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When we are dead.

THE ganondorflol

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To answer your questions in order, to reproduce and continue the species, why do we have to be put here, and have you ever heard of gravity?

You're on a completely different level of "why" here. For starters, continuing the species is a catch 22 response. What's the point in continuing something you haven't given me a reason for existing? And why is continuation important, if there's no sole consciousness behind it who thinks that existence is good - then there's no reason to continue the species.


Of course we don't have to be put here, I've got no argument for that, except that one cannot prove it either way.


And gravity is your explanation for the Earth's existence? Why does gravity exist? Note that whatever you respond to that last one with, I'll say: "and why does that exist?" or "and why did that happen?"

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Oh! Okay i think I have it now......I think I'm getting the picture here.


Christians are like Nazi's and Muslim extremists.


Religion is bad.


Not believing in anything is right.


When we die...nothing.





What a load of complete bollox.


Christians are like Nazi's and Muslims in the sense they think they are right.


Religion is an evil trap: once you're in, it's a bitch to get out. You fear that by leaving you may be stuck with eternal damnation.


Not believing in stuff there is no evidence for is perfectly OK.


So what if there is nothing once you are dead? Your not going to miss much. You no longer can think.



And at least atheists can normally spell "bollocks".;)

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Christians are like Nazi's and Muslims in the sense they think they are right.


Religion is an evil trap: once you're in, it's a bitch to get out. You fear that by leaving you may be stuck with eternal damnation.


Not believing in stuff there is no evidence for is perfectly OK.


So what if there is nothing once you are dead? Your not going to miss much. You no longer can think.



And at least atheists can normally spell "bollocks".;)

Oh yeah? Well there's no need to put an apostrophe in "Nazis", so at least us agnostic people know our grammar!


But seriously, I don't know how you people can believe there's nothing and not be scared about it. The idea of not being able to think after you die, you don't know it's happening because you're no longer existing - sure, once it happens there's nothing to worry about. But what about now? Don't you fear the idea that you'll reach the end of your life with regrets? What about the last episode of an amazing show you'll never see, or that you'll never be able to tell a special someone something important. Once it happens, there's nothing you can do about it, choice - what defines humans - is gone forever. The reason to fear it is now, not after the fact.

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Christians are like Nazi's and Muslims in the sense they think they are right.


Religion is an evil trap: once you're in, it's a bitch to get out. You fear that by leaving you may be stuck with eternal damnation.


Not believing in stuff there is no evidence for is perfectly OK.


So what if there is nothing once you are dead? Your not going to miss much. You no longer can think.



And at least atheists can normally spell "bollocks".;)



Well if you think you are right then aren't you just like the Christians / Nazis / Muslims?


As for Religion being an evil trap, well that's your opinion, fair enough.


I'm not arguing that people should believe in something, but that accusing me of being a close-minded brainwashed Christian is petty and childish.


Spelling is for pedants.

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And gravity is your explanation for the Earth's existence? Why does gravity exist? Note that whatever you respond to that last one with, I'll say: "and why does that exist?" or "and why did that happen?"


So basically you're a stupid, immature dickhead.


Gravity exists because it's one of the laws of physics. What it is is that any mass has a pull, proportional to it's size, of other objects towards it. The laws of physics are kinda constant, and before you ask there is evidence for it. Sorry, it's not my fault.

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So basically you're a stupid, immature dickhead.


Gravity exists because it's one of the laws of physics. What it is is that any mass has a pull, proportional to it's size, of other objects towards it. The laws of physics are kinda constant, and before you ask there is evidence for it. Sorry, it's not my fault.

Wow, ok that insulting was a bit unecessary :) I wasn't saying I would sit down like a seven year old and say "why?, why?, why?" - but rather you're not really going back far enough. You're not telling me why physics exist in the first place, or why gravity is there. All you're telling me is what gravity is, how the Earth was formed, rather than "why?". It's quite commonly admitted, even by scientists, that science explains the "how" and not the "why", perhaps you need to remind yourself of the meaning of the word "why"?


To try and explain the difference between the scientific "how" and the "why" that I am after: If I say "Why do I have this computer?" the reason is not "it was created in a few factories, out of plastic and metal, the components were formed brought together and flashed with bits of data and connected up and put in a box and then you bought it". The reason is "one day, you decided you wanted a new computer, so you got one."

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Well if you think you are right then aren't you just like the Christians / Nazis / Muslims?


As for Religion being an evil trap, well that's your opinion, fair enough.


I'm not arguing that people should believe in something, but that accusing me of being a close-minded brainwashed Christian is petty and childish.


Spelling is for pedants.


No, I don't kill people for because I think I'm right.


You can't deny that in the context I gave that religion is an evil trap.


I never, ever called Christianity petty and childish. I am going to call it irrational, illogical, and evil. And you do get some people who are very childish due to Christianity.


Wow, ok that insulting was a bit unecessary :) I wasn't saying I would sit down like a seven year old and say "why?, why?, why?" - but rather you're not really going back far enough. You're not telling me why physics exist in the first place, or why gravity is there. All you're telling me is what gravity is, how the Earth was formed, rather than "why?". It's quite commonly admitted, even by scientists, that science explains the "how" and not the "why", perhaps you need to remind yourself of the meaning of the word "why"?


*Bangs head on keyboard*


I don't know why. Do you?

And before you answer, saying "Yes, it was because magic invisible man in the sky made it!", will make you sound like an idiot. Think about what you are going to say first.

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No, I don't kill people for because I think I'm right.


You can't deny that in the context I gave that religion is an evil trap.


I never, ever called Christianity petty and childish. I am going to call it irrational, illogical, and evil. And you do get some people who are very childish due to Christianity.


I don't kill people either.... What's your point?


I also never said you called Christianity petty and childish. I said I was arguing because I was called brainwashed and close-minded just because I am a Christian. Al-be-it not by you.

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*Bangs head on keyboard*


I don't know why. Do you?

And before you answer, saying "Yes, it was because magic invisible man in the sky made it!", will make you sound like an idiot. Think about what you are going to say first.


Haha! No man! Of course I don't know why, that's the point I'm getting at.


Science can explain a lot, but not everything. I do not follow a religion, I am completely agnostic. While I want to believe in something after death, I simply can't have blind faith in something like Jesus Christ being the son of God, or reincarnation. The only line between this state and my being a total atheist is the fact that I can't believe everything happened for no reason.


I would ask you to keep your insults, even the ones you only imply, to a minimal. I didn't give you an infraction or anything, but I've been in every right to. Don't get worked up over a discussion, or expect me to roll over and say "hey, you're probably right", that's not how a forum works.

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But that is because I am a christian.


Born again?


When you die, you get judged. If you fail (and we all should) its burning lake of sulphur time. However, if you've been wise enough to follow a certain Someone who died for you, then alls dandy and you get to walk the streets of gold for eternity. (I hear it'll be better than playing Wii, imagine!) :smile:

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Haha! No man! Of course I don't know why, that's the point I'm getting at.


Science can explain a lot, but not everything. I do not follow a religion, I am completely agnostic. While I want to believe in something after death, I simply can't have blind faith in something like Jesus Christ being the son of God, or reincarnation. The only line between this state and my being a total atheist is the fact that I can't believe everything happened for no reason.



Fair enough.

Oh, and sorry for the insults, I get people like this every day at school (even some of the teachers), and it annoys me massively. I apologize.

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Oh! Okay i think I have it now......I think I'm getting the picture here.


Christians are like Nazi's and Muslim extremists.


Religion is bad.


Not believing in anything is right.


When we die...nothing.



P.S. Please stop avoiding my arguments/points



What a load of complete bollox.

No...I said they think they're right and it's what they 'believe'. But are you saying extreme muslims aren't brainwashed???


You can't not believe in anything; moron.


When we die, it's not nothing. The electricness & chemicals of the brain stop 'working', we then biodegrade and time goes on...


Well I think your God idea is bollocks too.



But seriously, I don't know how you people can believe there's nothing and not be scared about it. The idea of not being able to think after you die, you don't know it's happening because you're no longer existing - sure, once it happens there's nothing to worry about. But what about now? Don't you fear the idea that you'll reach the end of your life with regrets? What about the last episode of an amazing show you'll never see, or that you'll never be able to tell a special someone something important. Once it happens, there's nothing you can do about it, choice - what defines humans - is gone forever. The reason to fear it is now, not after the fact.

No...it wont matter, because you're dead anyway.



You're not telling me why physics exist in the first place, or why gravity is there. All you're telling me is what gravity is, how the Earth was formed, rather than "why?". It's quite commonly admitted, even by scientists, that science explains the "how" and not the "why", perhaps you need to remind yourself of the meaning of the word "why"?

That stuff just exists and you can't explain it, it's just a force...You can't use the argument of "You're not saying why" because: Why did so called God create the Earth then? etc.

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Why do we exist? God got bored and put us in a game of mass Battle Royale. Originally started with cavemen, the game had a glitch were every one became sex loving hippies and refused to kill.


Meh, no one knows why we exist, but im still going with the majority here. Your brain dies, it means your gone. God didnt put us here, our mothers did.

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It generally means you're a bit close-minded...


Yeah, you're being a bit of a knob here, what with your eletist atheistic stance. In fact, it's you who is being close minded, Conzer is a nice guy, I don't see why you have to label him as the archetypal Christian. In fact, I don't think I actually know any particularly close minded Christians. The fact remains that just because someone is close minded, it doesn't mean that their religion is to blame. In saying this, you're being just as bad as those religious zealots that turn up at your door and don't take no for an answer. Cut it out.

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Do you all honestly believe that? I find it very difficult to comprehend that we just -stop- existing.


I find it difficult to comprehend heaven and hell because lets face it, nobody is good enough to get into heaven (and despite it being accepted repenting sins seems like a cop out to me) and hell is too depressing a thought to acknowledge. If I was to pick any believes it would be the pagen's ones of constant rebirth until you are truely right to be allowed into the Summerlands (been a while since I read the material, so forgive me if thats not quite right)


nope, why? have i accidentally quoted it?


Nope, its just in South Park Satan and Sadamm have a gay love affair.

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My brain will not accept that i will just cease to excist when i die.

That is because the human mind cannot comprehend its own non-existence. That isn't to suggest that it will or won't exist we you die.

Then why were we here in the first place? Who put us here? Why does the Earth exist, with dirt that feeds plants, plants that make air and grow food we can eat... what's the point in the existence of anything (I'm not going to say "the meaning of life", because that's the other thread, but rather the meaning of everything, dead, alive, stone, flesh, molecules and atoms) if it simply stops existing one day?


Also I feel that the human mind is way too complicated to be entirely scientific. Our conscience can't just be something that's defined by electric patterns, nerves and muscles. If everything were scientific, we wouldn't have evolved to have feelings that are of no benefit to our efficiency or self-preservation - like anger, bitterness, sadness, depression, thoughtfulness. All we'd need is a sexual instinct and big claws to fight off predators. I honestly don't think science can explain the human being, which is a grain of hope I have that our minds won't just abruptly disappear when we die.


You're on a completely different level of "why" here. For starters, continuing the species is a catch 22 response. What's the point in continuing something you haven't given me a reason for existing? And why is continuation important, if there's no sole consciousness behind it who thinks that existence is good - then there's no reason to continue the species.


Of course we don't have to be put here, I've got no argument for that, except that one cannot prove it either way.


And gravity is your explanation for the Earth's existence? Why does gravity exist? Note that whatever you respond to that last one with, I'll say: "and why does that exist?" or "and why did that happen?"

I feel you underestimate the power of evolution here. Everything that is alive must be able to propagate itself, or there wouldn't be any more of it left. Additonally, the constant process of reproduction makes adaptation possible. Also, we need a great deal more than a sexual instinct and big claws to fight off predators. If we didn't experience the emotions you mentionned, would we have climbed to the top of the food chain and become the most dominant species? I think not.


Nevertheless, when it comes to questions such as "why does the universe exist?", you have a point. There's no clear way to answer that sort of question, and it's one of the things that makes me an agnostic.

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Also, we need a great deal more than a sexual instinct and big claws to fight off predators. If we didn't experience the emotions you mentionned, would we have climbed to the top of the food chain and become the most dominant species? I think not.
So you're saying that the following emotions helped us up the food chain: anxiety, surprise, guilt, fear, sadness. In what way?


Edit: also, I have a question about evolution - since you obviously know a lot about it (I don't). A lot of people talk about the "modern man" debate and the great leap we have made, and this is constantly improving - why is it that we took tens of thousands of years to get from the first tools to Shakespeare, but we went from having no electricity to talking around the world with handheld plastic phones smaller than our hands in 200 years? This probably seems way off the topic of death now, but in a way - its still the same thing for me. Because my only relief from the certainty of non-existence is that to me, some things really don't add up.

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