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it just encourages a different type of spam tbh but i think it shud stay :heh:



I second this.


1. The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 15 characters. X(


Without the post counts and whatever ever tally to torillion bullshit that one can conjour up, spam has effectively run its short life of what ever short joy it once gave. The individual's lust for spam has greatly declined. We don't need to be taunted by this length crap.


Short replies can be precise and concise. Yes, people can be stupid with their replies, but I'm sure they'll learn to control themselves. If not, we take them in the anus, and make them enjoy it.


I've always mentioned this being a steaming pile of shit when it was 10 characters, then they decided to force our mouths open and shit in them, making it 15 characters. I don't consider any of my posts spam, which you can tell even the short ones aren't as they have [15 characters blow me] underneath. Sometimes that even enough, which I don't understand. Are they trying to bump it up more?


I think I recall some people simply quoting someone else without a reply back on CE. Obviously it didn't go unnoticed and it's probably why the admins felt the need to do this but seriously all it has done is made people write underneath their short reply "my post is too short bla bla" etc. Perhaps simply a way of stopping people writing just "lol", "haha" or a smiley would be more appropriate.


Oh bloody hell. First off, theres a suggestion thread in the rules forum for stuff like this. Even if thats too taxing for you PM an admin. If you have a problem with a shop you don't sit in the middle of the shop shouting your complaints all over the place.


Second of all its not lame, 15 bleeding characters for petes sake. Don't be so gorram taciturn then.


Third of all, if everything that was lame on this forum was got rid of there may be less members.

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