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Manhunt 2


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Former Rockstar employeee talks about Manhunt:


I didn’t support Manhunt’s release… there was almost a mutiny at the company over that game. It was Rockstar North’s pet project - most of us at Rockstar Games wanted no part of it. We’d already weathered plenty of controversy over GTA3 and Vice City… but Manhunt felt different. With GTA, we always had the excuse that the gameplay was untethered - you never had to hurt anybody that wasn’t a “bad guy” in one of the missions. You could play completely ethically if you wanted, and the game was parody anyway, so lighten up.


Manhunt, though, just made us all feel icky. It was all about the violence, and it was realistic violence. We all knew there was no way we could explain away that game. There was no way to rationalize it. We were crossing a line. That was the beginning of the end of my time with Rockstar. I began to lose faith.



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Oh god! I remember the horrendous pop-up on Body Harvest. Great game though.... wish i had it.


I remember that game...is that the one with massive bugs or something which you have to kill and your a kinda robot man?


That game depressed me and i never really knew what the hell i was doing or where i was going! :laughing:

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"One of baby-faced Harling's favourite games was the notorious Manhunt, where players SLASH and SLICE their victims with meat CLEAVERS, cheese WIRE and CHAINSAWS, or suffocate them with plastic bags."

Well...there are lots of games with knives and swords...and filmswith them too.

Cheese wire - ?Hitman? + films

Chainsaws - Gears of War + films

Plastic Bags - Films


What people don't get is that games don't cause this behaviour, parents and other factors do. All these games do is attract the psychos.



To be honest, I doubt there's anything in Manhunt 2 that hasn't already been in a film, or at least a film hasn't already been close to.

Games are SO over age rated compared to films. It's like a super protective BBFC...more so than making films like the Terminator or Aliens 18s (obvious 15s these days).


But it's more that games which should really be 12s or so are actually 15s (*coughCoDcough*). Not that I've ever taken any notice of game age ratings because I'm not an immature psycho, and my parents are sensible enough to know if I was, and if I was, wouldn't have let me play them.


Mario should be banned tbh:

Eating sweets offered to you by guys in masks??

Setting yourself on fire?

Eating Sweets you find

Eating Mushrooms you find



tut tut Nintendo



Stuart Harling was recently given a life sentence for his random attack on Moss, who he stabbed 72 times - according to the NOTW, "Just like he'd PRACTISED on the PlayStation in his bedroom."

I'm surprised he didn't get an electric shock :heh:


Yeah, anyway, call me a sicko but i'd be glad to know of his mother's death. Irrisponsible people/parents like her don't deserve to live. And to be honest, she should be locked up for manslaughter, she caused the murder indirectly....and she should also punished for child neglect.


I actually can't wait until the Govt./World goes all "Nanny" when it comes to stuff like that about kids.

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From MVC


Rockstar finally appeals BBFC’s Manhunt banTim Ingham Today, 3:40pm

Publisher applied for hearing yesterday


MCV has learnt that Rockstar has lodged an official plea with the Video Appeals Committee over Manhunt 2’s ban – the UK body that has the power to overturn the British Board of Film Classification’s decision to keep the title off shelves.


The publisher notified the VAC yesterday – taking almost the full six weeks allowed to formulate its appeal since the game was rejected by the BBFC on June 19th.


A date will now be set for the VAC’s hearing, which will take into account both the BBFC’s and Rockstar’s position and view demonstrations of the game.



The chairman of the VAC John Woods now has the task of deciding who will hear Rockstar’s appeal – and decide Manhunt 2’s ultimate fate.


The title was rejected by the BBFC for its ‘unremitting bleakness and callousness of tone’.

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Well things have taken an interesting turn Rockstar have taken all of their allocated 6 weeks to appeal I just hope they have a kick ass case to present to them.


I really hope the BBFC are forced to allow certification of this game cos I wanna get it! : peace:

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Well things have taken an interesting turn Rockstar have taken all of their allocated 6 weeks to appeal I just hope they have a kick ass case to present to them.


I really hope the BBFC are forced to allow certification of this game cos I wanna get it! : peace:


It would have to be some case, and it still wouldn't help them with the AO rating in the states.

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Does anyone know if this game is available any where there must be. some countrys that would sell it. How about poland im going there in the not to distant future.


They haven't released it yet mate seeing as it's pretty much banned everywhere. IGN seem to think it could get released at the end of the year, especially as they've just appealed to it.


Basically, if they fail in their appeal they're going to have spend about another $1million just to change the game, and then they'll release it.

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Basically, if they fail in their appeal they're going to have spend about another $1million just to change the game, and then they'll release it.



I think if that is the case, the game will be a very (incredibly) loose version of what it is meant to be...There was no option/recommendation given by the BBFC to make cuts or changes to the game to overturn the ruling.


The irritating thing about this whole game situation is I am sure that the BBFC have reacted on the possibility that minors could get to play the game rather than giving it an age rating like they are supposed to be doing.

The BBFC have allowed snuffing of innocent lives onto the silver screen and video for years, the taboo always seemed to be rape and to my knowledge this does not appear in Manhunt 2.


There is the possibility that BBFC have succumbed to the media hysteria that was generated by murders surrounding the mention of Manhunt and Childsplay etc.

If that is the case, why are we allowing ppl so easily influenced by what they see and hear review and rate titles that could so easily corrupt ones mind ? (My thought for the day)


I hope that R* get the decision that they are looking for with this appeal, but unless someone can draw parallels between video games and what is allowed on video release, I dont think they will get far.

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At the end of the day the biggest reason for this being banned is the BBFC having no confidence or belief in their rating system, so it should be them paying Rockstars costs to "fix" the game for release. It isn't R*'s fault that the BBFC can't govern their field properly.

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