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*Important* Last Night


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You're trying to make it look as if you are being ganged-up on by posting a thread that you know will start a slagging-off match.



Because that's exactly how it is. I should have realised the maturity of certain people would have turned a genuinly nice thread into rubbish. As Cube said in it.

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I love all the little conspiracy theories starting to slosh around here because of this. A small but severe distirbance, and now all this talk of conspiracy, forum terroism, fascistic moderators, mebers dissapearing, covert warfare... why the hell would anyone watch 24 when you've got this? Hell, a monkey could write a conspiracy thriller out of all of this, and sell it to Jerry Brukenheimer for a small fortune.


Haha, it's true. God, Sunday was meant to be sleep day, dammit. Goddamn you all for making me sort all this out. :heh:

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A quick tip: if you want to thank someone, do as I did and PM them.


I DID say thank you to Fierce in a PM. As I've said before I started that topic so that EVERYONE could say thanks to the mods/admins and hopefully cheer them up after all this stuff that's been happening these past two days. What an idiot I was for assuming people would be civil and nice eh?


If you are being attacked by other members, just lie low for a while.


I find it very hard to ignore personal attacks, some people can lie low, I find it tough.

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There was a really good atmosphere on here just before the launch of the wii, with everyone fairly excited, with a good level of fun and interesting posts. Since the wii's release it seems there are less people around, and people are less on topic, they seem bored and using the forum to shout at others. Theres definiterly less of a community than a few months ago, and its very apparent on these boards. A few arguements (if well written and with points etc) are fine, but there seem to be alot of people just slagging off others.


Agree a lot with your post, and i think it'll get back to being friendly and nice again soon. I mean if Zelda Freak can change his posting habits then anyone can!

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I didn't really see what went on last night, but it does kind of disappoint me that people acted in the way they did and got banned for it. Recently it seems that many of the members that I came to this forum for have been going. Haden, Dabookerman, The3rdChildren and Demonmike when they were on form and not purposely causing trouble (not to Haden) were quality members and was always happy to read their posts as they almost always entertaining or informed.


If others such as Caris and Retro-lover go then I do feel that the heart of what this community is will have been quite badly damaged. I don't know whether it's really the fault of people like Motion, but trouble does seem to have a bit of a way of following him about. If someone really does annoy you then just use the ignore function so as you can't see their posts to get annoyed and try and use a bit of self restraint. I really don't want to see any more great members going than have already gone.

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I didn't really see what went on last night, but it does kind of disappoint me that people acted in the way they did and got banned for it. Recently it seems that many of the members that I came to this forum for have been going. Haden, Dabookerman, The3rdChildren and Demonmike when they were on form and not purposely causing trouble (not to Haden) were quality members and was always happy to read their posts as they almost always entertaining or informed.


If others such as Caris and Retro-lover go then I do feel that the heart of what this community is will have been quite badly damaged. I don't know whether it's really the fault of people like Motion, but trouble does seem to have a bit of a way of following him about. If someone really does annoy you then just use the ignore function so as you can't see their posts to get annoyed and try and use a bit of self restraint. I really don't want to see any more great members going than have already gone.




If Caris, Retro, HoT, Fresh or anyother of the great guys go i may have to cry myself to sleep nightly :(

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I think the community here has been hanging on a thread for a while, and last night seems to have broken this thread. Now everyone has split up into separate factions, and the whole place seems anarchic...


Get it together people. Some of us want to use this as a forum, and not just hide in threads where there's no lunacy.


By the way, after reading that through, I realise that I should probably point out that the aforementioned thread is entirely metaphorical.

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I think the community here has been hanging on a thread for a while, and last night seems to have broken this thread. Now everyone has split up into separate factions, and the whole place seems anachic...


Get it together people. Some of us want to use this as a forum, and not just hide in threads where there's no lunacy.


By the way, after reading that through, I realise that I should probably point out that the aforementioned thread is entirely metaphorical.


perhaps this will lay the seeds for a revolution?!



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Luckily i didnt catch any of this, but why do all the good people have to go all of a sudden? What's changed since this night? We all know secretly that N-Europe is the best forum, so why leave it just on the basis of 1 (un)significant event. Hopefully everything can move on now and things will go back to normal.


And to all arguers with motion, including motion, you most have seen Flinks post, he even quoted himself yet you still biccer (sp?) on. You dont have to make this public, although i guess you want people to see it right? well we dont really want to...

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I think the community here has been hanging on a thread for a while, and last night seems to have broken this thread. Now everyone has split up into separate factions, and the whole place seems anachic...


Get it together people. Some of us want to use this as a forum, and not just hide in threads where there's no lunacy.


By the way, after reading that through, I realise that I should probably point out that the aforementioned thread is entirely metaphorical.


We need some community bonding...Do you have any suggestion? :hmm:

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Guest Stefkov

*hums to self*

Why cant we be friends...


why cant people understand if someone annoys you use the ignore button that was put there for your use.

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I've seen the thread now. I was unaware of how EPIC it was up until now.


QFT it was GENIUS and sooooo black!


Aww man not H-o-T thinking about it aswell.

Truely is a bad day for us.


if he goes i will seriously cry, not only is he hot and amazing but he's a Christian too!!!

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The simple solution is this forum needs to restore a state of community, and people who are damaging this sense of community need to be dealt with.


But we should also be a welcoming community, not hostile to people that are not well established.


If this forum doesn't repair itself, and by that I mean everyone needs to work together to make this a better place, then everyone that loved what this forum used to be but hate what it is now will most likely leave.


That is a forum I'm sure none of us want.

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