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Issun is the secondary supporting character. Okami Amaterasu is the main character, hence why you play her.


I expected this kind of reply, but Amaterasu doesn't speak and Issun is always with you. So for all purposes, in speech matters, he is the main character cause he does all your talking.

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In that respect though, Navi in Ocarina of Time would be the main character because Link never speaks and she's always with you. But I'm not here to start an argument about the game and who's what in it. I understand your dislikes about it as they are shared with me. I still love it though.

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In that respect though, Navi in Ocarina of Time would be the main character because Link never speaks and she's always with you.


No, because Navi doesn't speak for you. Link does speak, you just don't hear what he says, but the characters respond to him, not to Navi.

When you interact with anyone in Okami, who does the talking? It's Issun. Ami does not speak at all. Hence why I said (and I emphasize the relevant parts now) "in speech matters, he is the main character cause he does all your talking."

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Good thing this thread has been bumped, I was about to do it myself..


I finally found a sealed copy lying in store last week, but I haven't really gotten into it yet (Madworld comes first). Quick question though; During the opening scene, I get some distortion at the bottom, exactly where the subtitles begin (it's "shifted"). Maybe I should take a photo of it next time. Defective copy or is this a known issue? Or a simple case of cleaning the DVD lens (should get that cleaning kit..)?

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I didn't notice any distortion. But then, i may have been totally mesmerised at the time.


I expected this kind of reply,


That'll be because you know you're wrong.


but Amaterasu doesn't speak and Issun is always with you. So for all purposes, in speech matters, he is the main character cause he does all your talking.


Game-wise i'd always argue that the character you're playing is the main character.


Look at Issun's role compared to other media. Yes, he's driving the narrative forward - much like the supporting characters of Han Solo, Hannibal Lecter or James Gordon- but its not his story. He, and they, are not the leads - they're just driving the story onwards.


in speech matters, he is the main character cause he does all your talking.


I don't think this is a valid argument- just what does "in speech matters" mean? Is that a secret term in literature that i'm unaware of? It seems your trying to validate your opinion with a collection of words that could mean something, but ultimately don't. The fact that Luke Skywalker, Clarice Starling and Bruce Wayne have most dialogue is incidental, the fact is its their story thats being told- just like Amaterasu. Its her story.

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  • 4 months later...

Right, picked this up and yes...loving every second of it. One of the best games I've played in years. Until I have now spent around 1hour trying to knock a sodding bear off a ball. I've scoured the net everywhere to find out how to do this. A circle appears, I've traced it perfectly and badly too - infact I've never drawn a more perfect circle.


Online guides say you swipe the bears legs. I've tried this a million times too. (And held Z too). I'm about to give up on this game as it's making me royally pissed off. Stupid fooking controls !!!!!


Anyone? :(

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i remember the part you mean, but can't for the life of me recall how you do it. Its not something i recall having much difficulty with.


I wonder if you have to swipe at the ball instead. There was some oddity to it, i'm sure.


But for the record, the controls are spot on (with the exception of dodge).

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To bring up a point I raised in Wii General. Anyway to skip/speed up the text (not the cut-scenes)? Its SO DAMN SLOW.


For example when you have to swipe the two scarecrows for that guy and if you fail theres three or four bits of dialogue which they slowly scrawl through every time you fail and if you're as big a failure as I am then it get so fucking annoying.

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^ Did you not see my reply in the General Discussion?


Anyway, you can skip the cutscenes with the + button (think you need to press it twice, once to bring up the option and again to activate the skip) and I'm sure that if you are wanting to watch the cutscenes that you can speed through the text by holding either the A or B button, kinda like in Zelda. Sure that's how it works.

Edited by Ganepark32
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Finally did it. Swiped the feet of the bear. Talk about frustrating. Good job every other area of the game seems brilliant. Kinda stupid having a circle of dust around the bear after the guy swipes yet you go for the feet. No wonder my hours of tracing the circle wasn't working.


Games. They really can live and die by stupid design flaws.

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Been playing this a bit (well, it's my brother playing this time really) and compared to the PS2 version (which I fully completed) this really gets me annoyed. Just the drawing of circles and whatnot often fails; I can see why they think it'd be a good idea to draw what is meant to be something Amaterasu is drawing, but it just doesn't feel that great. I much preferred a more stable method of input that didn't seem so hit and miss (scenes where you have to cut/bloom X number of things in sequence without failure are a nightmare).

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^ Did you not see my reply in the General Discussion?


Anyway, you can skip the cutscenes with the + button (think you need to press it twice, once to bring up the option and again to activate the skip) and I'm sure that if you are wanting to watch the cutscenes that you can speed through the text by holding either the A or B button, kinda like in Zelda. Sure that's how it works.


Yeah sorry but im sure pressing and holding didn't work when I tried it...should give it another go. Thanks for your help though :)

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To people having problems drawing circles and swipes etc - try sitting a little closer to the telly. Trust me, it works. I've played loads of games on the Wii that work just fine from where I usually sit, but for some reason Okami requires me to sit closer to the screen. I have had no bother with any of the drawings since doing this.


Worth a shot.

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Ashley, I have the definite answer as to how you speed up the text now. Got hold of a TV and ran Okami. Basically, all you can do is press the B button during speech and it'll speed to the end of that fragment but you have to press it at the start of every speech bubble/fragment. No option to speed it up. Kinda crappy but it does the job ok.




Was also reminded that this doesn't run in true widescreen when playing. My previous TV didn't do proper 16:9 but the one I tried it on today does and I noticed it right away. About an inch and a half of the screen on both the left and right sides are stretched. Strange and kinda makes the experience a bit awkward as it is noticeable. But hey, I've already finished it so I was only playing it leisurely.

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Glad I've only just picked this up tbh. Perfect timing considering I feel there is a current gap in the Wii's 'traditional game' lineup.


This is sublime and reeks of quality (now I have the brush strokes down!) It's on a par with Twilight Princess as a moment of awe on Wii. Truly everyone who likes adventure games should own this absolute gem of a title.


Sublime. And I'm only 10 hours in!

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Just read this speculation on IGN:


Okami Sequel Pops up in Retail Database

Followup could see reveal next week.

by Anoop Gantayat


US, August 27, 2009 - If that whole convenience store thing doesn't work out for them, 7-Eleven could get into the lucrative business of exposing video game sequels in advance of their official unveiling. The latest spoiler concerns a possible sequel to that late life PlayStation 2 masterpiece, Okami.


A 7-Eleven online database made mention today of "Okamiden." This is a name that appeared recently in trademark databases. In Japanese, the kanji characters suggest that this is indeed a sequel to the PS2 title which was later ported to the Wii.


The 7-Eleven listing isn't actually for the game. It's for next week's issue of Famitsu, which, according to the retailer, will have coverage of the game.


If this sounds familiar to you, you might be recalling a similar incident back in late May when a 7-Eleven database listing for an upcoming issue of Famitsu PlayStation mentioned a new Metal Gear game. This was prior to the formal announcement of Rizing and Peace Walker.


The mention of Okamiden comes in a listing for the main Famitsu magazine, which covers all platforms. There's no indication of platform for the game. However, it may be worth noting that the Wii version of the original has been getting considerable attention in Japan of late, where it's due for release in mid October.



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If it's in development, hopefully it's for the Wii from the ground up.


It's the only platform where it makes sense, really. (plus this is a Nintendo forum, I'm always irked by people crying for a PS3/X360 version on Wii Threads; and yes, I'm doing this as a pre-emptive strike)

Just use the original engine for Wii's version, and make a new engine for the HD consoles.
Original engine port is a mess, plus the team who originally did the game doesn't exist anymore which would only add a lot of trial and error again, willst not getting the best results; they'd be better of starting from ground for a new game.


As for the announcement... My bet is that it is a DS game or something.

Edited by pedrocasilva
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If it's in development, hopefully it's for the Wii from the ground up.


It's the only platform where it makes sense, really. (plus this is a Nintendo forum, I'm always irked by people crying for a PS3/X360 version on Wii Threads)


I'm not crying, im a realist :p

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