time and time again in the past, to many people and nobody just seems to take notice. We had a friend down in Brighton who I thought was my mate, and he basically waited until I was out of the picture with my g/f and got right in there. Since then, I grilled him and cut him out of my life, as I don't want or need friends like that. It was a bit like Gollum in lord of the rings, because I said to her he's just after one thing, and it turned out to be the truth.


So, thats my moan: People are pricks. Not all people, but a lot of people. Mainly, it's men.


Another thing that annoyed me: Went out last week, met some friends of my friend, and we had a lovely night, etc. At the end of it, after I had left, one of the girls asked if I was gay. It happens all the pissing time. No, I'm not gay. I just don't tend to act like an arsehole and think with my testicles around every woman I meet.


agree there. I think if a girl sees that a guy is decent they think he's gay, cos they're used to guys being jerks - gay guys are as well, just rarely with women as they dont want sex with them.

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"If you gotta problem, whatcha gonna do?

Give it up? Or believe in yourself?

If you gotta problem, whatcha gonna do?

Like Parappa, you gotta believe!"




So as Parappa says, if you've got a problem or a moan then just believe in yourself and solve it :)

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There's a few nice people out there who geniunally do have good intentions and look out for other people, stuff like that. But I think there's a part in everyone that can be corrupted or can give in to temptation


Best thing to do is seek out the people who are already corrupted.....At least you know where you stand and how corrupted they are.


As to the rest of the world who piss you off just remember:

"Dont let the bastards grind you down"

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I wish I'd started working earlier (yet again). I've just met a girl and I would really love to see her more, but unfortunately we just had to meet when I have an immense work load preventing me from ever leaving the house. Oh well it will all be done by Friday, we can go out and have fun then.


Oh and another gripe I have is that I can't invite her round to mine as I have housemates that not only trash the house constantly, but also never leave the house or the TV.


Pretty minor irritants, but moaning does make you feel better. Onwards with biomineralisation.

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