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If you had 3 wishes....


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Happier topic time - if you had three wishes what would they be?


No rules, anything you want :) (except the one stated below)


I wish:


I was the best musician anyone has ever seen.

I could travel the world.

I got rich enough to buy everything i wanted without worrying.


So whats yours? (I'm expecting the obvious game joke ones like - for the wii to own ps3 cos its suxz and crap like that)



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1, To be able to live with Letty

2, Not to have too much money, but not too little (i'm not greedy, just enough to get me by and to be able to buy what i need).

3, Not sure...

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I clicked on 'post reply' and was going to post 3 of my wishes yet now I'm here I can't think of anything. I don't wan't want money or anything like that. I don't want to be famous, I don't want to have a big house or car. The only thing I guess would be to find someone I love and stay with them.

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Guest Stefkov

1. To have a unlimited steady supply of money coming into my bank account.

2. Be able to speak fluent Japanese.

3. Be able to break the space time continuum.


If the third came true then the second wouldn't really be necessary, I could just keep going back in time to learn Japanese.

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I'll keep my simple and fairly attainable.


1. To go out with this girl I like.

2. For the next US president to be sane, and fund the research/putting into place of Hydrogen for obtaining and use as a fuel. (It'll save the planet!)

3. To be happy.


As for the unrealistic ones, for which I would want if I was totally selfish:

1. Be able to fly.

2. Be irresistible to women.

3. Have an unlimited supply of money.

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1. For me, my girlfriend, my family and my friends to become rich, and have enough money to keep us going throughout our lives, and lots extra for nice stuff.

2. To be an amazing artist in all aspects (be it music or design.)

3. World peace and happiness (I know it sounds cheesy, but it'd be cool.)


Sounds good to me. :) *Looks for a magic lamp...*

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umm... id wish for


1. To be happy with the rest of my life - that my parents will be happy for ever ( even tho they arent the happiest at the mo), for my boyfriend to be happy and for me to be happy..

2. To go back to August 2005 where i choose FRENCH AS A FRICKIN A-LEVEL and change to media instead

3. Id also wish for more intelligence (i.e to be smarter - i wish for this all the time) as i do struggle at school more than some people...and to be more intelligent with the more academic subjects like science and stuff - and not the arty waffle like music ( that im actually good at)

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