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Simple if his dog shat on your property then you and everyone in your property should shit on his dog.


But if he retaliates to that, then you've got yourself in a messy situation...

I dont think were the ones that shoudl grow up fields. The one that let his dog shit on my doorstep should....and you

Now then, you never mentioned 'doorstep' in your previous post, you just said he was walking past your house. Bit of a difference there. But even so, don't report him. That's just not cool. Go round to his house and rough him up a bit, that should sort things.

Simple if his dog shat on your property then you and everyone in your property should shit on his dog.



I laughed aloud at that. :red:


Hmm, knowing me, I'd probably just leave it. But, the Rambo in me would infiltrate his property and...give him a good hiding.

i was comin home from doctor's this evenin' when this lad from my school who i hate comes past with his dog (past my house) and lets it do a huge shit on the floor.


i ask him to pick it up and got told to "shove it" to which i replied "ejoy your fine arsewipe".


The fine around her for letting your dog fowl is £200. Should i report him and face the punishment from him and his mates at school or leave it????





How low can you go? Can't you deal with it personally, in the moment? Jesus christ...:nono:

Simple if his dog shat on your property then you and everyone in your property should shit on his dog.


But if he retaliates to that, then you've got yourself in a messy situation...


Best answer here, do that.


yesterday, i emailed my local police station and they said they are going to fine him...YAY!


I dont care if the prat knows its me, maybe he should learn to respect other poeple's property.


Thabkjs to veryone for their suggestions!


Do it, get the **** done in :heh:


I wouldn't do it myself. Well, i would only do it if he makes a habbit out of it but yeah its easy for me to tell you to do it so I will - do it my son lol :heh:


Since when do we control were are dogs poop. Shouldnt of got him fined, the dog doesnt know anyone owns that property, he is part of this world too! let him shit were he wants.

Since when do we control were are dogs poop. Shouldnt of got him fined, the dog doesnt know anyone owns that property, he is part of this world too! let him shit were he wants.


It's not the dog that's the problem it's the owner that doesn't clean it up.

yesterday, i emailed my local police station and they said they are going to fine him...YAY!


I dont care if the prat knows its me, maybe he should learn to respect other poeple's property.


Thabkjs to veryone for their suggestions!

Excellent. The little **** deserved it, you did the right thing I think.

He shouldnt have to clean it up, everybody poo's, and dogs poo anywer they need be.


So you like to see the streets covered in dog poo, making you have to watch every step you take?


Dog poo needs to be cleaned up by the dog owner. Simple as that. And if they don't want to do that then a fine is what they should get.


Be a good neighbour. Bake him a cake from his own dogs turd to apologise for dropping him in it! Add some of you're own if you like...


Simple if his dog shat on your property then you and everyone in your property should shit on his dog.


But if he retaliates to that, then you've got yourself in a messy situation...


im in stitches!


How are they going to fine somebody based on one persons word alone? Not calling you a liar, but it sounds like an easy way for jackasses to screw people over and make claims just to be idiots?


I once started a fight with a guy who dropped litter in front of me. It totally spoiled my day as I was buying a 360 that day with Oblivion. Still, from then on he crossed over the other side when he saw me.

Since when do we control were are dogs poop. Shouldnt of got him fined, the dog doesnt know anyone owns that property, he is part of this world too! let him shit were he wants.


And that's why we're not finning the dog.

How are they going to fine somebody based on one persons word alone? Not calling you a liar, but it sounds like an easy way for jackasses to screw people over and make claims just to be idiots?
Most people aren't dumb enough to make a false claim, lying to the police or local council to end up with a much bigger fine themselves....

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