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*Important* Last Night


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Your the same as me then.I was on last night and this morning but never checked the General Boards.


Yea, you see though...I was on the General board...I was trying to help Caris with what music he should pick...I actually started a new thread aswell! :p

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This used to be such a great forum. I remmeber coming on after school every night and just posting, it was all good. Now its just gone downhill.

And how I only wonder.

I just dont see why 1 or 2 people can ruin it all in a matter of weeks.



I refer you back to my first post of this topic.


It's not that 2 people ruined it, it's that over a period of time the standards slipped and were lowered. More and more stuff was tolerated until it went beyond the point of no return.


[/Past the point of No Return - From phantom]

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Motion, since you have come here you have caused trouble in all threads, including the Zelda thread. As I said in the meaningless posts, you ruined this site for me. Thanks.


QFT. Motion, mabye people would have respected your postsin the Zelda thread

If you hadn't crapped all over theirs all the time. Everytime someone had something good to say about it you'd say something like "Oh no that part was crap because...................much better in OOT which was over 10 years ago...."

And you started that thread for no reason.

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They've been around during the day, and they've known about this longer than me, but I don't think many have been online since this thread was created.


You are also probably the one most capable of doing this, and your popularity amongst the regulars means you have plenty of backup if it comes to an augment.


Thanks for doing it by the way, I like the meaningless post thread, and I don't want it ruined by stupid and disgusting stuff like last night.

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Guest Stefkov
I refer you back to my first post of this topic.


It's not that 2 people ruined it, it's that over a period of time the standards slipped and were lowered. More and more stuff was tolerated until it went beyond the point of no return.


[/Past the point of No Return - From phantom]

I actually noticed, when I started to stay on my pc later into the night, something was changing in the forums. There was a lot of hatred.

I think it was when solitanze came that peopele started to get angry. I just ignored him :p

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This used to be such a great forum. I remmeber coming on after school every night and just posting, it was all good. Now its just gone downhill.

And how I only wonder.

I just dont see why 1 or 2 people can ruin it all in a matter of weeks.


I still do this.

Just ignore the idiots, like THE ganondorf or Dabookerman or motion or whoever you don't like, and it'll go back to being a great forum like it was for you, and still is, in my opinion (apart from what I came on to the meaningless post thread to find this morning).

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QFT. Motion, mabye people would have respected your postsin the Zelda thread

If you hadn't crapped all over theirs all the time. Everytime someone had something good to say about it you'd say something like "Oh no that part was crap because...................much better in OOT which was over 10 years ago...."

And you started that thread for no reason.


Its true that motion had ruin the Zelda thread because of him I never go to the Zelda topic anymore.

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My View:-


I'm not at all remorseful or ashamed for what i posted last night, it was to be taking in good humour and allowed a lot of member to just enjoy themselves and for that i am not sorry for.


it was late at night and anyone underage should be in bed!!! *wags finger*


It was because of the sense of community that people initially relied around retro and turned on motion, then we got a bit hysterical and sleep deprivation set in.


I'm neither sorry for what i said to motion, i believe exactly what i said to him last night and think he enjoys licking arse (in the sucking up sense) too much when he's not out slagging off zelda etc and spelling 'swear' words with @s in for some odd reason.


for those who say 'omgz ur ruinin teh forumz' i say bollocks. the thread was funny and contained for the most part, and when it went to the meaningless thread it was very tame by contrast.


motion acknowledged his mistake in creating a thread where he made a big thing out of a little thing retro said and thats fair. for if the thread was not created we wouldn't have been able to play-thanks motion :D


I can't help if i really don't like motion just a clash, nobody is expected to get along with everyone all the time and he does seem to be the new old zeldafreak.


i LOVED the thread, was such a bit of fresh air and was so much fun it kept me up till 3.30am.


i'll have more to say probably in time but this is a long enough post to encompass what i feel.

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Guest Stefkov
Its true that motion had ruin the Zelda thread because of him I never go to the Zelda topic anymore.

I dont even go in the Wii boards anymore. When I get on here its the 360 thread or general. Ever since the bashing Zelda thread, because thats all peopel were doing inthe zelda thread, i didnt go in there.

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(apart from what I came on to the meaningless post thread to find this morning).


Poor person,does it still scar you :(


Also I don't go on the TP thread either that much anymore,not cause of motion or anything cause he is a member and shows his opinion,maybe sometimes it might be strong there's always gonna be people like that.

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I dont even go in the Wii boards anymore. When I get on here its the 360 thread or general. Ever since the bashing Zelda thread, because thats all peopel were doing inthe zelda thread, i didnt go in there.


same here, i find the Wii threads really depressing i suppose at times. the people who hang round those parts are weird, unlike the nice other consoles peeps :D

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I'd like to hear (read!) some of the other admins/mods opinions on the events of last night.


I spotted the topic this morning when I got up and quickly got rid of it and I have never seen anything so distusting in my life. The pictures were just wrong plain and simple and no-one should have to endure them.


This website has been set-up for the use of various discussions, mainly games related, and in no way shape or form should that be abused. The website itself doesnt come with any age restrictions and warnings as it is supposed to be a friendly place that anyone can enjoy.


The Admins and Mods all have lives outside of the internet and we cant be " patrolling " all the time and thats were the members come in. We expect people to respect the website and the other members and to help out where ever they can. Those who are Admins and Mods are just like everyone else on the website, we come here to enjoy the convos and meeting people. What we dont want is to go to bed and then wake up the next morning seeing the forums in ruins with abusive language and porno images.


I personally have seen the collapse of the forums coming for a while now with endless and pointless bickering from various members. Most of these arguments come from other people not seeing eye to eye when an opinion is raised. If people dont agree with someone elses opinion then fair enough, but dont go making an argument about it.


I posted this in the Staff Forum this morning, Im a religious guy and the images shown in that thread were pretty vile and disturbing and its not something that I want or wanted to see. With all that has happened im questioning whether to remain an active member of these boards as the once good feeling of a community has started to slip away.


End Rant


( bound to be spelling mistakes in there somewhere, my bad )


same here, i find the Wii threads really depressing i suppose at times. the people who hang round those parts are weird, unlike the nice other consoles peeps :D


That hurts Takeo. :red:

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Guest Stefkov
same here, i find the Wii threads really depressing i suppose at times. the people who hang round those parts are weird, unlike the nice other consoles peeps :D

Yes, us more than 1 console folks are awesome.

There are some posts in the Wii threads that are good but that was a long time ago.

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I personally have seen the collapse of the forums coming for a while now with endless and pointless bickering from various members. Most of these arguments come from other people not seeing eye to eye when an opinion is raised. If people dont agree with someone elses opinion then fair enough, but dont go making an argument about it.


I posted this in the Staff Forum this morning, Im a religious guy and the images shown in that thread were pretty vile and disturbing and its not something that I want or wanted to see. With all that has happened im questioning whether to remain an active member of these boards as the once good feeling of a community has started to slip away.


End Rant


( bound to be spelling mistakes in there somewhere, my bad )




That hurts Takeo. :red:


your an other consoles guy anyway babes!!


and PLEASE don't go, its bad enough not having The3rd or the other guys who got banned last night around without you sodding off!!!


and yeah it was pretty bad, and also blasphemous in places (which i love as a lapsed roman catholic mwahahahhaaaa)

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For anyone who is saying how much fun last night was and that it should just be taken in good humour, you should consider it may be a bit insulting for the staff when you use their forum for that kind of thing, and obviously some members have been offended. I'm pretty neutral seeing as I wasn't there but you should understand why it's been taken the way it has.

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I don't really visit here anymore but after last night's events and this resulting thread, I just want to make clear that EF is not considered to be a "rival" forum, nor do we condone anybody who goes onto there and slags this forum off. There seems to be a distinct vibe of "EF is the enemy" from various people here which I don't particularly understand nor do I appreciate; we are a completely different forum which just happens to have some members that post (or used to post at least) both here and there. We had nothing to do with any of this, so leave us out of it.


I don't really understand what happened anyway, and understand less why people are still going on about it.

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