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Segas Secret Title...


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I'd really like it to be a new Samba di Amigo. I suspect it will have something do with the Alien license.


Prediction: An easterly first-person shooter, with a strong chance of mild dissapointment. Xbox360 and PS3 likely to see the worst of it, dry elsewhere. Scattered VC releases will continue across the Wii. And now for the shipping forecast...

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lol guys, this announcement will definately NOT be Shenmue III. It won't be anywhere near out (if it ever is) until Yu Suzuki has finished on the crappy Shenmue Online which no-one wants. And come on guys, if it did come out it would not come out on the Wii.


Shenmue (1999), SEGA Corporation - HUGE possibility, as this has a fanbase of millions and fans have been asking for a threequel for years.

erm, no. (unfortunately)

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To be honest, Sega are setting themselves up for a fall. They said that this will be a big game. Now, wouldn't it be nice for them to give us something we actually want for a change? How long have gamers been crying for Shenmue III? What else do Sega have besides this and Sonic?


So, if it's not a big title, what will happen? Retaliation. Fans are losing faith in Sega enough as it is. Would it really be a wise move to keep promising things and failing to live up to that promise?


Come on, Sega. Get your act together.

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I hope it's a new Crazy Taxi for Wii. I would love that so much. The original Crazy Taxi has to be my most played arcade game of all time.


Bluddy hell, I forgot about Crazy Taxi.


Seriously, Sega. Do this. Crazy Taxi, for the Wii, and I will absolutely love you and will take back every bad thing I said about you today.

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To be honest, Sega are setting themselves up for a fall. They said that this will be a big game. Now, wouldn't it be nice for them to give us something we actually want for a change? How long have gamers been crying for Shenmue III? What else do Sega have besides this and Sonic?


So, if it's not a big title, what will happen? Retaliation. Fans are losing faith in Sega enough as it is. Would it really be a wise move to keep promising things and failing to live up to that promise?


Come on, Sega. Get your act together.


I agree. I hate all this ridiculously overblown 'pre-hype'. They get us all worked up in a frenzy of speculative fantasy and then announce some flacid piece of shit. If it isn't Shenmue or Nights or maybe Shinobi then it will only cause greater disappointment. Please be Nights! Pleeease!

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Awesome Shadow the Hedgehog 2,maybe it'll be like Secret Rings but with sleeker graphics and better controls and overall improve from Secret Rings.And obviously be a bit darker cause it's Shadow :)


Har har!

I was just trying to think of the worst possible game they could announce.. and Shadow the Hedgehog 2 would be it.

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Har har!

I was just trying to think of the worst possible game they could announce.. and Shadow the Hedgehog 2 would be it.


hey you stole my idea:(

If this comes true I'm taking the credit!




Seriously, Sega. Do this. Crazy Taxi, for the Wii, and I will absolutely love you and will take back every bad thing I said about you today.






what about a sequel to ecco?*vomits violently*

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Did anyone mention Skies of Arcadia? Anyone?


I want Skies of Arcadia Legends 2 - exclusive to Wii. Please Sega, you made a heck of a great game back there, now I want to know more about this fascinating universe. And you all are.. are... worthless! Not mentioning one of the greatest games ever made. All of you louzy forumsmembers! Yes, I'm pointing directly at you, reader outside the screen! Now I'm going to kill myself.

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Did anyone mention Skies of Arcadia? Anyone?


I want Skies of Arcadia Legends 2 - exclusive to Wii. Please Sega, you made a heck of a great game back there, now I want to know more about this fascinating universe. And you all are.. are... worthless! Not mentioning one of the greatest games ever made. All of you louzy forumsmembers! Yes, I'm pointing directly at you, reader outside the screen! Now I'm going to kill myself.

Oh, never thought of that, although I wouldn't see that as "big news" for a general public as it was kind of overlooked, but it would ne neat nonetheless.


Sega once had a sequel in planning stages at least.


EDIT: (found it)


Kotaku: You seem like a very happy guy, why such a violent game like Shinobi? And is there going to be a Skies of Arcadia sequel?


Noriyoshi Oba: I don't think it's such a violent game! [laughs] The Skies of Arcadia sequel is in the planning stages at the moment.

Source: http://games.kikizo.com/.../soj_int_2003.asp; http://www.n-europe.com/...3881


What if it was in development since 2003?

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I'm all for house of the dead for the wii! I love playing it in the arcades it just takes so much of my money! I can remember havin a house of the dead way back on dreamcast. It would work really well with the wii mote and who is to say that nintendo would not have released that gun attachment for it by then. . . . . .

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